Union Regimental Histories




Battery "A", 1st Regiment Light Artillery

First known as Smith's Chicago Light Artillery. Entered State service for three months, April 17, 1861, and moved to Cairo, Ills., with Swift's Cairo Expedition. Capture of steamers C. E. Hillman and J. D. Perry, and seizure of arms and munitions of war bound south, April 25. Duty at Cairo. Ills., until July. Reorganized at Cairo, Ill., for three years, July 16, 1861, as Battery "A," 1st Illinois Light Artillery. Attached to District of Cairo to February, 1862. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, District of Cairo, February, 1862. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, District of Cairo, March, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, Army of the Tennessee, to April, 1862. Artillery, 3rd Division, Army of the Tennessee, to July, 1862. Artillery, 5th Division, District of Memphis, Tenn., to November, 1862. Artillery, 5th Division, Right Wing 15th Army Corps (Old), Dept. of the Tennessee. November, 1862. Artillery, 2nd Division, District of Memphis, Tenn., 13th Army Corps, to December, 1862. Artillery, 2nd Division, Sherman's Yazoo Expedition, to January, 1863. Artillery, 2nd Division, 15th Army Corps, Army of the Tennessee, to November, 1864. Garrison Artillery Nashville, Tenn., to December, 1864. Artillery Reserve, Chattanooga, Tenn., Dept. of the Cumberland, to July, 1865.

SERVICE.--Duty in Military District of Cairo until February, 1862. Operations at Ironton-Fredericktown, Mo., October 12-25, 1861. Engagement at Fredericktown October 21. Expedition from Paducah, Ky., to Fort Henry, Tenn., January 15-25, 1862. Operations against Forts Henry and Heiman, Tenn., February 2-6. Investment and capture of Fort Donelson, Tenn., February 12-16. Expedition to Clarksville and Nashville, Tenn., February 22-March 1. Moved to Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., March 1-10. Battle of Shiloh, Tenn., April 6-7. Advance on and siege of Corinth, Miss., April 29-May 30. March to Memphis, Tenn., June 3-July 21. Duty at Memphis until November. Expedition from Memphis to Coldwater and Hernando, Miss., September 8-13. Grant's Central Mississippi Campaign November-December. "Tallahatchie March," November 26-December 12. Sherman's Yazoo Expedition December 20, 1862, to January 3, 1863. Chickasaw Bayou December 26-28. Chickasaw Bluff December 29. Expedition to Arkansas Post, Ark., January 3-10, 1863. Assault and capture of Fort Hindman, Arkansas Post, January 10-11. Moved to Young's Point, La., January 17, and duty there until March. Expedition to Rolling Fork, via Muddy, Steele's and Black Bayous and Deer Creek, March 14-27. Demonstration on Haines' and Drumgould's Bluffs, April 29-May 2. Movement to join army in rear of Vicksburg, Miss., via Richmond and Grand Gulf, May 2-14. Battle of Jackson, Miss., May 14. Champion's Hill May 16. Siege of Vicksburg, Miss., May 18-July 4. Assaults on Vicksburg May 19 and 22. Surrender of Vicksburg July 4. Advance on Jackson, Miss., July 5-10. Siege of Jackson, Miss., July 10-17. At Big Black until September 26. Movement to Memphis, thence march to Chattanooga, Tenn., September 26-November 20. Operations on Memphis and Charleston R. R. in Alabama October 20-29. Bear Creek, Tuscumbia, October 27. Chattanooga-Ringgold Campaign November 23-27. Tunnel Hill November 23-24. Mission Ridge November 25. March to relief of Knoxville, Tenn, November 28-December 17. At Scottsboro, Ala., until May, 1864. Expedition from Scottsboro toward Rome, Ga., January 25-February 5, 1864. Atlanta (Ga.) Campaign May to September. Demonstration on Resaca May 8-13. Battle of Resaca May 13-15. Advance on Dallas May 18-25. Operations on Pumpkin Vine Creek and battles about Dallas, New Hope Church and Allatoona Hills, May 25-June 5. Operations about Marietta and against Kenesaw Mountain June 10-July 2. Assault on Kenesaw June 27. Nickajack Creek July 2-5. Chattahoochie River July 6-17. Battle of Atlanta July 22. Siege of Atlanta July 22-August 25. Ezra Chapel, Hood's second sortie, July 28. Flank movement on Jonesboro August 25-30. Battle of Jonesboro August 31-September 1. Lovejoy Station September 2-6. Operations in North Georgia and North Alabama against Hood, September 29-October 28. Ordered to Nashville, Tenn., October 28, and garrison duty there and at Chattanooga. Tenn., until June, 1865. Mustered out at Chicago, Ills., July 3, 1865.

Battery lost during service 15 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 22 Enlisted men by disease. Total 37.

Battery "B", 1st Regiment Light Artillery

Organized at Chicago, Ills., for three months' service and mustered into United States service May 2, 1861. Moved to Cairo, Ills., June 1. Duty at Cairo and Bird's Point, Mo., until July. Reorganized for three years' service at Cairo, Ills., July 16, 1861. Attached to Military District of Cairo, Ills., to October, 1861. 3rd Brigade, Military District of Cairo, to February, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, District of Cairo, February, 1862. Artillery, 1st Division, District of West Tennessee and Army of the Tennessee, to April, 1862. Artillery, 5th Division, Army Tennessee, to July, 1862. Artillery, 5th Division, District of Memphis, Tenn., to November, 1862. Artillery, 5th Division, District of Memphis, Right Wing 13th Army Corps (Old), Dept. of the Tennessee, to December, 1862. Artillery, District of Memphis, 2nd Division, 13th Army Corps, December, 1862. Artillery, 2nd Division Sherman's Yazoo Expedition, to January, 1863. Artillery, 2nd Division, 15th Army Corps, Army of the Tennessee, to July, 1864.

SERVICE.--Duty at Cairo, Ills., and Bird's Point, Mo., until February, 1862. Operations about Ironton and Fredericktown, Mo., October 12-25, 1861. Engagement at Fredericktown October 21. Expedition to Belmont November 6-7. Battle of Belmont, Mo., November 7. Reconnaissance of Columbus, Ky., January 10-22, 1862. Operations against Fort Henry, Tenn., February 2-6. Capture of Fort Henry February 6. Investment and capture of Fort Donelson, Tenn., February 12-16. Moved to Savannah, Tenn. Expedition to Yellow Creek and occupation of Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., March 14-17. Battle of Shiloh, Tenn., April 6-7. Corinth Road April 8. Advance on and siege of Corinth, Miss., April 26-May 30. Action at Russell House May 17. March to Memphis, Tenn., June 1-July 21. Duty at Memphis until November. Grant's Central Mississippi Campaign, "Tallahatchie March," November 25-December 14. Sherman's Yazoo Expedition December 20, 1862, to January 3, 1863. Chickasaw Bayou December 26-28. Chickasaw Bluff December 29. Expedition to Arkansas Post, Ark., January 3-10, 1863. Assault and capture of Fort Hindman, Arkansas Post, January 10-11. Moved to Young's Point, La., January 17, and duty there until March. Expedition to Rolling Fork, via Muddy, Steele's and Black Bayous and Deer Creek, March 14-27. Demonstrations on Haines' and Drumgould's Bluffs April 29-May 2. Movement to join army in rear of Vicksburg, Miss., via Richmond and Grand Gulf, May 2-14. Battle of Jackson, May 14. Battle of Champion's Hill May 16. Siege of Vicksburg, Miss., May 18-July 4. Assaults on Vicksburg May 19 and 22. Richmond, La., June 15. Surrender of Vicksburg July 4. At Big Black River until September 26. Movement to Memphis, Tenn., thence to Chattanooga, Tenn., September 26-November 21. Operations on Memphis & Charleston R. R. in Alabama October 20-29. Bear Creek, Tuscumbia, October 27. Chattanooga-Ringgold Campaign November 23-27. Tunnel Hill November 23-24. Mission Ridge November 25. March to relief of Knoxville, Tenn., November 28-December 17. Duty at Larkinsville, Ala., until May, 1864. Atlanta (Ga.). Campaign May 1 to July 12. Demonstrations on Resaca May 8-13. Battle of Resaca May 14-15. Advance on Dallas May 18-25. Battles about Dallas May 25-June 5. Operations about Marietta and against Kenesaw Mountain June 10-July 2. Assault on Kenesaw June 27. Nickajack Creek July 2-5. Chattahoochie River July 6-12. Ordered to the rear for muster out July 12. Mustered out July 23, 1864, expiration of term. Veterans and Recruits transferred to Battery "A," 1st Light Artillery.

Battery lost during service 9 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 17 Enlisted men by disease. Total 27.

Battery reorganized March, 1865, by assignment of Bridges' Independent Battery Light Artillery. Attached to garrison artillery at Nashville, Tenn., Dept. of the Cumberland, to July, 1865. Mustered out July 6, 1865.

Battery "C", 1st Regiment Light Artillery "Houghtailing's"

Organized at Ottawa, Ill., and mustered in October 31, 1861. Ordered to Cairo, Ill. Attached to Military District of Cairo to October, 1861. 3rd Brigade, District of Cairo, to February, 1862. 4th Brigade, 1st Division, District of Cairo, February, 1862. Artillery Division, Army of Mississippi, to April, 1862. Artillery 1st Division, Army Mississippi, to September, 1862. Artillery, 13th Division, Army Ohio, to November, 1862. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, Right Wing 14th Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland, to January, 1863. Artillery, 3rd Division, 20th Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland, to October, 1863. Artillery, 1st Division, 14th Army Corps, to July, 1864. Artillery Brigade, 14th Army Corps, to June, 1865.

SERVICE.--Duty in the Military District of Cairo, Ill., until February, 1862. Operations against New Madrid, Mo., and Island No. 10, Mississippi River, February 28-April 8. Action and capture at Tiptonville April 8. Expedition to Fort Pillow, Tenn., April 13-17. Moved to Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., April 17-23. Advance on and siege of Corinth, Miss., April 29-May 30. Action at Farmington May 3. Reconnaissance toward Corinth May 8. Engagement at Farmington May 9. Occupation of Corinth May 30, and pursuit to Booneville May 31-June 12. Reconnaissance toward Baldwyn June 3. At Corinth until July 21. Moved to Iuka, Miss., July 21, thence to Courtland, Ala., and duty along Memphis and Charleston R. R. until September 3. March to Nashville, Tenn., September 3-12. Action at Columbia September 9. Siege of Nashville September 12-November 7. Repulse of Forrest's attack on Edgefield November 5. Lavergne November 7. Advance on Murfreesboro December 26-30. Battle of Stone's River December 30-31, 1862, and January 1-3, 1863. Duty at Murfreesboro until June. Middle Tennessee or Tullahoma Campaign, June 23-July 7. Occupation of Middle Tennessee until August 16. Passage of Cumberland Mountains and Tennessee River and Chickamauga, Ga. Campaign August 16-September 22. Battle of Chickamauga, Ga., September 19-20. Siege of Chattanooga, Tenn., September 24-November 23. Chattanooga-Ringgold Campaign November 23-27. Mission Ridge November 24-25. At Rossville, Ga., until May, 1864. Atlanta (Ga.) Campaign May 1 to September 8. Rocky Faced Ridge May 8-11. Buzzard's Roost Gap May 8-9. Advance on Dallas May 18-25. Operations on line of Pumpkin Vine Creek and battles about Dallas, New Hope Church and Allatoona Hills May 25-June 5. Operations about Marietta and against Kenesaw Mountain June 10-July 2. Pine Hill June 11-14. Lost Mountain June 15-17. Assault on Kenesaw June 27. Ruff's Station and Vining Station July 4. Chattahoochie River July 6-17. Peach Tree Creek July 19-20. Siege of Atlanta July 22-August 25. Utoy Creek August 5-7. Flank movement on Jonesboro August 25-30. Battle of Jonesboro August 31-September 1. Lovejoy Station September 2-6. Pursuit of Hood into Alabama October 1-26. March to the sea November 15-December 10. Siege of Savannah December 10-21. Campaign of the Carolinas January to April, 1865. Battle of Bentonville, N. C., March 19-21. Occupation of Goldsboro March 24. Advance on Raleigh April 10-14. Occupation of Raleigh April 14. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D.C., via Richmond, Va., April 29-May 20. Grand Review May 24. Moved to Louisville, Ky., June. Mustered out June 14, 1865.

Battery lost during service 15 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 19 Enlisted men by disease. Total 34.

Battery "D", 1st Regiment Light Artillery

Organized at Cairo, Ill., and mustered in July 30, 1861. Ordered to Fort Holt, Ky., September 18, and duty there until February, 1862. Attached to 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, District of Cairo, February, 1862. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, District of West Tennessee, and 1st Division, Army Tennessee, to July, 1862. 1st Division, District of Jackson, Tenn., to November, 1862. District of Jackson, 13th Army Corps (Old), Dept. of the Tennessee, November, 1862. Artillery, 3rd Division, Right Wing 13th Army Corps, to December, 1862. Artillery, 3rd Division, 17th Army Corps, Army of the Tennessee, to November, 1864. Artillery Reserve, Nashville, Tenn., to December, 1864. Garrison Artillery, Clarksville, Tenn. 5th Sub-District, District Middle Tennessee, to July, 1865.

SERVICE.--Operations against Fort Henry, Tenn., February 2-6, 1862. At Fort Henry February 6-12. Investment and capture of Fort Donelson, Tenn., February 12-16. Moved to Savannanh, Tenn., March 5-13, thence to Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., March 23-25. Battle at Shiloh, Tenn., April 6-7. Advance on and siege of Corinth, Miss., April 29-May 30. March to Purdy and Jackson, Tenn., June 5-8, and duty in District of Jackson until November. Grant's Central Mississippi Campaign November 2, 1862, to January 10, 1863. At Memphis, Tenn., until February 20. Moved to Lake Providence, La., February 20-24, thence to Berry's Landing March 16, and to Milliken's Bend April 19. Advance on Bruinsburg and turning Grand Gulf April 25-30. Battle of Port Gibson May 1. Reserve, Raymond May 12. Jackson May 14. Battle of Champion's Hill May 16. Siege of Vicksburg, Miss., May 18-July 4. Assaults on Vicksburg May 19 and 22. Occupation of Vicksburg July 4 to November 6. Stevenson's Expedition to Monroe, La., August 20-September 2. Expedition to Canton October 14-20. Bogue Chitto Creek October 17. Duty at Big Black until February, 1864. Meridian Campaign February 3-March 3. Moved to Cairo, Ill., April 28, thence to Clifton, Tenn., April 30-May 5, March to Huntsville, Ala., May 5-23, thence to Ackworth, Ga., via Decatur and Warrenton, Ala., and Rome and Kingston, Ga., May 28-June 8. Atlanta (Ga.) Campaign June S-September 8. Operations about Marietta and against Kenesaw Mountain June 10-July 2. Assault on Kenesaw June 27. Nickajack Creek July 2-5. Chattahoochie River July 6-17. Leggett's or Bald Hill July 20-21. Battle of Atlanta July 22. Siege of Atlanta July 22-August 25. Flank movement on Jonesboro August 25-30. Battle of Jonesboro August 31-September 1. Lovejoy Station September 2-6. Operations against Hood in North Georgia and North Alabama September 29-November 3. Ordered to Nashville, Tenn., and duty there until December. Battles of Nashville December 15-16. Ordered to Clarksville, Tenn., and duty there until July, 1865. Mustered out July 28, 1865.

Battery lost during service 1 Officer and 7 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 28 Enlisted men by disease. Total 36.

Battery "E", 1st Regiment Light Artillery "Waterhouse's"

Organized at Chicago, Ill., and mustered in December 19, 1861. Moved to Cairo, Ill., February 13, 1862. Attached to District of Cairo, III., to March, 1862. Artillery, 5th Division, Army of the Tennessee, to July, 1862. Artillery, 5th Division, District of Memphis, Tenn., to November, 1862. Artillery, 5th Division, District of Memphis, Tenn., Right Wing 13th Army Corps (Old), Dept. of the Tennessee, November, 1862. Artillery, 1st Division, District of Memphis, Tenn., 13th Army Corps, to December, 1862. Artillery, 8th Division, 16th Army Corps, to March, 1863. Artillery, 3rd Division, 15th Army Corps, to December, 1863. Artillery, 1st Division, 16th Army Corps, to June, 1864. Artillery, 1st Division, Sturgis' Expedition, June, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 16th Army Corps, to December, 1864. Artillery, 1st Division, Detachment Army of the Tennessee, Dept. of the Cumberland, to February, 1865. Artillery Reserve, Dept. of the Cumberland, Chattanooga, Tenn., to July, 1865.

SERVICE.--Duty at Paducah, Ky., until March, 1862. Expedition from Paducah to Tennessee River and operations about Crump's Landing, Tenn., March 8-14. Expedition to Yellow Creek, Miss., and occupation of Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., March 14-17. Battle of Shiloh, Tenn., April 6-7. Advance on and siege of Corinth, Miss., April 29-May 30. March to Memphis, Tenn., via Lagrange, Grand Junction and Holly Springs, June 1-July 21. Duty at Memphis, Tenn., until November. Grant's Central Mississippi Campaign, November 2, 1862, to January 10, 1863. Guard R. R. until March, 1863. Moved to Memphis, thence to Duckport, La., March 12-April 1. Demonstrations on Haines' and Snyder's Bluffs April 25-May 2. Movement to Join army in rear of Vicksburg, via Richmond and Grand Gulf, May 2-14. Jackson, Miss., May 14. Siege of Vicksburg May 18-July 4. Assaults on Vicksburg May 19 and 22. Expedition to Mechanicsburg May 26-June 4. Advance on Jackson, Miss., July 4-10. Siege of Jackson July 10-17. Brandon Station July 19. Camp at Big Black until November. Expedition to Canton October 14-20. Bogue Chitto Creek October 17. Ordered to Memphis, Tenn., November 12, and duty guarding Railroad until January, 1864. Expedition to Tallahatchie River February 5-19. Coldwater Ferry February 8. Near Senatobia February 8-9. Wyatt's February 14. At Memphis until April. Sturgis' Expedition from Memphis to Ripley, Miss., April 30-May 9. Sturgis' Expedition from Memphis into Mississippi June 1-13. Brice's, or Tishamingo Creek, near Guntown, June 10. Smith's Expedition to Tupelo July 5-21. Camargo's Cross Roads, Harrisburg, July 13. Tupelo July 14-15. Old Town, or Tishamingo Creek, July 15. Smith's Expedition to Oxford, Miss., August 1-30. Tallahatchie River August 7-9. Oxford August 9. Abbeville August 23. Moved to Duvall's Bluff, Ark., September 1; thence march through Arkansas and Missouri. Light Artillery Reserve, Dept. of the Cumberland, to July, 1865. Mustered out July 15, 1865.

Battery lost during service 5 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 25 Enlisted men by disease. Total 30.

Battery "F", 1st Regiment Light Artillery

Organized at Camp Butler, Ill., and mustered in February 25, 1862. Ordered to Benton Barracks, Mo., March 15, thence moved to Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., April 1-9. Attached to 3rd Division, Army of the Tennessee, to July, 1862. Artillery, 5th Division, District of Memphis, Tenn., to November, 1862. Artillery, 5th Division, District of Memphis, Right Wing 13th Army Corps (Old), Dept. of the Tennessee, November, 1862. Artillery, 1st Division, 13th Army Corps, to December, 1862. Artillery, 1st Division, 17th Army Corps, to January, 1863. Artillery, 1st Division, 16th Army Corps, to July, 1863. Artillery, 4th Division, 15th Army Corps, to November, 1864. Artillery Reserve, District of Nashville, Tenn., to February, 1865.

SERVICE.--Advance on and Siege of Corinth, Miss., April 29-May 30, 1862. March to Memphis, Tenn., Juno 1-17, and duty there until November. Grant's Central Mississippi Campaign November, 1862, to January, 1863. Duty at Memphis and along Memphis and Charleston R. R. until June, 1863. Ordered to Vicksburg, Miss., June 9. Siege of Vicksburg, Miss., June 16-July 4. Advance on Jackson, Miss., July 4-10. Siege of Jackson July 10-17. Camp at Big Black until September 26. Moved to Memphis, Tenn., thence to Chattanooga, Tenn., September 28-November 21. Operations on Memphis & Charleston R. R. in Alabama October 20-29. Skirmish at Trenton, Ga., November 18. Chattanooga-Ringgold Campaign November 23-27. Tunnel Hill November 23-24. Mission Ridge November 25. March to relief of Knoxville, Tenn., November 28-December 17. At Scottsboro, Ala., until May, 1864. Atlanta (Ga.) Campaign May to September. Demonstrations on Resaca May 9-13. Snake Creek Gap May 10-12. Battle of Resaca May 13-15. Kingston May 19-22. Advance on Dallas May 23-25. Battles about Dallas, New Hope Church and Allatoona Hills May 25-June 5. Operations about Marietta and against Kenesaw Mountain June 10-July 2. Assault on Kenesaw June 27. Nickajack Creek July 2-5. Chattahoochie River July 6-17. Battle of Atlanta July 22. Siege of Atlanta July 22-August 25. Ezra Chapel, Hood's second sortie, July 28. Flank movement on Jonesboro August 25-30. Battle of Jonesboro August 31-September 1. Lovejoy Station September 2-6. Operations in North Georgia and North Alabama against Hood, September 29-November 3. Ordered to Nashville, Tenn., and garrison duty there until February, 1865. Battery discontinued February 22, 1865, and men transferred to other Batteries.

Battery lost during service 1 Officer and 7 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 24 Enlisted men by disease. Total 32.

Battery "G", 1st Regiment Light Artillery

Organized at Cairo, Ill., and mustered in February 28, 1862. Moved to Columbus, Ky., March 18, thence to Island No. 10, Mississippi River. Attached to Flotilla Brigade, Army of Mississippi, to April, 1862. Artillery Division, Army of Mississippi, to July, 1862. Artillery, District of Corinth, Miss., to November, 1862. Artillery, District of Corinth, 13th Army Corps (Old), Dept. of the Tennessee, to December, 1862. Artillery, District of Corinth, 17th Army Corps, to January, 1863. Artillery, District of Corinth, 16th Army Corps, to March, 1863. Artillery, 2nd Division, 16th Army Corps, to November, 1863. Post of Corinth, Miss., 16th Army Corps, to January, 1864. Fort Pickering, District of Memphis, 16th Army Corps, to June, 1864. 1st Brigade, Post and Defenses of Memphis, District of West Tennessee, to December, 1864. Artillery Reserve, District of West Tennessee, to July. 1865.

SERVICE.--Operations against Island No. 10, Mississippi River, and garrison at New Madrid, Mo., March 20-April 11, 1862. Union City, Tenn., March 31. Action and capture at Tipton April 8. Moved to Columbus, Ky., April 11. Expedition to Fort Pillow, Tenn., April 13-17. Moved to Hamburg Landing, Tenn., April 17-22. Advance on and siege of Corinth, Miss., April 29-May 30. Occupation of Corinth and pursuit to Booneville May 30-June 12. Duty at Corinth, Miss., until January, 1864. Battle of Corinth October 3-4, 1862. Moved to Memphis, Tenn., January, 1864, and duty there in the defenses of that city and in the District of West Tennessee until July, 1865. Mustered out July 24, 1865.
Battery lost during service 1 Enlisted man killed and 11 Enlisted men by disease. Total 12.

Battery "H", 1st Regiment Light Artillery

Organized at Chicago, III., and mustered in. February 20, 1862. Moved to St. Louis, Mo., thence moved to Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., April 1-4. Served, unassigned, Army of the Tennessee, April, 1862. Artillery, 5th Division, Army Tennessee, to July, 1862. Artillery, 5th Division, District of Memphis, Tenn., to November, 1862. Artillery, 5th Division, Right Wing 13th Army Corps, Dept. of the Tennessee, November, 1862. Artillery, 1st Division, District of Memphis, 13th Army Corps, to January, 1863. Artillery, 2nd Division, 15th Army Corps, Army of the Tennessee, to September, 1864. Artillery Brigade, 15th Army Corps, to June, 1865.

SERVICE.--Battle of Shiloh, Tenn., April 6-7, 1862. Advance on and siege of Corinth, Miss., April 29-May 30. Russell's House May 17. Occupation of Corinth May 30. March to Memphis June 3 to July 21, and duty there until November. Grant's Central Mississippi Campaign November, 1862, to January, 1863. "Tallahatchie March" November 26-December 13. Moved to Young's Point, La., January, 1863, and duty there until March. Expedition to Rolling Fork, via Muddy, Steele's and Black Bayous and Deer Creek, March 14-27. Demonstration on Haines' and Drumgould's Bluffs April 29-May 2. Movement to join army in rear of Vicksburg, Miss., via Richmond and Grand Gulf, May 2-14. Battle of Champion's Hill May 16. Siege of Vicksburg May 18-July 4. Assaults on Vicksburg May 19 and 22. Advance on Jackson, Miss., July 4-10. Siege of Jackson July 10-17. At Big Black until September 25. Moved to Memphis, Tenn., thence to Chattanooga, Tenn., September 25-November 21. Operations on Memphis & Charleston R. R. in Alabama, October 20-29. Bear Creek, Tuscumbia, October 27. Chattanooga-Ringgold Campaign November 23-27. Tunnel Hill November 24-25. Mission Ridge November 25. Pursuit November 26-27. March to relief of Knoxville, Tenn., November 28-December 13. March to Chattanooga December 13-17, thence to Bridgeport, Ala. Duty at Bridgeport, Bellefonte and Larkinsville, Ala., to May, 1864. Atlanta (Ga.) Campaign May to September. Demonstrations on Resaca May 8-13. Battle of Resaca May 13-15. Advance on Dallas May 18-25. Battles about Dallas, New Hope Church and Allatoona Hills May 25-June 5. Operations about Marietta and against Kenesaw Mountain June 10-July 2. Assault on Kenesaw June 27. Nickajack Creek July 2-5. Chattahoochie River July 6-17. Battle of Atlanta July 22. Siege of Atlanta July 22-August 25. Ezra Chapel July 28. Flank movement on Jonesboro August 25-30. Battle of Jonesboro August 31-September 1. Lovejoy Station September 2-6. Operations against Hood in North Georgia and North Alabama September 29-November 3. March to the sea November 15-December 10. Siege of Savannah December 10-21. Campaign of the Carolinas January to April, 1865. Duck Branch, near Loper's Crossing, S.C., February 2. Salkehatchie Swamp February 3-6. Dillingham's Cross Roads, or Duck Branch, February 3. South Edisto River February 9. North Edisto River February 12-13. Congaree Creek February 15. Columbia February 16-17. Wateree Creek February 22. Battle of Bentonville, N. C., March 20-21. Occupation of Goldsboro March 24. Advance on Raleigh April 10-14. Occupation of Raleigh April 14. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D.C., via Richmond, Va., April 29-May 20. Grand review May 24. Moved to Louisville, Ky., June. Mustered out June 14, 1865.

Battery lost during service 1 Officer and 6 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 27 Enlisted men by disease. Total 34.

Battery "I", 1st Regiment Light Artillery

Organized at Camp Douglas, Chicago, Ill., and mustered in February 10, 1862. Moved to Benton Barracks, Mo., March 1. Thence to Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., April 1-4. Served unattached Army Tennessee, to May, 1862. Artillery, 5th Division, Army of the Tennessee, to July, 1862. Artillery, 5th Division, District of Memphis, Tenn., to November, 1862. Artillery, 5th Division, Right Wing 13th Army Corps (Old), Dept. of the Tennessee, November, 1862. 1st Division, Right Wing, 13th Army Corps, to December, 1862. 1st Division, 17th Army Corps, to January, 1863. 1st Division, 16th Army Corps, to July, 1863. 4th Division, 15th Army Corps, to April, 1864. Artillery Reserve, Nashville, Tenn., to November, 1864. Artillery, 5th Division, Cavalry Corps, Military Division Mississippi, to July, 1865.

SERVICE.--Battle of Shiloh, Tenn., April 6-7, 1862. Advance on and siege of Corinth, Miss., April 29-May 30. Russell House May 17. March to Memphis, Tenn., June 1-July 21, and duty there until November. Central Mississippi Campaign November, 1862, to January, 1863. "Tallahatchie March" November 26-December 12. At Memphis and guarding Railroad until June, 1863. Action at Wall Hill May 11. Moved to Vicksburg, Miss., June 6-11. Siege of Vicksburg June 12-July 4. Advance on Jackson, Miss., July 4-10. Siege of Jackson July 10-17. At Big Black River until September 25. Moved to Memphis, Tenn., thence to Chattanooga, Tenn., September 25-November 23. Operations on Memphis and Charleston R. R. in Alabama October 20-29. Chattanooga-Ringgold Campaign November 23-27. Tunnel Hill November 24-25. Mission Ridge November 25. Pursuit to Graysville November 26-27. March to relief of Knoxville, Tenn., November 28-December 9. At Scottsboro, Ala., until April, 1864. Garrison duty at Nashville, Tenn., until November. Operations in Tennessee and Alabama and Nashville Campaign against Hood November-December. Columbia, Duck River, November 24-28. Franklin November 30. Battle of Nashville, Tenn., December 15-16. Pursuit of Hood to the Tennessee River December 17-19. West Harpeth River December 17. Rutherford Creek December 19. Lynnville and Rockland Creek December 24. Anthony's Gap, near Pulaski, December 25. At Huntsville, Ala.; Florence, Ala.; Eastport, Miss.; Iuka, Miss., and Gravelly Springs, Ala., until July, 1865. Moved to Chicago, Ill., and mustered out July 26, 1865.

Battery lost during service 1 Enlisted man killed and 13 Enlisted men by disease. Total 14.

Battery "K", 1st Regiment Light Artillery

Organized at Shawneetown, Ill., and mustered in January 9, 1862. Ordered to Cairo, Ill., March, 1862. Attached to District of Columbus, Ky., to November, 1862. District of Columbus, Ky., 13th Army Corps (Old), Dept. of the Tennessee, to December, 1862. District of Columbus, Ky., 16th Army Corps, to March, 1863. District of Columbus, Ky., 6th Division, 16th Army Corps, to October, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, 16th Army Corps, to November, 1863. (A section of Battery detached with Grierson's Cavalry Brigade, 13th Army Corps (Old), Dept. of the Tennessee, November, 1862, to March, 1863. 1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, 16th Army Corps, to May, 1863. Cavalry Brigade, 19th Army Corps, Dept. of the Gulf, to July, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, 16th Army Corps, to November, 1863.) 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, 16th Army Corps, to June, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, District of West Tennessee, to November, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 5th Division Cavalry Corps, Military Division Mississippi, to December, 1864.

SERVICE.--Duty at Cairo, Ill.; Paducah, Ky., and in District of Columbus, Ky., until October, 1863. Grant's Central Mississippi Campaign November, 1862, to January, 1863 (Section). Reconnaissance from Lagrange toward Colliersville, Tenn., November 5, 1862 (Section). Action at Ripley, Miss., December 23 (Section). Middleburg and near Bolivar, Tenn., December 24 (Section). At Lagrange and Memphis, Tenn., until April, 1863 (Section). Expedition from Lagrange March 8-13, 1863. Skirmishes at Covington March 9-10 (Section). Grierson's Expedition from Lagrange to Baton Rouge, La., April 17-May 2 (Section). Palo Alto and Okolona, Miss., April 21-22 (Section). Garlandsville, Miss., April 24 (Section). Union Church April 28 (Section). Brookhaven April 29 (Section). Wall's Post Office, La., May 1 (Section). Robert's Ford, Comite River, La., May 2 (Section). Plain's Store, La., May 21 (Section). Siege of Port Hudson, La., May 24-July 9 (Section). Clinton June 3-4 (Section). Jackson Cross Roads June 20 (Section). Moved from Port Hudson, La., to Memphis, Tenn., July 18-28 (Section). Duty at Germantown, Tenn., until November. Operations in North Mississippi and West Tennessee against Chalmers October 4-17. Scout from Germantown to Tullahoma October 22-24. Operations on Memphis & Charleston R. R. November 3-5. Quinn and Jackson's Mills and Collersville November 3. Moscow and Lafayette November 5. Operations on Memphis & Charleston R. R. against Lee's attack November 28-December 10. Saulsbury December 3. Wolf Bridge, near Moscow, December 3-4. Lafayette December 4. Operations against Chalmers and Forest until February, 1864. Colliersville December 27-28, 1863. Smith's Expedition from Colliersville to ekelena and West Point, Miss., February 11-26, 1864. West Point February 20-21. Okolona February 21. Ivey's Hill, near Okolona, February 22. At Germantown and Memphis until July. Smith's Expedition to Tupelo July 5-21. Near Tupelo July 14-15. Smith's Expedition to Oxford, Miss., August 1-30. Tallahatchie River August 7-9. Hurricane Creek and Oxford August 9. Hurricane Creek August 13, 14 and 19. Expedition into Middle Tennessee and North Alabama September 30-November 1. Campaign against Hood in North Alabama and Middle Tennessee November 1-December 10. Shoal Creek, Ala., November 11. On line of Shoal Creek November 16-20. Lawrenceburg November 22. Campbellsville November 24. Columbia, Duck River, November 24-27. Franklin November 30. Mustered out December 10, 1864. Veterans and Recruits transferred to Battery "E," 1st Illinois Light Artillery.

Battery lost while in service 11 Enlisted men by disease.

Battery "K", 1st Regiment Light Artillery (Reorganized)

Reorganized March, 1865, by assignment of Colvin's Independent Battery Light Artillery. Attached to 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, District of East Tennessee, and duty at Cumberland Gap and in District of East Tennessee until July. Mustered out July 15, 1865.

Battery "L", 1st Regiment Light Artillery

Organized at Chicago, Ill., and mustered in February 22, 1862. Duty at Camp Douglas, Chicago, Ill., guarding prisoners until June, 1862, Ordered to Harper's Ferry, W. Va., June 14, thence to New Creek June 24. Attached to Railroad District, Mountain Dept., West Virginia, to July, 1862. Railroad District, 8th Army Corps, Middle Dept., to September, 1862. Railroad District, West Virginia, to January, 1863. Defenses Upper Potomac to March, 1863. 5th Brigade, 1st Division, 8th Army Corps, to June, 1863. Mulligan's Brigade, Scammon's Division, West Virginia, to December, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, West Virginia, to April, 1864. Reserve Division, Harper's Ferry, W. Va., to January, 1865. Unattached, 3rd Division, West Virginia, to April, 1865. Unattached, 2nd Division, West Virginia, to July, 1865.

SERVICE.--Duty at New Creek, Petersburg, Romney, Cumberland, Md., Harper's Ferry and other points in West Virginia guarding line of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, June, 1862, to July, 1865. Action at Ridgville Road, near Petersburg, October 29, 1862. South Fork of the Potomac River November 9, 1862. Expedition to relief of Phillippi and Grafton April 25-27, 1863. Petersburg Gap September 4, 1863. Operations in Hampshire and Hardy Counties, W. Va., December 31, 1863, to January 5, 1864. Folck's Mills August 1, 1864. Attack on Cumberland, Md., August 1. New Creek August 4. Expedition from New Creek to Moorefield November 6-8. Moorefield, near New Creek, November 27-28. (1 Section at Grafton September 27 to November 15, 1864.) Mustered out July 10, 1865.

Battery lost during service 1 Officer and 10 Enlisted men by disease. Total 11.

Battery "M", 1st Regiment Light Artillery

Organized at Camp Douglass, Chicago, Ill., and mustered in August 12, 1862. Moved to Louisville, Ky., September 27, 1862. Attached to District of Louisville, Ky., Dept. of Ohio, to October, 1862. 34th Brigade, 10th Division, Army Ohio, to November, 1862. 34th Brigade, 10th Division, District of West Kentucky, Dept. Ohio, to February, 1863. Reed's Brigade, Baird's Division, Army of Kentucky, Dept. of the Cumberland, to June, 1863. 1st Division, Reserve Corps, Army of the Cumberland, to October, 1863. Artillery, 2nd Division, 4th Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland, to July, 1864. Artillery Brigade, 4th Army Corps, to October, 1864. Unattached Artillery, Dept. of the Cumberland, to November, 1864. Garrison Artillery, Chattanooga, Tenn., to April, 1865. Garrison Artillery, Cleveland, Tenn., Dept. of the Cumberland, to July, 1865.

SERVICE.--At Louisville, Ky., until October 11, 1862. Moved to Lebanon, Ky., October 11, thence to Columbia November 26, and to Lebanon, Ky., December 29. Operations against Morgan in Kentucky December 29, 1862-January 2, 1863. Moved to New Haven January 6, 1863, thence to Louisville, Ky., January 22, and to Nashville, Tenn., January 29-February 7. Moved to Franklin February 12, and duty there until June. Tullahoma Campaign June 23-July 7. At Shelbyville June 29-September 6. Chickamauga (Ga.) Campaign September 6-22. Battle of Chickamauga September 19-21. Rossville Gap September 21. Siege of Chattanooga, Tenn., September 24-November 23. Battles of Chattanooga November 23-25. Orchard Knob, Indian Hill, November 23-24. Mission Ridge November 25. March to relief of Knoxville November 28-December 17. Operations in East Tennessee December, 1863, to April, 1864. Moved to Cleveland, Tenn., April 18, 1864. Atlanta (Ga.) Campaign May to September. Demonstration on Rocky Faced Ridge May 8-11. Buzzard's Roost Gap, or Mill Creek, May 8-9. Battle of Resaca May 14-15. Adairsville May 17. Near Kingston May 18-19. Near Cassville May 19. Advance on Dallas May 22-25. Operations on line of Pumpkin Vine Creek and Battles about Dallas, New Hope Church and Allatoona Hills May 25-June 5. Operations about Marietta and against Kenesaw Mountain June 10-July 2. Pine Hill June 11-14. Lost Mountain June 15-17. Assault on Kenesaw June 27. Ruff's Station July 4. Chattahoochie River July 6-17. Buckhead, Nancy's Creek, July 18. Peach Tree Creek July 19-20. Siege of Atlanta July 22-August 25. Flank movement on Jonesboro August 25-30. Battle of Jonesboro August 31-September 1. Lovejoy Station September 2-6. Duty at Atlanta until November 1. Ordered to Chattanooga November 1. Garrison duty at Chattanooga, Cleveland and Charleston, Tenn., until July, 1865. Moved to Chicago, Ill., July 14 and mustered out July 24, 1865.

Battery lost 4 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 10 Enlisted men by disease, Total 15.

Battery "A", 2nd Regiment Light Artillery

Organized at Peoria, Ill., and mustered into State service May 23, 1861. Moved to Alton, Ill., July 6, thence to St. Charles and Mexico, Mo., and duty in Northern Missouri until August. Ordered to Jefferson Barracks, Mo., and mustered in August 17, 1861. Moved to Jefferson City, Mo., thence to Booneville, Mo., October 1. Attached to Fremont's Army of the West and to Dept. of Missouri to February, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, Army of Southwest Missouri, to May, 1862. Artillery, 3rd Division, Army of Southwest Missouri, to July, 1862. District of Eastern Arkansas, Dept. of Missouri, to December, 1862, and Dept. of the Tennessee to January, 1863. Artillery, 12th Division, 13th Army Corps, Army of the Tennessee, to May, 1863. Artillery, 14th Division, 13th Army Corps, Army Tennessee, to July, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 13th Army Corps, Dept. of the Tennessee, to August, 1863, and Dept. of the Gulf to September, 1863. Artillery, 1st Division, 13th Army Corps, Dept. of the Gulf, to June, 1864. Defenses of New Orleans, La., Dept. of the Gulf, to April, 1865. District of LaFourche, Dept. of the Gulf, to July, 1865.

SERVICE.--Fremont's Campaign against Springfield, Mo., October 21-November 8, 1861. At Ottersville, Mo., until January, 1862. Moved to Lebanon, Mo., January 25. Curtis' advance on Springfield, Mo., January 25-February 11. Pursuit of Price into Arkansas February 14-29. Battle of Pea Ridge, Ark., March 6-8. March to Sugar Creek March 10, thence to Cross Timbers March 15, and over Ozark Mountains to Batesville April 5-May 3. March to Helena, Ark., May 25-July 13. Duty at Helena until March, 1863. Ordered to Milliken's Bend, La., March 20, and duty there until April. Movement on Bruinsburg and turning Grand Gulf April 25-30. Battle of Thompson's Hill, Port Gibson, Miss., May 1. Battle of Champion's Hill May 16. Big Black River May 17. Siege of Vicksburg, Miss., May 18-July 4. Assaults on Vicksburg May 19 and 22. Advance on Jackson, Miss., July 5-10. Siege of Jackson July 10-17. At Big Black until August. Ordered to New Orleans, La., August 20. At Carrollton, Brashear City and Berwick until October. Western Louisiana Campaign October 3-November 30. Duty in District of LaFourche and Defenses of New Orleans, La., until August, 1864. Operations in Mobile Bay against Forts Gaines and Morgan August 2-23. Siege and capture of Fort Gaines August 3-8. Siege and capture of Fort Morgan August 8-23. Duty in the Defenses of New Orleans and District of LaFourche till July, 1865. (1st Section detached in District of Southwest Missouri to October, 1862. Attached to 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, Army of the Frontier, to June, 1863. District of Southeast Missouri. Advance on Fayetteville, Ark., October 11-December 3, 1862. March to relief of Gen. Blount December 3-6. Battle of Prairie Grove, Ark, December 7. At Fayetteville until December 27. Expedition over Boston Mountains to Van Buren, Ark., December 27-29. Duty at various points in Missouri until April, 1863. Operations against Marmaduke April 20-May 2. Moved to Pilot Knob, Mo. Duty in District of Southeast Missouri until July, 1863.) Battery mustered out July 28, 1865.

Battery lost during service 5 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 16 Enlisted men by disease. Total 22.

Battery "B", 2nd Regiment Light Artillery

Organized at Springfield, Ill., June 20, 1861. Attached to Dept. of Missouri to April, 1862. Unattached Artillery, Army of the Tennessee, to May, 1862. Artillery, 4th Division, Army of the Tennessee, to July, 1862. 1st Division, District of Jackson, Tenn., to November, 1862. District of Jackson, 13th Army Corps (Old), Dept. of the Tennessee, to December, 1862. District of Corinth, 17th Army Corps, to January, 1863. District of Corinth, 16th Army Corps, to March, 1863. Artillery, 2nd Division, 16th Army Corps, to November, 1863. Post of Corinth, 16th Army Corps. to January, 1864. Fort Pickering, Post of Memphis, Tenn., to April, 1864. Artillery, 1st Division, 16th Corps, to June, 1864. 2nd Brigade, Sturgis' Expedition, June, 1864. Post of Memphis, Tenn., District of West Tennessee, to July, 1865.

SERVICE.--Duty in Dept. of Missouri until April, 1862. Moved to Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., April 1-4, 1862. Battle of Shiloh, Tenn., April 6-7. Advance on and siege of Corinth, Miss., April 29-May 30. Duty in Districts of Jackson and Corinth until October, 1862. Battle of Corinth October 3-4. Garrison duty at Corinth until January, 1864. Ordered to Memphis, Tenn., January 25, and duty at Fort Pickering, Defenses of Memphis, until June, 1864. Expedition from Memphis to Wyatt's, Miss., February 6-18, 1864. Sturgis' Expedition to Guntown, Miss., June 1-13. Battle of Brice's or Tishamingo Creek, near Guntown, June 10. Duty at Memphis, Tenn., and in District of West Tennessee until July, 1865. Mustered out July 15, 1865.

Battery lost during service 3 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 27 Enlisted men by disease. Total 30.

Battery "C", 2nd Regiment Light Artillery

Organized at Cairo, Ill., August 5, 1861. Attached to District of Cairo, Ill., to March, 1862. District of Columbus, Ky., to November, 1862. District of Columbus, Ky., 13th Army Corps (Old), Dept. of the Tennessee, to December, 1862. District of Columbus, Ky., 6th Division, 16th Army Corps, to June, 1863. 3rd Division, Reserve Corps, Dept. of the Cumberland, to October, 1863. District of Clarksville and Fort Donelson, Tenn., Dept. of the Cumberland, to March, 1865. 5th Sub-District, District of Middle Tennessee, Dept. of the Cumberland, to August, 1865.

SERVICE.--Duty in District of Cairo until March, 1862. Ordered to Fort Donelson, Tenn., and garrison duty there and at Clarksville, Tenn., until August, 1865. Also engaged in mounted scout duty between the Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers. Expedition from Fort Donelson to Clarksville September 5-10, 1862. Action at New Providence September 6. Rickett's Hill, Clarksville, September 7. Near Waverly and Richland Creek October 23. Cumberland Iron Works, Fort Donelson, February 3, 1863. Mustered out August 3, 1865.

Battery lost during service 1 Officer and 3 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 18 Enlisted men by disease. Total 22.

Battery "D", 2nd Regiment Light Artillery

Organized at Cairo, Ill., and mustered in December 17, 1861. Attached to District of Cairo to February, 1862. 1st Division, District of Cairo, February, 1862. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, District of West Tennessee, to April, 1862. Artillery, 1st Division, Army of the Tennessee, to July, 1862. Artillery, 1st Division, District of Jackson, Tenn., to November, 1862. District of Jackson, Tenn., 13th Army Corps (Old), Dept. of the Tennessee, to December, 1862. Artillery, 1st Division, 16th Army Corps, to May, 1863. 2nd Brigade, District of Memphis, Tenn., 5th Division, 16th Army Corps, to December, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, 16th Army Corps, to January, 1864. District of Memphis, Tenn., 16th Army Corps, January, 1864. Artillery, 4th Division, 16th Army Corps, to March, 1864. Decatur, Ala., District of Northern Alabama, Dept. of the Cumberland, to November, 1864.

SERVICE.--Duty at Cairo, Ill., until February, 1862. Expedition from Cairo into Kentucky January 16-21, 1862. Operations against Fort Henry, Tenn., February 2-6. Investment and capture of Fort Donelson, Tenn., February 12-16. Moved to Savannah, thence to Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., March 5-25. Battle of Shiloh, Tenn., April 6-7. Advance on and siege of Corinth, Miss., April 29-May 30. March to Jackson, Tenn., June 5-8, and duty there until November. Grant's Central Mississippi Campaign November and December. Action at Davis Mills, Wolf River, Miss., December 21. Post duty at Grand Junction until January, 1864. Expedition to Senatobia, Miss., May 21-26, 1863. Senatobia May 23. Moved to Memphis, Tenn., thence to Vicksburg, Miss., January, 1864. Meridian Campaign February 3-March 2. Ordered to Decatur, Ala., March, 1864, and duty there until November, 1864. Action at Pond Springs, near Courtland, May 27, and at Decatur June 1. Siege of Decatur October 26-29. Ordered to Louisville, Ky., November 1. Mustered out November 21, 1864. Veterans and Recruits transferred to Battery "K," 2nd Light Artillery.

Battery lost during service 6 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 13 Enlisted men by disease. Total 19.


Source - "A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion" by Frederick H. Dyer (Part 3)

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