Union Regimental Histories




24th Regiment Infantry

Organized at Readville September to December, 1861. Left State for Annapolis, Md., December 9, 1861. Attached to Foster's 1st Brigade, Burnside's Expeditionary Corps., to April, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, Dept. of North Carolina, to January, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, 18th Army Corps, Dept. of North Carolina, to February, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 18th Army Corps, Dept. of the South, to April, 1863. Stevenson's Brigade, Seabrook Island, S.C., 10th Army Corps, Dept. of the South, to July, 1863. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Morris Island, S.C., 10th Army Corps, Dept. of the South, July, 1863. 3rd Brigade, Morris Island, S.C., 10th Army Corps, to September, 1863. St. Augustine, Fla., Dept. of the South, to February, 1864. Jacksonville, Fla., Dept. of the South, February, 1864. 1st Brigade, Hodges' Division, District of Florida, Dept. of the South, to April, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 10th Army Corps, Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to May, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 10th Army Corps, to December, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 24th Army Corps, Dept. of Virginia, to July, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 24th Army Corps, to August, 1865. Dept. of Virginia to January, 1866.

SERVICE.--Burnside's Expedition to Hatteras Inlet and Roanoke Island, N. C., January 6-February 7, 1862. Battles of Roanoke Island February 8. Expedition to Columbia March 8-9, and to New Berne, N. C., March 11-13. Battle of New Berne March 14. Guard, picket and outpost duty at New Berne until January 22, 1863. Reconnaissance toward Beaufort and Expedition to Washington March 20-21, 1862. Company "A" ordered to Washington May 1, and Company "C" to same point May 12. Action at Tranter's Creek June 5. Action at Washington September 6. Expedition from New Berne November 2-12. Rawle's Mills November 2. Demonstration on New Berne November 11. Foster's Expedition to Goldsboro December 11-20. Kinston December 14. Whitehall December 16. Goldsboro December 17. Moved from New Berne to Hilton Head, S. C., January 22-31, 1863; thence to St. Helena Island, S.C., February 9, and duty there until March 27. Moved to Seabrook Island, S.C., March 27-28, and duty there until July 6. Expedition to and operations on James Island, S.C., July 9-16. Battle of Secessionville July 16. Assault on Fort Wagner, Morris Island, S, C., July 18. (Cos. "C," "E," "F" and "I" remained at Seabrook Island until July 16.) Siege of Fort Wagner and Battery Gregg, Morris Island, July 18-September 7. Assault on Rifle Pits August 26. Capture of Forts Wagner and Gregg September 7. Moved to St. Augustine, Fla., September 30-October 4, and duty there until February, 1864. Reconnaissance to St. Johns River November 7-9, 1863. Skirmish near St. Augustine December 30 (Detachment). Veterans on furlough February to April. 1864. Non-Veterans moved to Jacksonville, Fla., February 18, and Provost duty there until April 24. Moved to Gloucester Point, Va., April 24-May 1. Butler operations on south side of James River and against Petersburg and Richmond May 4-28. Port Walthal Junction, Chester Station, May 7. Swift Creek May 9-10. Operations against Fort Darling May 12-16. Drewry's Bluff May 15-16. Bermuda Hundred line May 16-June 20. Port Walthal June 16-17. Siege operations against Petersburg and Richmond June 16, 1864, to April 2, 1865. At Deep Bottom June to August, 1864. Demonstration north of James July 27-28. Strawberry Plains, Deep Bottom, August 14-18. Before Petersburg August 28-September 26. Chaffin's Farm, New Market Heights, September 28-30. Darbytown and New Market Roads October 7. Reconnaissance on Darbytown Road October 13. Non-Veterans mustered out December 4, 1864. Duty at Four-Mile Church before Richmond until December 18, and at Bermuda Hundred until April 8, 1865. Guard duty at Richmond, Va., until January, 1866. Mustered out January 20, 1866.

Regiment lost during service 7 Officers and 90 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 122 Enlisted men by disease. Total 220.

25th Regiment Infantry

Organized at Worcester September 1 to October 31, 1861. Moved to Annapolis, Md., October 31-November 1, and duty there until January 7, 1862. Attached to Foster's 1st Brigade, Burnside's Expeditionary Corps, to April, 1862. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Dept. of North Carolina, to December, 1862. Lee's Brigade, Dept. of North Carolina, to January, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 18th Army Corps, Dept. of North Carolina, to June, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, Defenses of New Berne, N. C., Dept. of North Carolina, to August, 1863. District of the Pamlico, N. C., Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to September, 1863. Defenses of New Berne, N. C., Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to October, 1863. Heckman's Brigade, Newport News, Va., Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to January, 1864. Unattached, United States Forces, Portsmouth, Va., Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to March, 1864. 2nd Brigade, United States Forces, Portsmouth, Va., to April, 1864. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 18th Army Corps, Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to September, 1864. Defenses of New Berne, N. C, District of North Carolina, Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to March, 1865. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, District of Beaufort, N. C., Dept. of North Carolina, to March, 1865. 2nd Brigade Division, District of Beaufort, N. C., Dept. of North Carolina, to April, 1865. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 23rd Army Corps, Dept. of North Carolina, to July, 1865.

SERVICE.--Burnside's Expedition to Hatteras Inlet and Roanoke Island, N. C., January 7-February 7, 1862. Battle of Roanoke Island February 8. Expedition to New Berne March 11-13. Battle of New Berne March 14. Provost duty at New Berne until May 9. Reconnaissance toward Trenton May 15-16. Trenton Bridge May 15. Picket and outpost duty until July. Expedition to Trenton and Pollocksville July 24-28. Guard, picket and outpost duty at New Berne until December 10. Demonstration on New Berne November 11. Foster's Expedition to Goldsboro December 10-20. Kinston December 14. Whitehall December 16. Goldsboro December 17. Duty at New Berne until October, 1863. Demonstration on Kinston March 6-8, Core Creek March 7. Skirmishes at Deep Gully, New Berne, March 13-14. Demonstration on Kinston May 20-23. Gum Swamp May 22. Expedition to Swift Creek July 17-20, and to Winton July 25-31. Moved to Newport News October 16-18 and duty there until January 22, 1864. Moved to Portsmouth January 22, 1864, and duty in the Defenses of that city until April 26. Moved to Yorktown April 26. Butler's operations on south side of the James and against Petersburg and Richmond May 4-28. Occupation of City Point and Bermuda Hundred May 5. Port Walthal, Chester Station, May 6-7. Swift Creek or Arrowfield Church May 9-10. Operations against Port Darling May 12-16. Drury's Bluff May 14-16. Bermuda Hundred front May 17-28. Moved to White House, thence to Cold Harbor May 28-June 1. Battles about Cold Harbor June 1-12; before Petersburg June 15-18. Siege of Petersburg and Richmond June 16 to September 4. In trenches at Bermuda Hundred August 25-September 4. Moved to New Berne, N. C., September 4-10, and duty there until March, 1865. Non-Veterans ordered home October 5, 1864, and mustered out October 20, 1864. Demonstration from New Berne on Kinston December 9-13, 1864. Operations against Goldsboro, N. C., March 3-21. Battle of Wise's Forks March 8-10. Occupation of Kinston March 14. Moved to Goldsboro March 22-23, and duty there until April 3. Advance on Raleigh April 9-13. Occupation of Raleigh April 14. Moved to Greensboro May 3-7, thence to Charlotte May 12-13, and duty there until July 13. Moved to Readville, Mass., July 13-21. Mustered out July 28, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 7 Officers and 154 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 169 Enlisted men by disease. Total 330.

26th Regiment Infantry

Organized at Camp Cameron, Cambridge, August 28, 1861. Moved to Camp Chase, Lowell, September 23, and to Boston November 19. Sailed on Steamer "Constitution" to Ship Island, Miss., November 21, arriving there December 3. Duty at Ship Island until April 15, 1862. Attached to Ship Island Expedition to March, 1862. 2nd Brigade, Dept. of the Gulf, to October, 1862. Defenses of New Orleans, Dept. of the Gulf, to January, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 19th Army Corps, Dept. of the Gulf, to July, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 19th Army Corps, Dept. of the Gulf, to February, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 19th Army Corps, Dept. of the Gulf, to June, 1864. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 19th Army Corps, Dept. of the Gulf, to July, 1864, and Army of the Shenandoah, Middle Military Division, to January, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 19th Army Corps, Army of the Shenandoah, to April, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 1st Provisional Division, Army of the Shenandoah, to April, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, Dept. of Washington, 22nd Army Corps, to June, 1865. Dept. of the South to August, 1865.

SERVICE.--Occupation of Ship Island, Miss., December 3, 1861, to April 15, 1862. Skirmish at Mississippi City March 8, 1862. Movement to the passes of the Mississippi River April 15-18. Operations against Forts St. Phillip and Jackson April 18-28. Occupation of Forts St. Phillip and Jackson April 28 to July --. Moved to New Orleans, La., and duty there until June 20, 1863. Expedition to Pass Manchac and Ponchatoula September 13-15, 1862 (1 Co.). Ponchatoula September 14-15 (1 Co.). Moved to LaFourche Crossing June 20, 1863. Action at LaFourche Crossing, Thibodeaux, June 20-21. Moved to Bontee Station June 26, and to Jefferson Station June 30. Moved to New Orleans July 15, and Provost duty there until August 28. Moved to Baton Rouge August 28-29. Sabine Pass Texas Expedition, September 4-11. At Algiers until September 16. Moved to Brashear City and Berwick City September 16, and to Camp Bisland September 23. Western Louisiana "Teche" Campaign October 3-November 30. At New Iberia until January 7, 1864. Moved to Franklin January 7-9 and duty there until February 24. Moved to New Orleans February 24-25 and duty there until March 22. (Veterans on leave March 22 to May 20.) Camp at Carrollton until June 8. Moved to Morganza June 8 and duty there until July 3. Moved to New Orleans July 3-4, thence to Fortress Monroe and Bermuda Hundred, Va., July 11-21. On the Bermuda Hundred front July 22-28. Demonstration on north side of the James July 28-30. Deep Bottom July 28-29. Moved to Washington, D.C., July 30-August 1; thence to Tennallytown August 1. Sheridan's Shenandoah Valley Campaign August to December. Battle of Opequan, Winchester, September 19. Fisher's Hill September 22. Battle of Cedar Creek October 19. Non-Veterans left front October 19 and mustered out November 7, 1864. Provost duty at Headquarters of Middle Military Division and Army of the Shenandoah at Winchester, until May 1, 1865. Moved to Washington, D.C., May 1-2, and camp there until June 3. Moved to Savannah, Ga., June 3-7, and Provost duty there until August 2. Mustered out August 26, 1865. Moved to Boston, Mass., September 12-18, and there discharged from service.

Regiment lost during service 3 Officers and 61 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 3 Officers and 182 Enlisted men by disease. Total 249.

27th Regiment Infantry

Organized at Springfield and mustered in September 20, 1861. Moved to Annapolis, Md., November 2-5, and duty there until January 6, 1862. Attached to Foster's 1st Brigade, Burnside's Expeditionary Corps, to April, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, Dept. of North Carolina, to July, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to August, 1862. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Dept. of North Carolina, to November, 1862. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, Dept. of North Carolina, to December, 1862. Lee's Brigade, Dept. of North Carolina, to January, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 18th Army Corps, Dept. of North Carolina, to June, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, Defenses of New Berne, N. C., to October, 1863. Heckman's Brigade, Newport News, Va., Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to January, 1864. Unattached, United States Forces, Portsmouth, Va., Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to March, 1864. 2nd Brigade, United States Forces, Portsmouth, Va., to April, 1864. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 18th Army Corps, Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to September, 1864. District of Beaufort, N. C., Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, to January, 1865. Sub-District, New Berne, N. C., Dept. of North Carolina, to March, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, District of Beaufort, Dept. of North Carolina, to March, 1865. District of New Berne, N. C., Dept. of North Carolina, to June, 1865.

SERVICE.--Burnside's Expedition to Hatteras Inlet and Roanoke Island, N. C., January 7-February 7, 1862. Battle of Roanoke Island February 8. Moved to New Berne March 11-13. Battle of New Berne March 14. Duty at New Berne until May; at Batchelor's Creek until June 1, and at New Berne until September 22. Expedition to Trenton and Pollocksville July 24-28. Expedition on Neuse River Road July 28 (Cos. "D," "G" and "H"). Companies "A," "C" and "I" at Washington, N. C., and five Companies at Newport Barracks September 9 to October 30. Expedition from New Berne November 2-12. Kinston Road November 11. Foster's Expedition to Goldsboro December 11-20. Kinston December 14. Whitehall December 16. Goldsboro December 17. Moved to Washington, N. C., January 4-5, 1863, and duty there until April 24. Near Washington February 13. (Cos. "G" and "H" detached for duty at Plymouth January 27 to May 8, then rejoined Regiment at New Berne.) Demonstration on Plymouth March 10-13. Siege of Little Washington March 30-April 20. Rodman's Point April 4-5 (2 Cos.). Moved to New Berne April 24. Expedition toward Kinston April 27-May 1. Dover Road and Wise's Cross Roads April 28. Demonstration on Kinston May 20-23. Gum Swamp May 22. Provost duty at New Berne June 5 to October 1. Expedition to Trenton July 4-8. Quaker Bridge July 6. Expedition to Swift Creek July 17-20, and to Winton July 25-30. Moved to Newport News, Va., October 16-18, thence to Norfolk November 18, and Provost duty there until March 22, 1864. Companies "A," "D" and "K" at Portsmouth, and "F" at Norfolk until April 15. Demonstration against Portsmouth March 4-5. Expedition to Isle of Wight County April 13-15. Smithfield, Cherry Grove, April 14. Camp near Julian Creek until April 26. Moved to Yorktown April 26. Butler's operations on south side of the James and against Petersburg and Richmond May 4-28. Port Walthal Junction, Chester Station, May 6-7. Swift Creek or Arrowfield Church May 9-10. Operations against Fort Darling May 12-16. Drewry's Bluff May 14-16. On Bermuda Hundred front May 17-28. Moved to White House, thence to Cold Harbor May 28-June 1. Battles about Cold Harbor June 1-12. Before Petersburg June 15-18. Siege of Petersburg June 15-August 24. On Bermuda front August 24 to September 17. Moved to Carolina City, N. C., September 17-21, and duty there until November 28. Moved to Beaufort, N. C., November 28; thence to New Berne December 4, and to Plymouth December 7 and duty there until January, 1865. Moved to New Berne January 8-11 and duty there until March 3. Moved to Core Creek March 4. Movements on Kinston March 4-12. Southwest Creek March 7. Wise's Forks March 8-10. Ordered to New Berne March 12 and duty there until June --. Mustered out June 26, 1865. Old members mustered out September 27, 1864.

Regiment lost during service 9 Officers and 128 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 3 Officers and 261 Enlisted men by disease. Total 401.

28th Regiment Infantry

Organized at Cambridge and Boston December 12, 1861. Left State for New York January 11, 1862. Duty at Fort Columbus, New York Harbor, until February 14. Sailed on Steamer "Erickson" for Hilton Head, S.C., February 14, arriving there February 23. Attached to Dept. of the South to April, 1862. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, Dept. of the South, to July, 1862. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to December, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 2nd Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to June, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 2nd Army Corps, to November, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 2nd Army Corps, to June, 1865.

SERVICE.--Moved to Dafuskie Island, S.C., April 7, 1862, and duty there until May --. (Cos. "A" and "K" detached at Jones and Bird Islands April 18-May 6. Cos. "A," "C," "D," "F" and "K" moved to Tybee Island May 12 and duty there until May 28. Cos. "B," "E," "G," "H" and "I" moved to Dafuskie Island and to Hilton Head May 28.) Operations on James Island, S.C., June 1-28. Skirmishes on James Island June 3-4. Battle of Secessionville June 16. Evacuation of James Island June 28-July 7. Moved from Hilton Head to Newport News. Va., July 14-18; thence to Aquia Creek and Fredericksburg August 3-6. Operations in support of Pope August 6-16. Pope's Campaign in Northern Virginia August 16-September 2. Battles of Groveton August 29. Bull Run August 30. Chantilly September 1. Maryland Campaign September-October. Battles of South Mountain September 14. Antietam September 16-17. March to Pleasant Valley September 19-October 2 and duty there until October 25. Movement to Falmouth, Va., October 25-November 19. Battle of Fredericksburg December 12-15. "Mud March" January 20-24, 1863. At Falmouth until April 27. Chancellorsville Campaign April 27-May 6. Battle of Chancellorsville May 1-5. Gettysburg (Pa.) Campaign June 11-July 24. Battle of Gettysburg July 2-4. Advance from the Rappahannock to the Rapidan September 13-17. Bristoe Campaign October 9-22. Auburn and Bristoe October 14. Advance to line of the Rappahannock November 7-8. Mine Run Campaign November 26-December 2. At Stevensburg until May, 1864. Demonstration on the Rapidan February 6-7. Campaign from the Rapidan to the James May-June. Battles of the Wilderness May 5-7; Spottsylvania May 8-12; Po River May 10; Spottsylvania Court House May 12-21. Assault on the Salient May 12. North Anna River May 23-26. On line of the Pamunkey May 26-28. Totopotomoy May 28-31. Cold Harbor June 1-12. Before Petersburg June 16-19. Siege of Petersburg June 16, 1864, to April 2, 1865. Jerusalem Plank Road June 22-23, 1864. Demonstration on north side of the James July 27-29. Deep Bottom July 27-28. Strawberry Plains, Deep Bottom, August 14-18. Ream's Station August 25. Boydton Road, Hatcher's Run, October 27-28. Dabney's Mills, Hatcher's Run, February 5-7, 1865. Watkin's House March 25. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Hatcher's Run or Boydton Road March 31. White Oak Road March 31. Sutherland Station and fall of Petersburg April 2. Sailor's Creek April 6. High Bridge and Farmville April 7. Appomattox Court House April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. At Burkesville until May 2. March to Washington, D.C., May 2-15. Grand Review May 23. Duty at Washington until June 25. Mustered out June 29, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 15 Officers and 235 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 136 Enlisted men by disease. Total 387.

29th Regiment Infantry

Organized at Newport News, Va., December, 1861, from 1st Battalion Massachusetts Infantry (7 Cos.) and 3 new Companies ("F," "G" and "H") organized December 13-17, 1861, which Joined Regiment at Newport News, Va., January 17, 1862. Attached to Newport News, Va., Dept. of Virginia, to May, 1862. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Dept. of Virginia, to June, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 2nd Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to December, 1862, 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to April, 1863. 2nd Brigade. 1st Division, 9th Army Corps, Dept. of the Ohio, to June, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 9th Army Corps, Army of the Tennessee, to August, 1863. 2nd Brigade. 1st Division, 9th Army Corps, Dept. of the Ohio, to March, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Army Corps. Army of the Potomac, May to June, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to July, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 9th Army Corps, to September. 1864. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 9th Army Corps, to July, 1865.

SERVICE.--Duty at Newport News, Va., until May, 1862. Sinking of the "Cumberland" and "Congress" by the Merrimac March 8, 1862. Battle between "Monitor" and "Merrimac" March 9. Occupation of Norfolk and Portsmouth May 10. Duty there until June 2. Moved to Suffolk, thence to Portsmouth and White House Landing June 6-7. March to Fair Oaks June 8. Near Seven Pines June 15. Fair Oaks June 24. Seven days before Richmond June 25-July 1. Gaines' Mill June 27. Peach Orchard and Savage Station June 29. White Oak Swamp and Glendale June 30. Malvern Hill July 1. At Harrison's Landing until August 16. Movement to Fortress Monroe, thence to Alexandria and Centreville August 16-30. Cover retreat of Pope's army from Bull Run August 31-September l. Battle of Antietam, Md., September 16-17. At Harper's Ferry, W. Va., until October 29. Advance up Loudoun Valley and movement to Falmouth October 29-November 19. Battle of Fredericksburg December 12-15. "Mud March" January 20-24, 1863. Moved to Newport News February 12-14, thence moved to Kentucky March 21-26. Duty at Paris, Ky., until April 26. Moved to Nicholasville, Lancaster and Stanford April 27-29. March to Somerset May 6-8. Movement through Kentucky to Cairo, Ill., June 4-10; thence to Vicksburg, Miss., June 14-17. Siege of Vicksburg June 17-July 4. Advance on Jackson, Miss., July 4-10. Siege of Jackson July 10-17. At Milldale until August 12. Moved to Covington, Ky., August 12-23. Burnside's Campaign in East Tennessee August to October. Action at Blue Springs October 10. At Lenois until November 14. Knoxville Campaign November-December. Campbell's Station November 16. Siege of Knoxville November 17-December 4. Pursuit of Longstreet December 7-28. Operations in East Tennessee until March, 1864. Veterans march to Nicholasville. Ky., March 21-31; thence moved to Covington, Ky.; Cincinnati, Ohio, and to Boston, Mass., March 31-April 9. On furlough until May 16. Moved to Washington, D.C.; thence to Belle Plain, Va., March 16-20. Joined Army of the Potomac May 28. Non-Veterans attached to 36th Massachusetts Infantry February 1 to May 16. Rapidan Campaign May-June. Totopotomoy May 28-31. Cold Harbor June 1-12. Bethesda Church June 1-3. Before Petersburg, June 15-19. Siege of Petersburg June 16, 1864, to April 2, 1865. Mine Explosion, Petersburg, July 30, 1864. Weldon Railroad August 18-21. Poplar Springs Church, Peeble's Farm, September 29-October 2. Reconnaissance on Vaughan and Squirrel Level Roads October 8. Boydton Plank Road, Hatcher's Run, October 27-28. Fort Stedman March 25, 1865. Assault on and fall of Petersburg April 2. Occupation of Petersburg April 3. Moved to Washington, D.C., April 21-28. Grand Review May 23. Provost duty at Washington and Alexandria until July. Mustered out July 29, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 4 Officers and 53 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 4 Officers and 95 Enlisted men by disease. Total 156.

30th Regiment Infantry

Organized as "Eastern Bay State Regiment" at Camp Chase, Lowell, by Gen. B. F. Butler, December 31, 1861. Moved to Boston January 2, 1862. Mustered into United States service as 30th Massachusetts Infantry January 4, 1862. Sailed from Boston on steamer "Constitution" for Fortress Monroe, Va., January 13, arriving January 16; thence sailed for Ship Island, Miss., February 6, arriving there February 12, and duty there until April 15. (Co. "K" Joined March 9.) Attached to 3rd Brigade, Dept. of the Gulf, to October, 1862. Defenses of New Orleans to January, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 19th Army Corps, Dept. of the Gulf, to August, 1863. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 19th Army Corps, Dept. of the Gulf, to July, 1864, and Army of the Shenandoah, Middle Military Division, to March, 1865. 1st Brigade, 1st Provisional Division, Army of the Shenandoah, to April, 1865. Dept. of Washington to June, 1865. Dept. of the South to December, 1865.

SERVICE.--Operations against Forts St. Phillip and Jackson, Mississippi River, April 15-28, 1862. Occupation of Fort St. Phillip April 28. Moved to New Orleans April 29-30. Occupation of New Orleans May 1. Expedition to New Orleans & Jackson Railroad May 9-10. Moved to Baton Rouge May 30-31. Expedition from Baton Rouge June 7-9. Williams' Expedition to Vicksburg, Miss., and operations in that vicinity June 18-July 23. Ellis Cliff June 22. Hamilton Plantation, near Grand Gulf, June 24. Moved to Baton Rouge July 23-26, and duty there until August 21. Battle of Baton Rouge August 5. Moved to Carrollton August 21-22, and duty there until November 4, Garrison duty at New Orleans until January 13, 1863. Moved to Baton Rouge January 13-14. Expedition to Port Hudson March 7-27. Operations against Port Hudson May 12-24. Monett's Plantation and on Bayou Sara Road May 18-19. Plain's Store May 24. Siege of Port Hudson May 24-July 9. Assaults on Port Hudson May 27 and June 14. Surrender of Port Hudson July 9. Cox's Plantation, Donaldsonville, July 12-13. Camp at Baton Rouge August 1-September 2. Sabine Pass Expedition September 4-11. Moved from Algiers to Brashear City September 16, thence to Berwick and to Camp Bisland September 26. Western Louisiana ("Teche") Campaign October 3-November 30. At New Iberia, until January 7, 1864, and at Franklin until February 18. Veterans on leave February 18-May 3. Moved to New Orleans May 3-16, and to Morganza June 13. Moved to New Orleans, thence to Fortress Monroe, Va., and Washington, D.C., July 2-13. Snicker's Gap Expedition July 14-23. Sheridan's Shenandoah Valley Campaign August to December. Battle of Opequan, Winchester, September 19. Fisher's Hill September 22. Mr. Jackson September 23-24. Battle of Cedar Creek October 19. Duty at Winchester, Kernstown and Stephenson's Depot until April 1, 1865. Moved to Washington, D.C., April 21-22, and duty there until June 1. Grand Review May 23-24. Moved to Savannah, Ga., June 2-6, thence to Georgetown, S.C., June 13, and to Florence June 27. To Sumpter July 9. Duty in 3rd Sub-District Eastern South Carolina until December. Mustered out December 1, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 4 Officers and 57 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 341 Enlisted men by disease. Total 404.

31st Regiment Infantry

"Western Bay State Regiment," organized at Pittsfield, November 20, 1861, to February 20, 1862. Duty at Camp Chase, Lowell, until February, 1862. Moved to Boston February 19, thence sailed on steamer "Mississippi" for Ship Island, Miss. Detained at Hilton Head, S.C., repairing vessel, March 1-13. Arrived at Ship Island March 23, and duty there until April 18. Attached to 2nd Brigade, Dept. of the Gulf, to October, 1862. Sherman's Division, Dept. of the Gulf, to January, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, 19th Army Corps, Dept. of the Gulf, to July, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 19th Army Corps, Dept. of the Gulf, to December, 1863. 4th Brigade, Cavalry Division, Dept. of the Gulf, to June, 1864. Defenses of New Orleans to September, 1864. 1st Brigade, Cavalry Division, Dept. of the Gulf, to October, 1864. Defenses of New Orleans to March, 1865. 1st Brigade, Lucas' Cavalry Division, Steele's Command, Military Division West Mississippi, to April, 1865. District of Mobile, Ala., to September, 1865.

SERVICE.--Operations against Forts St. Phillip and Jackson, Mississippi River, April 18-28, 1862. Moved to New Orleans April 29-30. Occupation of New Orleans May 1. (The first Union Regiment to enter city.) Provost duty at New Orleans until August. Garrison duty at Forts St. Phillip and Jackson until January, 1863. (3 Cos. at Fort Pike until September, 1863. Rejoined Regiment September 9.) Skirmish at Bayou Bontecou November 21, 1862, and Deserted Station December 10. Moved to Carrollton January, 1863, and duty there until March 6. Moved to Baton Rouge March 6-7. Expedition to Port Hudson March 7-27. Moved to Algiers April 1, thence to Berwick City April 9. Operations in Western Louisiana April 9-May 14. Teche Campaign April 11-20. Fort Bisland April 12-13. March from Opelousas to Alexandria and Simsport May 5-18. Moved to Bayou Sara, thence to Port Hudson May 22-25. Siege of Port Hudson May 25-July 9. Skirmish at Thompson's Creek May 25 (Detachment). Assaults on Port Hudson May 27 and June 14. Expedition to Clinton June 3-8. Surrender of Port Hudson July 9. Moved to Baton Rouge July 11, thence to Donaldsonville July 15-August 1. Moved to Baton Rouge September 1 and duty there until December 9. Moved to New Orleans December 9 and there converted into a Cavalry Regiment known as 6th Massachusetts Cavalry. Bonfonca November 26. Duty at Carrollton until February 29, 1864. March to Berwick Bay and Brashear City February 29-March 9. Red River Campaign March 10-May 22. Advance to Alexandria March 11-26. Bayou Rapides March 20. Monett's Ferry and Cloutiersville March 29-30. Natchitoches March 31. Crump's Hill, Piney Woods, April 2. Wilson's Farm April 7. Bayou de Paul, Carroll's Mill and Sabine Cross Roads April 8. Pleasant Hill April 9. Monett's Bluff, Cane River Crossing, April 23. Hudnot's Plantation May 1. Near Alexandria May 2-9. Retreat to Morganza May 13-20. Near Alexandria May 14. Mansura May 16. Near Moreauville May 17. Yellow Bayou May 18. At Morganza until July 3. Expedition to the Atchafalaya May 30-June 6. Expedition to Tunica Bend June 19-21. Moved to New Orleans July 3. Veterans absent on furlough July 21 to September 19. Non-Veterans guard prisoners at New Orleans until September--. Duty in Defenses of New Orleans until March, 1865. Non-Veterans mustered out November 19, 1864. Ordered to Donaldsonville November 27, and operating against guerrillas until February, 1865. Operations near Hermitage Plantation December 14, 1864, to January 5, 1865. Expedition from Plaquemine to the Park January 26 to February 4 (Detachment). Skirmish at the Park February 4 (Detachment). Consolidated to a Battalion of five Companies. Ordered to Carrollton February 9, 1865; thence moved to Barrancas, Fla., March 6-9. March to Fort Blakely, Mobile Bay, March 20-April 1. Siege of Fort Blakely April 1-9. Occupation of Mobile April 12 and duty there until September. Mustered out September 9, 1865. Moved to Boston September 11-24, and discharged September 30, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 52 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 3 Officers and 150 Enlisted men by disease. Total 205.

32nd Regiment Infantry

Organized as a Battalion of 6 Companies for garrison duty at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, November 25, 1861. Duty at Fort Warren until May, 1862. Moved to Washington, D.C., May 26-28. Attached to Military district of Washington to July, 1862. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to September, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Army Corps, to October, 1864.

SERVICE.--At Capital Hill, Defenses of Washington, until June 24, 1862. Moved to Harrison's Landing, Va., June 25-July 3. (1 Co. Join at Harrison's Landing July 23, and 3 Cos. at Minor's Hill, Va., September 4, 1862.) At Harrison's Landing until August 15. Movement to Fortress Monroe, thence to Centreville August 15-28. Pope's Campaign in Northern Virginia August 28-September 2. Battle of Bull Run August 30. Battle of Antietam, Md., September 16-17. Blackford's Ford September 19. At Sharpsburg, Md., until October 30. Reconnaissance to Smithfield, W. Va., October 16-17. Movement to Falmouth October 30-November 19. Battle of Fredericksburg, Va., December 12-15. Expedition to Richards' and Ellis Fords December 29-30. "Mud March" January 20-24, 1863. At Falmouth until April 27. Chancellorsville Campaign April 27-May 6. Battle of Chancellorsville May 1-5. Gettysburg (Pa.) Campaign June 11-July 24. Battle of Gettysburg July 1-4. Pursuit of Lee July 5-24. At Warrenton and Beverly Ford until September 17. At Culpeper until October 11. Bristoe Campaign October 11-22. Advance to line of the Rappahannock November 7-8. Mine Run Campaign November 26-December 2. At Bealeton, Va., until May, 1864. Campaign from the Rapidan to the James May-June. Battles of the Wilderness May 5-7; Laurel Hill May 8; Spottsylvania May 8-12; Spottsylvania Court House May 12-21. Assault on the Salient May 12. North Anna River May 23-26. Jericho Mills May 23. On line of the Pamunkey May 26-28. Totopotomoy May 28-31. Cold Harbor June 1-12. Bethesda Church June 1-3. Before Petersburg June 16-18. Siege of Petersburg June 16, 1864, to April 2, 1865. Mine Explosion, Petersburg, July 30, 1864 (Reserve). Six-Mile House, Weldon Railroad, August 18-21. Poplar Springs Church September 29-October 2. Boydton Plank Road, Hatcher's Run, October 27-28. Expedition to Weldon Railroad December 7-12. Dabney's Mills, Hatcher's Run, February 5-7, 1865. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Lewis Farm, near Gravelly Run, March 29. White Oak Road March 31. Five Forks April 1. Appomattox Court House April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. March to Washington, D.C., May 1-12. Grand Review May 23. Duty at Washington until June 29. Mustered out June 29, and discharged July 11, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 5 Officers and 139 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 143 Enlisted men by disease. Total 289.

33rd Regiment Infantry

Organized at Springfield August 6, 1862. Moved to Washington, D.C., August 14-17. Attached to Military District of Washington to October, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 11th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to October, 1863, and Army of the Cumberland to April, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, 20th Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland, to June, 1865.

SERVICE.--Duty in the Defenses of Washington, D. C., and Provost at Alexandria, Va., until October 10, 1862. Moved to Fairfax Station October 10, thence to Fairfax Court House and duty there until November 1. Moved to Warrenton, thence to Germantown November 1-20. March to Fredericksburg December 10-15. Camp at Falmouth until January 20, 1863. "Mud March" January 20-24, 1863. At Falmouth until April 27. Chancellorsville Campaign April 27-May 6. Battle of Chancellorsville May 1-5. Brandy Station and Beverly Ford June 9. Gettysburg (Pa.) Campaign June 11-July 24. Battle of Gettysburg July 1-4. At Bristoe Station August 3-September 24. Movement to Bridgeport, Ala., September 24-October 3. March along line of Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad to Lookout Valley, Tenn., October 25-28. Battle of Wauhatchie, Tenn., October 28-29. Chattanooga-Ringgold Campaign November 23-27. Tunnel Hill November 24-25. Mission Ridge November 25. March to relief of Knoxville November 28-December 17. Duty in Lookout Valley until May, 1864. Atlanta (Ga.) Campaign May to September. Demonstration on Rocky Faced Ridge May 5-11. Buzzard's Roost Gap May 8-9. Battle of Resaca May 14-15. Cassville May 19. Advance on Dallas May 22-25. Battle of New Hope Church May 25. Operations on line of Pumpkin Vine Creek and battles about Dallas, New Hope Church and Allatoona Hills May 25-June 5. Operations about Marietta and against Kenesaw Mountain June 10-July 2. Pine Hill June 11-14. Lost Mountain June 15-17. Gilgal or Golgotha Church June 15. Muddy Creek June 17. Noyes Creek June 19. Kolb's Farm June 22. Assault on Kenesaw June 27. Ruff's Station or Smyrna Camp Ground July 4. Chattahoochie River July 5-17. Duty as Division Train Guard July 17 to August 27. Battle of Peachtree Creek July 19-20. Siege of Atlanta July 22-August 25. Operations at Chattahoochie River Bridge August 26-September 2. Occupation of Atlanta September 2-November 15. March to the sea November 15-December 10. Siege of Savannah December 10-21. Campaign of the Carolinas January to April, 1865. Lawtonville, S. C, February 2. Skirmish, Raleigh Road, near Fayetteville, N. C., March 14. Averysboro March 16. Battle of Bentonville March 19-21. Occupation of Goldsboro March 24. Advance on Raleigh April 10-13. Occupation of Raleigh April 14. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D.C., via Richmond, Va., April 29-May 20. Grand Review May 24. Duty at Washington until June 11. Mustered out June 11 and discharged from service July 2, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 7 Officers and 104 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 77 Enlisted men by disease. Total 188.

34th Regiment Infantry

Organized at Worcester August 1, 1862. Moved to Washington, D.C., August 15-17. Attached to Military District of Washington and Alexandria to February, 1863. Tyler's Brigade, District of Alexandria, 22nd Army Corps, Dept. of Washington, to April, 1863. 2nd Brigade, DeRussy's Division, Defenses South of the Potomac, 22nd Army Corps, to June, 1863. Martindale's Command, Garrison of Washington, 22nd Army Corps, to July, 1863. 1st Brigade, Maryland Heights Division, Dept. of West Virginia, to December, 1863. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Dept. of West Virginia, to January, 1864. Unattached, 1st Division, West Virginia, to April, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, West Virginia, to June, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, West Virginia, to December, 1864. 1st Brigade, Independent Division, 24th Army Corps, Army of the James, to June, 1865.

SERVICE.--At Arlington Heights, Va., until August 22, 1862. Moved to Alexandria, Va., August 22, and duty on line of Orange & Alexandria Railroad until September 10. At Fort Lyon, Defenses of Washington, D.C., September 15, 1862, to June 2, 1863. Provost and guard duty in Washington until July 9. Moved to Maryland Heights July 9. Occupation of Harper's Ferry, W. Va., July 14. Duty at Harper's Ferry and Bolivar until December 10. Action at Berryville. October 18. Raid to Harrisonburg December 10-24. At Harper's Ferry until February 1, 1864. Operations in Hampshire and Hardy Counties, W. Va., January 27-February 7. Moved to Cumberland, Md., February 15. Return to Harper's Ferry, thence moved to Monocacy, Md., March 5, to Martinsburg, W. Va., March 7 and to Harper's Ferry April 2. Moved to Martinsburg, W. Va., April 17. Sigel's Expedition from Martinsburg to New Market April 13-May 16. Rude's Hill May 14. New Market May 14-15. Advance to Staunton May 24-June 5. Piedmont, Mount Crawford, June 5. Occupation of Staunton June 6. Hunter's Raid on Lynchburg June --. Lynchburg June 17-18. Retreat to the Gaul June 18-29. Moved to the Shenandoah Valley July 5-17. Snicker's Ferry July 17-18. Kernstown or Winchester July 23-24. Martinsburg July 25. Sheridan's Shenandoah Valley Campaign August to December. Berryville September 3. Battle of Opequan, Winchester, September 19. Fisher's Hill September 22. Cedar Creek October 13. Battle of Cedar Creek October 19. Duty at Kernstown until December. Moved to Washington, D.C., thence to Bermuda Hundred, Va., December 19-23. Siege operations against Richmond and Petersburg December 25, 1864, to April 2, 1865. In trenches north of the James before Richmond until March, 1865. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Assault on and fall of Petersburg April 2. Pursuit of Lee April 3-9. Rice's Station April 6. Appomattox Court House April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. March to Lynchburg April 12-15, thence to Farmville and Burkesville Junction April 15-19, and to Richmond April 22-25. Duty there until June. Mustered out June 16, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 7 Officers and 128 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 132 Enlisted men by disease. Total 269.

35th Regiment Infantry

***I have received information via e-mail that this regiment was actually organized in Boston and Chelsea, with its' training taking place at Camp Lynnfield. This update is provided for your information as it contradicts the information presented below from our original source.***

Organized at Worcester August 1, 1862. Left State for Washington, D.C., August 22. Attached to 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to April, 1863; Dept. of the Ohio to June, 1863; Amy of the Tennessee to August, 1863, and Dept. of the Ohio to April, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to May, 1864. Acting Engineers, 1st Division, 9th Army Corps, to July, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 9th Army Corps, to September, 1864. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 9th Army Corps, to June, 1865.

SERVICE.--March into Maryland September 6-12, 1862. Battles of South Mountain, Md., September 14, and Antietam September 16-17. Duty at Pleasant Valley until October 27. Movement to Falmouth, Va., October 27-November 19. Warrenton, Sulphur Springs, November 15. Battle of Fredericksburg December 12-15. "Mud March" January 20-24, 1863. At Falmouth until February 19. Moved to Newport News, Va., February 19, thence to Covington, Ky., March 26-30. Moved to Paris April 1, and to Mr. Sterling April 3. To Lancaster May 6-7, thence to Crab Orchard May 23, and to Stanford May 25. Movement to Vicksburg, Miss., June 3-14. Siege of Vicksburg June 14-July 4. Advance on Jackson, Miss., July 5-10. Siege of Jackson July 10-17. At Milldale until August 6. Moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, August 6-14. At Covington, Ky., until August 18. March to Nicholasville August 18-25, and to Crab Orchard September 9-11. March over Cumberland Mountains to Knoxville, Tenn., thence to Lenoir Station October 2-29. Knoxville Campaign November 4-December 23. At Lenoir Station until November 14. Campbell's Station November 16. Siege of Knoxville November 17-December 4. Pursuit of Longstreet December 5-19. Operations in East Tennessee until March 20, 1864. Movement to Annapolis, Md., March 20-April 7. Rapidan Campaign May-June. Battles of the Wilderness May 5-7; Spottsylvania May 8-12; Ny River May 10; Spottsylvania C. H. May 12-21. Assault on the Salient May 12. North Anna River May 23-26. On line of the Pamunkey May 26-28. Totopotomoy May 28-31. Cold Harbor June 1-12. Bethesda Church June 1-3. Before Petersburg June 16-18. Siege of Petersburg June 16, 1864, to April 2, 1865. Mine Explosion, Petersburg, July 30, 1864. Weldon Railroad August 18-21. Poplar Springs Church September 29-October 2. Boydton Plank Road, Hatcher's Run, October 27-28. Fort Stedman March 25, 1865. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Assault on and fall of Petersburg April 2. Occupation of Petersburg April 3. March to Farmville April 4-10. Moved to City Point, thence to Alexandria April 20-28, Grand Review May 23. Mustered out June 9, and discharged from service June 27, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 10 Officers and 138 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 100 Enlisted men by disease. Total 249.


Source - "A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion" by Frederick H. Dyer (Part 3)

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