Union Regimental Histories
1st Regiment Cavalry (44th Volunteers)
Companies "A," "B," "C," "D," "E," "F" and "G" organized at Camp Curtin, Pa., and mustered into State service July and August, 1861. Moved to Camp Jones, near Washington, D.C., August. Companies "H," "I" and "K" organized at Camp Wilkins, Pittsburgh, August, 1861. Joined Regiment at Washington. Company "L" organized as an Independent Company July 30, 1861. On duty at Baltimore until January, 1862; then Joined Regiment. Company "M" organized as an Independent Company August 5, 1861. At Baltimore, Md., until October 3, 1861; then on eastern shore of Maryland under Lockwood picketing and scouting until January, 1862; then Joined Regiment. Regiment attached to McCall's Division, Army of the Potomac, to March, 1862. Cavalry, McDowell's 1st Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to April, 1862. Bayard's Cavalry Brigade, Dept. of the Rappahannock, to June, 1862. Bayard's Cavalry Brigade, 3rd Army Corps, Army of Virginia, to September, 1862. Bayard's Brigade, Cavalry Division, Army of the Potomac, to January, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac, to June, 1863. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac, to June, 1865.
SERVICE.--Reconnaissance to Leesburg, Va., October 20, 1861. Reconnaissance to Hunter's Mills October 20 (Detachment). Expedition to Dranesville November 26-27. Action at Dranesville November 27. Expedition to Gunnell's Farm December 6. Action at Dranesville December 20 (Cos. "C," "D," "E," "H" and "I"). At Camp Pierpont until March, 1862. Companies "L" and "M" Join Regiment January 7. Advance on Manassas, Va., March 10-15. McDowell's advance to Falmouth April 9-17. Reconnaissance to Falmouth April 17-19. Falmouth April 19. Rappahannock River May 13 (Cos. "F," "G," "H," "L" and "M"). Strasburg and Staunton Road June 1-2. Mount Jackson June 3. New Market June 5. Harrisonburg June 6. Battle of Cross Keys June 8. Harrisonburg June 9. Scouting on the Rappahannock June-July. Reconnaissance to James City July 22-24. Skirmish at Madison Court House July 23. Slaughter House August 8. Battle of Cedar Mountain August 9. Pope's Campaign in Northern Virginia August 16-September 2. Stevensburg, Raccoon Ford and Brandy Station August 20. Fords of the Rappahannock August 21-23. Special duty at General Pope's Headquarters August 22-30. Thoroughfare Gap August 28 (Cos. "I" and "M"). Gainesville August 28. Battle of Bull Run August 29-30. Germantown August 31. Centreville and Chantilly August 31. Chantilly September 1. Fairfax Court House September 2. Battle of Antietam, Md., September 16-17. Scout to Warrenton September 29. Aldie and Mountsville October 31. Salem, New Baltimore and Thoroughfare Gap November 4. Warrenton November 6. Rappahannock Station November 7, 8 and 9. Battle of Fredericksburg, Va., December 12-15. Picket near King George Court House until January, 1863. "Mud March" January 20-24. (Co. "H" at Headquarters of 6th Corps February 22 to August 15.) Picket duty from Falmouth to Port Conway until April 26. Chancellorsville Campaign April 26-May 8. Oak Grove April 26. Rapidan Station May 1. (Co. "H" at Chancellorsville May 1-5.) Stoneman's Raid May 27-April 8. Brandy Station or Fleetwood and Beverly Ford June 9. Aldie June 17. Special duty at Corps Headquarters June 28. Battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-3. Emmettsburg, Md., July 4. Guarding Reserve Artillery July 5-10. Companies "A" and "B" advance for 6th Army Corps from Gettysburg to Hagerstown, Md., July 5-10. Old Antietam Forge, near Leitersburg, July 10. Near Harper's Ferry, W. Va., July 14. Shepherdstown July 15-16. Picket near Warrenton July-August. Rixeyville and Muddy Run August 5. Wilford's Ford August 9 (Detachment). Carter's Run September 6. Scout to Middleburg September 10-11. Advance from the Rappahannock to the Rapidan September 13-17. Culpeper Court House September 13. Near Auburn October 1 (Detachment). Bristoe Campaign October 9-22. Warrenton or White Sulphur Springs October 12-13. Auburn and Bristoe October 14. Brentsville October 14. Advance to line of the Rappahannock November 7-8. Rappahannock Bridge November 7-8. Mine Run Campaign November 26-December 2. New Hope Church November 27. Expedition to Turkey Run Station January 1-4, 1864. Scout to Piedmont February 17-18. Campaign from the Rapidan to the James May 4-June 12. Todd's Tavern May 5, 6, 7 and 8. Corbin's Bridge May 8. Sheridan's Raid May 9-24. New Castle and Davenport May 9. North Anna River May 9-10. Ashland May 11. Ground Squirrel Church and Yellow Tavern May 11. Brook's Church, Richmond Fortifications, May 12. Milford Station May 21. On line of the Pamunkey May 26-28. Haw's Shop May 28. Totopotomoy May 28-31. Cold Harbor May 28-31. Sumner's Upper Bridge June 2. Sheridan's Trevillian Raid June 7-24. Trevillian Station June 11-12. Newark or Mallory's Cross Roads June 12. White House or St. Peter's Church June 21. Black Creek or Tunstall's Station June 21. St. Mary's Church June 24. Hope Church June 24. Bellefield July. Warwick Swamp July 12. Demonstration north of the James July 27-29. Malvern Hill and Gaines Hill July 28. Lee's Mills July 30. Demonstration north of James River August 13-20. Gravel Hill August 14. Malvern Hill August 16. Strawberry Plains August 16-18. Dinwiddie Road, near Ream's Station, August 23. Ream's Station August 25. Old members mustered out September 9. Consolidated to a Battalion of five Companies September 9. Belcher's Mills September 17. Poplar Springs Church September 29-October 2. Arthur's Swamp September 30-October 1. Charles City Cross Roads October 1. Hatcher's Run October 27-28. Reconnaissance toward Stony Creek November 7. Stony Creek Station December 1. Hicksford Raid December 7-12. Bellefield December 9-10. Dabney's Mills, Hatcher's Run, February 5-7, 1865. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Dinwiddie Court House March 30-31. Five Forks April 1. Amelia Springs April 5. Sailor's Creek April 6. Farmville April 7. Appomattox Court House April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. Expedition to Danville April 23-29. Moved to Washington, D.C. Grand Review May 23. Consolidated with 6th and 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry to form 2nd Provisional Cavalry June 17, 1865.
Regiment lost during service 9 Officers and 87 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 104 Enlisted men by disease. Total 201.
1st Regiment Provisional Cavalry
Organized at Cloud's Mills, Va., June 17, 1865, by consolidation of 2nd and 20th Pennsylvania Cavalry. Duty at Cloud's Mills until July. Mustered out July 13, 1865.
Organized at Harrisburg, Pa., July 13, 1863. Attached to Dept. of the Susquehanna. Mustered out August 21, 1863.
2nd Regiment Cavalry (59th Volunteers)
Organized at Philadelphia and Harrisburg, Pa., September, 1861, to April, 1862. Seven Companies dismounted, left State for Baltimore. Md., April 1, 1862. Five Companies Joined at Baltimore April 14, 1862. Moved to Washington, D.C., April 25, and camp on Capital Hill until June 27. Attached to Sturgis' Command, Military District of Washington, to August, 1862. Buford's Cavalry Brigade, 2nd Army Corps, Army of Virginia, to September, 1862. Price's Cavalry Brigade, Defenses of Washington, to March, 1863. 2nd Brigade, Stahel's Cavalry Division, 22nd Army Corps, to June, 1863. Provost Guard, Army of the Potomac, to December, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac, to February, 1865. Provost Guard, Army of the Potomac, to June, 1865.
SERVICE.--Duty in Defenses of Washington, D. C., until July 27, 1862. Moved to Warrenton, thence to Madison Court House, Va., July 27-August 5. Action at Wolftown August 7. Battle of Cedar Mountain August 9. Pope's Campaign in Northern Virginia August 16-September 2. Chantilly September 1. Reconnaissance to Thoroughfare Gap and Aldie September 16. Antietam September 16-17. Ashby's Gap September 22. Duty in the Defenses of Washington, D.C., until June, 1863. Reconnaissance to Snicker's Ferry and Berryville November 28-30. Berryville November 30. Frying Pan, near Chantilly, December 27-28. Occoquan December 29. Mrs. Violet's and Seleman's Ford, near Occoquan, March 22, 1863 (Detachment). Expedition from Gainesville June 7-8 (Detachment). Headquarters Guard for General Meade June 29. Battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-3. Provost duty at Gettysburg July 5-7. Old Antietam Forge, South Mountain, Md., July 10. Provost Guard duty with Army of the Potomac until December. Bristoe Campaign October 9-22. Near Bealeton October 22. Fayetteville October 23. Advance to line of the Rappahannock November 7-8. Mine Run Campaign November 26-December 2. New Hope Church November 27. Parker's Store November 29. Expedition to Luray December 21-23. Luray December 23. Campaign from the Rapidan to the James May-June, 1864. Todd's Tavern May 5, 6, 7 and 8. Sheridan's Raid to James River May 9-24. North Anna River May 9-10. Ground Squirrel Church and Yellow Tavern May 11. Brook's Church, Fortifications of Richmond, May 12. Line of the Pamunkey May 26-28. Totopotomoy May 28-31. Haw's Church May 28. Cold Harbor May 31-June 1. Sheridan's Trevillian Raid June 7-24. Louisa Court House June 10. Trevillian Station June 11-12. White House or St. Peter's Church June 21. Black Creek or Tunstall's Station June 21. Germantown June 22. St. Mary's Church June 24. Charles City Cross Roads June 29. Warwick Swamp and Jerusalem Plank Road July 12. Demonstration on north side of the James at Deep Bottom July 27-29. Malvern Hill July 28. Warwick Swamp July 30. Demonstration north of James River at Deep Bottom August 13-20. Gravel Bill August 14. Strawberry Plains August 16-18. Deep Bottom and Malvern Hill August 18. Dinwiddie Road, near Ream's Station, August 23. Ream's Station August 25. Belcher's Mills September 17. Poplar Springs Church September 29-October 2. Arthur's Swamp September 30-October 1. Boydton Plank Road, Hatcher's Run, October 27-28. Reconnaissance toward Stony Creek November 7. Stony Creek Station December 1. Expedition to Hicksford December 7-11. Belle field December 8. Dabney's Mills, Hatcher's Run, February 5-7, 1865. On provost duty, Army of the Potomac, until June, 1865. Fall of Petersburg April 2. Pursuit of Lee April 3-9. Appomattox Court House April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. March to Washington, D.C., May. Grand Review May 23. Consolidated with 20th Pennsylvania Cavalry June 17, 1865, to form 1st Provisional Cavalry.
Regiment lost during service 6 Officers and 52 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 193 Enlisted men by disease. Total 253.
2nd Regiment Provisional Cavalry
Organized at Cloud's Mills, Va., June 17, 1865, by consolidation of 1st, 6th and 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry. Mustered out at Lebanon, Ky., August 7, 1865.
3rd Regiment Cavalry (60th Volunteers) "Young's Kentucky Light Cavalry"
Organized at Philadelphia July and August, 1861. Moved to Washington, D.C., August, 1861. Attached to Porter's Division, Army of the Potomac, to March, 1862. Cavalry, 3rd Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to July, 1862. 1st Brigade, Cavalry Division, Army of the Potomac, to August, 1862. 5th Brigade, Pleasanton's Cavalry Division, to November, 1862. Averill's Cavalry Brigade, Centre Grand Division, Army of the Potomac, to February, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac, to June, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac, to March, 1864. Headquarters, Army of the Potomac, Provost Marshal General's Command, to May, 1865.
SERVICE.--Duty in the Defenses of Washington, D. C., until March, 1862. Skirmish at Magruder's Ferry September 16, 1861. Springfield Station September 27. Hunter's Mills or Vienna November 26 (Co. "F"). Vienna December 3 (Cos. "F" and "M"). Advance on Manassas, Va., March 10-15, 1862. Reconnaissance to Cedar Run March 14-16. Moved to the Virginia Peninsula March 22-30. Howard's Mills April 4. Near Cockletown April 4 (Co. "A"). Warwick Road April 5. Siege of Yorktown April 5-May 4. Cheese Cake Church May 4. Near Williamsburg May 4. Battle of Williamsburg May 5. Expedition to James River May 25-26 (Detachment Co. "I"). Battle of Seven Pines, Fair Oaks, May 31-June 1. New Market Road June 8 (Cos. "D," "K"). Seven days before Richmond June 25-July 1. Savage Station June 29. James River Road near Fair Oaks June 29-30 (Detachment). Jones' Bridge and Jordan's Ford June 30. White Oak Church July 1. Malvern Hill July 2. Reconnaissance toward White Oak Church July 10. Reconnaissance to Jones' Ford July 31, and to Malvern Hill August 2-8. Sycamore Church August 3. White Oak Swamp Bridge August 4. Malvern Hill August 5. Warrenton August 26. Battle of Antietam, Md., September 16-17. Sharpsburg September 19. Shepherdstown Ford September 19. Harper's Ferry September 27. Four Locks, Md., October 9. Reconnaissance to Smithfield October 16-17. Bloomfield November 2-3. Markham Station November 4. Manassas Gap November 5-6. Newby's Cross Roads November 9. Newby's Cross Roads near Amissville November 10. Near Hartwood Church November 28. Reconnaissance to Grove Church December 1. Battle of Fredericksburg December 12-15. Expedition to Richard's and Ellis' Fords, Rappahannock River, December 29-31. Operations at Rappahannock Bridge and Grove Church February 5-7, 1863. Hartwood Church February 25. Kelly's Ford March 17. Chancellorsville Campaign, Stoneman's Raid, April 27-May 8. Near Dumfries May 17 (Detachment). Brandy Station or Fleetwood, Stevensburg and Beverly Ford June 9. Aldie June 17. Upperville June 21. Aldie June 22. Lisbon or Poplar Springs June 29. Westminster June 30. Battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-3. Emmettsburg July 4. Old Antietam Forge near Leitersburg July 10. Near Harper's Ferry July 14. Shepherdstown September 15-16. Scouting and picketing Upper Rappahannock July to September. Scout to Middleburg September 10-11. Advance from the Rappahannock to the Rapidan September 13-17. Culpeper Court House September 13. Near Catlett's Station October 6 (Detachment). Bristoe Campaign October 9-22. Warrenton or White Sulphur Springs October 12-13. Auburn and Bristoe October 14. Brentsville October 14. Advance to line of the Rappahannock November 7-8. Vine Run Campaign November 26-December 2. New Hope Church November 27. Ellis Ford December 3. Scout to Piedmont February 17-18, 1864. Sprigg's Ford February 28 (Co. "L"). Campaign from the Rapidan to the James May-June, 1864. Battles of the Wilderness May 5-7; Spottsylvania May 8-12; Spottsylvania C. H. May 12-21; Guinea Station May 21; North Anna River May 23-26. On line of the Pamunkey May 26-28. Totopotomoy May 28-31. Cold Harbor June 1-12. Before Petersburg June 16, 1864, to April 2, 1865. Assaults on Petersburg June 16-18, 1864. Charles City Cross Roads June 29. Consolidated to a Battalion of three companies July 27, 1864. Non-Veterans on duty in Cumberland Valley until mustered out August 24, 1864. Reconnaissance to Hatcher's Run December 9-10. Hatcher's Run December 9. Dabney's Mills, Hatcher's Run, February 5-7, 1865. Fall of Petersburg April 2. Pursuit of Lee to Appomattox C. H. April 3-9. Provost duty at Richmond May 4-8. Transferred to 5th Pennsylvania Cavalry May 8, 1865.
Regiment lost during service 1 Officer and 41 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 125 Enlisted men by disease. Total 169.
3rd Regiment Provisional Cavalry
Organized at Cumberland, Md., June 24, 1865, by consolidation of 18th and 22nd Pennsylvania Cavalry. Duty at Clarksburg, W. Va., until October, 1865. Mustered out October 31, 1865.
4th Regiment Cavalry (64th Volunteers)
Organized at Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh August to October, 1861. Ordered to Washington, D.C. Attached to Defense's of Washington, D.C., until May, 1862. McCall's Division, Dept. of the Rappahannock, to June, 1862. McCall's Division, 5th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to July, 1862. 1st Brigade, Cavalry Division, Army Potomac, to September, 1862. 3rd Brigade, Pleasanton's Cavalry Division, Army Potomac, to November, 1862. Averill's Cavalry Brigade, Center Grand Division, Army Potomac, to February, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, Cavalry Corps, Army Potomac, to June, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, Cavalry Corps, Army Potomac, to August, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, Cavalry Corps, Army Potomac, to July, 1865.
SERVICE.--Provost duty at Washington, D.C., until May 10, 1862. (Cos. "A," "B" escort to Gen. Keys December 28, 1861, to February 25, 1862.) Joined McDowell at Fredericksburg May, 1862, and scouting on the Rappahannock until June 14. Moved to the Virginia Peninsula, arriving at White House June 24. Companies "A," "G," "H" and "K" ordered to Yorktown, Va., June 25. Seven days before Richmond June 25-July 1. Meadow Bridge near Mechanicsville June 26. Mechanicsville June 26. Gaines' Mill, Cold Harbor, June 27. Reconnaissance to Bottom's Bridge June 28. Rear guard to Army Potomac June 29. Glendale or Nelson's Farm June 30. Malvern Hill July 1. Reconnaissance to Charles City C. H. July 2-3. At Harrison's Landing until August 16. Reconnaissance from Harrison's Landing July 11 and July 29 (Co. "F"). Rear Guard to Yorktown August 16-18. Duty at Yorktown until August 25. Reached Washington, D.C., September 4. Maryland Campaign September-October. Battles of South Mountain September 14, and Antietam September 16-17. Sharpsburg September 19. Shepherdstown Ford September 19. Kearneysville and Shepherdstown, W. Va., October 15-16 (Detachment). Scout to Smithfield October 16-17 (Detachment). Hedgesville October 20 and 22. Hillsboro and Lovettsville Road October 21. Bloomfield, Union and Upperville November 2-3. Ashby's Gap November 3. Markham Station November 4. Manassas Gap November 5-6. Jefferson November 7. Little Washington November 8. Duty near Hartwood Church until December. Gaines' Cross Roads November 10. Waterloo November 14. Battle of Fredericksburg December 12-15. Scout to Catlett's Station and Brentsville December 21-23 (Detachment). Expedition to Richard's and Ellis' Fords, Rappahannock River, December 29-30. "Mud March" January 20-24, 1863. Operations at Rappahannock Bridge and Grove Church February 5-7. Hartwood Church February 25. Kelly's Ford March 17 and 29. Chancellorsville Campaign, Stoneman's Raid, April 29-May 8. Passage of Kelly's Ford April 29. Raccoon Ford April 30. Ely's Ford May 2. Stevensburg, Brandy Station and Beverly Ford June 9. Aldie June 17. Middleburg June 18-19. Upperville June 21. Hanover, Pa., June 30. Battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-3. Green Oak July 5. Near Harper's Ferry July 14. Shepherdstown July 15-16. Scouting until September. Corbin's Cross Roads September 1. Advance from the Rappahannock to the Rapidan September 13-17. Culpeper C. H. September 13. Near Culpeper C. H. October 1. Bristoe Campaign October 9-22. James City October 10-11. Near Warrenton October 11. Warrenton or White Sulphur Springs October 12-13. Jeffersontown October 12. Auburn and Bristoe Station October 14. St. Stephen's Church October 14. Advance to line of the Rappahannock November 7-8. Mine Run Campaign November 26-December 2. Brentsville November 26. New Hope Church and Catlett's Station November 27. Brentsville November 29. (Cos. "A," "F" at Bull Run Bridge November, 1863, to January 20, 1864.) Scout to Middleburg January 22-24, 1864 (Detachment). Kilpatrick's Raid on Richmond February 28-May 4. Beaver Dam Station February 29. Brook's Turnpike March 1 (Veterans on furlough March 25-April 25. At Camp Stoneman until May 12, and Joined Army Potomac May 19.) Campaign from the Rapidan to the James May-June, 1864. Sumner's Bridge May 3. Todd's Tavern May 5-8. Sheridan's Raid to James River May 9-24. North Anna River May 9-10. Ground Squirrel Church and Yellow Tavern May 11. Glen Allen Station May 11. Brook Church or Richmond Fortifications May 12. Line of the Pamunkey May 26-28. Haw's Shop May 28. Totopotomoy May 28-31. Cold Harbor May 31-June 1. Sumner's Upper Bridge June 2. Sheridan's Trevillian Raid June 7-24. Elliott's Mills June 8. Trevillian Station June 11-12. White House or St. Peter's Church June 21. Black Creek or Tunstall Station June 21. St. Mary's Church June 24. Siege of Petersburg June, 1864, to April, 1865. Charles' Cross Roads June 29. Warwick Swamp July 12. Demonstration on north side of the James July 27-29. Malvern Hill July 28. Warwick Swamp July 30. Demonstration north of the James at Deep Bottom August 13-20. Gravel Hill August 14. Strawberry Plains August 16-18. White Oak Swamp August 18. Weldon Railroad August 18-21 (Detachment). Dinwiddie Road near Ream's Station August 23. Ream's Station August 25. Reconnaissance to Poplar Springs Church September 13. Reconnaissance toward Dinwiddie C. H. September 15. Belcher's Mills September 17. Ream's Station September 29. Poplar Springs Church September 29-October 2. Arthur's Swamp September 30-October 1. Boydton Plank Road, Hatcher's Run, October 27-28. Reconnaissance to Stony Creek November 7. Stony Creek Station December 1. Hicksford Expedition December 7-12. Bellefield December 8. High Hill December 10. Rowanty Creek February 5, 1865. Dabney's Mills, Hatcher's Run, February 5-7. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Lewis Farm near Gravelly Run March 29 (Co. "C"). Dinwiddie C. H. March 30-31. White Oak Road March 31 (Co. "C"). Five Forks April 1. Paine's Cross Roads and Amelia Springs April 5. Sailor's Creek April 6. Farmville April 7. Appomattox Court House April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. Expedition to Danville April 23-29. Expedition after Extra Billy Smith May 20-22. At Lynchburg until June 10. Mustered out July 1, 1865.
Regiment lost during service 9 Officers and 89 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 3 Officers and 257 Enlisted men by disease. Total 358.
5th Regiment Cavalry (65th Volunteers) "Cameron Dragoons"
Organized at Philadelphia July to September, 1861. Moved to Washington, D.C., August 22, 1861. Attached to Smith's Division, Army Potomac, to March, 1862. Unattached, 4th Army Corps, Army Potomac, to December, 1862. West's Advance Brigade, 4th Corps, Dept. Virginia, to June, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 4th Army Corps, Dept. of Virginia, to July, 1863. Wistar's Brigade, Yorktown, Va., Dept. Virginia and North Carolina, to August, 1863. U.S. Forces, Portsmouth, Va., Dept. Virginia and North Carolina, to December, 1863. District Currituck, Dept. Virginia and North Carolina, to January, 1864. Heckman's Division, 18th Army Corps, Dept. Virginia and North Carolina, to April, 1864. 2nd Brigade, Cavalry Division, Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, Army of the James, to May, 1864. 1st Brigade, Kautz's Cavalry Division, Dept. Virginia and North Carolina, to April, 1865. Cavalry Brigade, Dept. of Virginia, to July, 1865. Richmond, Va., District Henrico, Dept. Virginia, to August. 1865.
SERVICE.--Duty in the Dept. of Washington, D.C., until May 8, 1862. Reconnaissance to Pohick Church,Va., December 18, 1861 (Cos. "C," "F," "H"). Flint Hill and Hunter's Mill February 7, 1862. Fairfax C. H. February 6. Expedition to Vienna and Flint Hill February 22. Duty near Alexandria until May. Ordered to Yorktown, Va., May 8. Scouting about Gloucester Point May 10 (Cos. "A," "B," "E" and "L"). Scouting about Williamsburg May 12. Skirmishes at Mechanicsville May 23-24. Seven days before Richmond June 25-July 1 (Cos. "I," "K"). Savage Station June 29. White Oak Swamp Bridge June 30. Malvern Hill July 1. Reconnaissance from Yorktown to Gloucester, Matthews and King and Queen Counties July 7-9 (Cos. "B," "E," "L," "M"). Duty at Yorktown and Williamsburg until September 8, 1863. Williamsburg and Fort Magruder September 9, 1862. Reconnaissance from Yorktown to Gloucester, Matthews, King and Queen and Middlesex Counties December 11-15. Reconnaissance to Burnt Ordinary December 17. Expedition to West Point and White House January 7-9, 1863 (Detachment). Burnt Ordinary January 19. Near Olive Creek Church February 5 (Cos. "L," "M"). Williamsburg and Olive Branch Church February 7. Williamsburg March 23 and 29. Whittaker's Mills April 11. Reconnaissance through Gates County and down Chowan River June 5-13. Nine Mile Ordinary June 14. Diascund Bridge June 20. Dix's Peninsula Campaign June 24-July 8. Barnesville June 28. Baltimore Cross Roads June 29. Expedition from White House to Bottom's Bridge July 1-7. Baltimore Cross Roads July 1. Bottom's Bridge July 2. Expedition to Bottom's Bridge August 26-29. New Kent C. H. August 28. Bottom's Bridge August 29. Ordered to Norfolk, Va., September 8, and duty about Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va., until December. Companies "C," "D," "F," "H" and "I" at South Mills, N. C., September 13. Companies "A," "B," "E," "G," "K," "L" and "M" at Great Bridge. Expedition to Indiantown, N. C., September 15-20 (Co. "D"). Near Kempsville September 15. Indiantown September 20. (Cos. "F" and "H" at Drummond Lake September 15.) Companies "C," "F," "H" and "I" advance to Raleigh September 22; Companies "A," "B," "L" and "M" to Currituck C. H. September 23. Affair on Back Bay September 30 (Detachment). Scout from Great Bridge to Indiantown, N. C., October 13 (Detachment). Bingo Landing October 16-17 (Detachment). Camden C. H. October 17. Regiment assembled at Great Bridge October 20. Expedition from Norfolk to South Mills, Camden, etc., N. C., December 5-24. Duty at Yorktown and in District of the Currituck until May, 1864. Wistar's Expedition toward Richmond February 6-8. Bottom's Bridge February 4. Ballahock on Bear Quarter Road and Deep Creek February 29-March 1. Ballahock Station near Dismal Swamp Canal March 1. Deep Creek March 2. Reconnaissance from Portsmouth to the Blackwater April 13-15 (Detachment). Kautz's Raid on Petersburg & Weldon Railroad May 5-11. Birch Island Bridges May 5. Stony Creek Station and Jarrett's Station May 7. White's Bridge, Nottaway Creek, May 8. Nottaway Railroad Bridge May 8. Jarrett's Station May 8-9. Kautz's Raid on Richmond & Danville Railroad May 12-17. Coalfield Station May 13. Powhatan Station May 14. Belcher's Mills May 16. Petersburg June 9. Before Petersburg June 15-18. Siege operations against Petersburg and Richmond June, 1864, to April, 1865. Roanoke Station June 20, 1864. Wilson's Raid on South Side & Danville Railroad June 22-July 2. Staunton River Bridge or Roanoke Station June 25. Sappony Church, Stony Creek, June 28-29. Ream's Station June 29. Demonstration north of the James at Deep Bottom July 27-29. Malvern Hill July 30. Chaffin's Farm, New Market Heights, September 29-30. Darbytown Road October 7-13 and December 10. Charles City Cross Roads October 26. Battle of Fair Oaks October 27-28. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9, 1865. Dinwiddie C. H. March 31. Five Forks April 1. Gravelly Ford on Hatcher's Run April 2. Near Amelia C. H. April 4-5. Burkesville and Sailor's Creek April 6. Prince Edward's C. H. April 7. Appomattox Court House April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. Duty at Richmond, Va., and in District of Henrico, Dept. of Virginia, to August. Mustered out August 7, 1865, and discharged at Philadelphia, Pa., August 16, 1865.
Regiment lost during service 1 Officer and 76 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 6 Officers and 210 Enlisted men by disease. Total 293.
6th Regiment Cavalry (70th Volunteers) "Rush's Lancers"
Organized at Philadelphia August to October, 1861. Moved to Washington, D.C., December 10 to December 16, 1861. Attached to Emory's Brigade, Cooke's Cav-Brigade, Cavalry Reserve, Army Potomac, to July, 1862. Cavalry Command, Army Potomac, to April, 1862. Emory's 2nd Brigade, Cavalry Division, Army Potomac, to August, 1862. 3rd Brigade, Pleasanton's Cavalry Division, Army Potomac, to November, 1862. Headquarters Left Grand Division, Army Potomac, to February, 1863. Reserve Brigade, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac, to June, 1863. Reserve Brigade, 1st Division, Cavalry Corps, Army Potomac, to August, 1864. 3rd (Reserve) Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Cavalry Corps, Army Shenandoah and Army Potomac, to June, 1865.
SERVICE.--Provost duty in the Defenses of Washington, D.C., until May, 1862. Scout to Hunter's Mills March 19. Moved to Fortress Monroe, thence to Yorktown, Va., May 3-5. Reconnaissance to Mulberry Point, Va., May 7-8 (Detachment). Reconnaissance to New Castle and Hanovertown Ferry May 22. Reconnaissance to Hanover C. H. May 24. Charge on picket line with lances May 25 (Co. "C"). Hanover C. H. May 27 (Co. "A"). Operations near Hanover C. H. May 27-29. Occupation of Ashland May 30. Reconnaissance to Hanover C. H. June 10-12. Operations about White House against Stuart June 13-15. Garlick's Landing, Pamunkey River, June 13. Seven days before Richmond June 25-July 1. Beaver Dam Station June 26 (Cos. "B," "C," "G," "H"). Companies "A," "D," "I," "K" with Stoneman on retreat to White House and Williamsburg. Gaines' Mill June 27. Savage Station June 29 (Co. "F"). Glendale June 30. White Oak Swamp June 30. Company "F" Malvern Hill July 1. (Cos. "C" and "H" at Headquarters, 5th Corps.) Company "F" escort Heavy Artillery from Malvern Hill to Harrison's Landing. Fall's Church September 2-4 (Cos. "C," "H"). South Mountain and near Jefferson, Md., September 13. Crampton's Pass, South Mountain, September 14 (Cos. "B," "G," "I"). Antietam September 16-17 (Cos. "B," "G," "I"). Sharpsburg September 19. Shepherdstown Ford September 19. (Co. "K" at Headquarters, 6th Corps, November, 1862, to February 24, 1863.) Bloomfield and Upperville November 2-3. Battle of Fredericksburg December 12-15. Occoquan River December 19-20 (Cos. "B," "G"). "Mud March" January 20-24, 1863 (Cos. "A," "D," "E"). Chancellorsville Campaign April 27-May 6. Stoneman's Raid April 29-May 8 (Co. "L"). Raccoon Ford April 30 (Detachment). Brandy Station and Beverly Ford June 9. Reconnaissance to Ashby's Gap June 14 (Co. "A"). Greencastle, Pa., June 20. Upperville June 21. Battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-3. Williamsport, Md., July 6. Boonsborough July 8. Funkstown July 10-13. Aldie July 11. Kelly's Ford July 31-August 1. Brandy Station August 1. Advance from the Rappahannock to the Rapidan September 13-17. Bristoe Campaign October 9-22. Manassas Junction October 17. Bristoe Station October 18. Advance to line of the Rappahannock November 7-8. Mine Run Campaign November 26-December 2. Demonstration on the Rapidan February 6-7, 1864. Custer's Raid in Albemarle County February 28-March 1. Near Charlottesville February 29. Burton's Ford, Stannardsville, March 1. Rapidan Campaign May and June. Todd's Tavern May 7-8. Sheridan's Raid to James River May 9-24. Ground Squirrel Church and Yellow Tavern May 11. Meadow Bridge. Richmond, May 12. Mechanicsville May 12. Line of the Pamunkey May 26-28. Hanovertown Ferry and Hanovertown May 27. Totopotomoy May 28-31. Old Church May 30. Mattadequin Creek May 30. Bethesda Church, Cold Harbor, May 31-June 1. McClellan's Bridge June 2. Haw's Shop June 4-5. Sheridan's Trevillian Raid June 7-24. Trevillian Station June 11-12. Newark or Mallory's Cross Roads June 12. White House or St. Peter's Church June 21. Black Creek or Tunstall Station June 21. Jones' Bridge June 23. Siege of Petersburg July 3-30. Demonstration north of James at Deep Bottom July 27-29. Charles City Cross Roads July 27-28. Malvern Hill July 28. Shenandoah Valley Campaign August to November. Near Stone Chapel August 10. Toll Gate near White Post August 11, Near Newtown August 11. Near Strasburg August 14. Summit Point August 21. Kearneysville August 25. Leetown and Smithfield August 23. Smithfield Crossing, Opequan, August 29. Ordered to Pleasant Valley, Md., September 8, and to Hagerstown, November. Sheridan's Raid from Winchester February 27-March 25, 1865. Waynesboro March 2. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Gravelly Run near Five Forks March 30. Dinwiddie C. H. March 30-31. Five Forks April 1. Scott's Cross Roads April 2. Tabernacle Church or Beaver Pond Creek April 4. Sailor's Creek April 6. Appomattox Station April 8. Appomattox C. H. April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. Expedition to Danville April 23-29. March to Washington, D.C., May. Grand Review May 23. Consolidated with 1st and 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry June 17, 1865, to form 2nd Provisional Cavalry.
Regiment lost during service 7 Officers and 71 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 3 Officers and 86 Enlisted men by disease. Total 167.
7th Regiment Cavalry (80th Volunteers)
Organized at Harrisburg September to December, 1861. At Camp Cameron, Harrisburg, until December 19, 1861. Moved to Louisville, Ky., December 19, and ordered to Jeffersonville, Ind. Duty there until February, 1862. Served unattached, Army Ohio, to March, 1862. Negley's 7th Independent Brigade, Army Ohio (1st Battalion). Post of Nashville, Tenn., Dept. Ohio (2nd Battalion). 23rd Independent Brigade, Army Ohio (3rd Battalion), to September, 1862. Cavalry, 8th Division, Army Ohio (1st and 2nd Battalions), Unattached, Army Ohio (3rd Battalion), to November, 1862. 1st Brigade, Cavalry Division, Army Ohio, to January, 1863. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, Cavalry Corps, Army Cumberland, to November, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, Cavalry Corps, Military Division Mississippi, to July, 1865.
SERVICE.--1st Battalion (Cos. "A," "D," "H" and "I") sent to Columbia, Tenn. Expedition to Rodgersville May 13-14. Lamb's Ferry, Ala., May 14. Advance on Chattanooga June 1. Sweeden's Cove June 4. Chattanooga June 7-8. Occupation of Manchester July 1. Paris July 19. Raid on Louisville & Nashville Railroad August 19-23. Huntsville Road, near Gallatin, August 21. Brentwood September 19-20. Near Perryville October 6-7. Chaplin Hills October 8. Expedition from Crab Orchard to Big Hill and Richmond October 21. 2nd Battalion (Cos. "C," "E," "F" and "K"), under Gen. Dumont, in garrison at Nashville, Tenn., and scouting in that vicinity until November. 3rd Battalion (Cos. "B," "G," "L" and "M"), in Duffield's Command, scouting in West and Middle Tennessee. Lebanon and pursuit to Carthage May 5. Readyville June 7. Murfreesboro July 18. Sparta August 4-5 and 7. Regiment reunited in November, 1862. Nashville November 5. Reconnaissance from Nashville to Franklin December 11-12. Wilson's Creek Pike December 11. Franklin December 12. Neal, Nashville December 24. Advance on Murfreesboro December 26-30. Lavergne December 26-27. Battle of Stone's River December 30-31, 1862, and January 1-3, 1863. Overall's Creek December 31. Manchester Pike and Lytle's Creek January 5, 1863. Expedition to Franklin January 31-February 13. Unionville and Rover January 31. Murfreesboro February 7. Rover February 13. Expedition toward Columbia March 4-14. Unionville and Rover March 4. Chapel Hill March 5. Thompson's Station March 9. Rutherford Creek March 10-11. Snow Hill, Woodbury, April 3. Franklin April 10. Expedition to McMinnville April 20-30. Middletown May 21-22. Near Murfreesboro June 3. Operations on Edgeville Pike June 4. Marshall Knob June 4. Shelbyville Pike June 4. Scout on Middleton and Eagleville Pike June 10. Scout on Manchester Pike June 13. Expedition to Lebanon June 15-17. Lebanon June 16. Middle Tennessee or Tullahoma Campaign June 23-July 7. Guy's Gap or Fosterville and capture of Shelbyville June 27. Expedition to Huntsville July 13-22. Reconnaissance to Rock Island Ferry August 4-5. Sparta August 9. Passage of Cumberland Mountains and Tennessee River, and Chickamauga (Ga.) Campaign August 16-September 22. Calfkiller River, Sparta, August 17. Battle of Chickamauga September 19-20. Rossville, Ga., September 21. Reenlisted at Huntsville, Ala., November 28, 1863. Atlanta Campaign May to September, 1864. Demonstration on Rocky Faced Ridge May 8-11. Battle of Resaca May 14-15. Tanner's Bridge and Rome May 15. Near Dallas May 24. Operations on line of Pumpkin Vine Creek and battles about Dallas, New Hope Church and Allatoona Hills May 25-June 5. Near Big Shanty June 9. Operations about Marietta and against Kenesaw Mountain June 10-July 2. McAffee's Cross Roads June 11. Powder Springs June 20. Noonday Creek June 27. Line of Nickajack Creek July 2-5. Rottenwood Creek July 4. Rossville Ferry July 5. Line of the Chattahoochie July 6-17. Garrard's Raid on Covington July 22-24. Siege of Atlanta July 22-August 25. Garrard's Raid to South River July 27-31. Flat Rock Bridge July 28. Kilpatrick's Raid around Atlanta August 18-22. Flint River and Jonesborough August 19. Red Oak August 19. Lovejoy Station August 20. Operations at Chattahoochie River Bridge August 26-September 2. Operations in North Georgia and North Alabama against Hood September 29-November 3. Carter Creek Station October 1. Near Columbia October 2. Near Lost Mountain October 4-7. New Hope Church October 5. Dallas October 7. Rome October 10-11. Narrows October 11. Coosaville Road, near Rome, October 13. Near Summerville October 18. Little River, Ala., October 20. Leesburg October 21. Ladiga, Terrapin Creek, October 28. Ordered to Louisville, Ky., to refit; duty there until December 28. March to Nashville, Tenn., December 28-January 8, 1865, thence to Gravelly Springs, Ala., January 25, and duty there until March. Wilson's Raid to Selma, Ala., and Macon, Ga., March 22-April 24. Selma April 2. Occupation of Montgomery April 12. Occupation of Macon April 20. Duty in Georgia and at Nashville, Tenn., until August. Mustered out August 13, 1865.
Regiment lost during service 8 Officers and 94 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 5 Officers and 185 Enlisted men by disease. Total 292.
8th Regiment Cavalry (89th Volunteers)
Organized at Philadelphia August to October, 1861. Left State for Washington, D.C., October 4, 1861. Attached to Porter's Division, Army Potomac, to March, 1862. Unattached, 4th Army Corps, Army Potomac, to April, 1862. Blake's Brigade, Cavalry Reserve, Army Potomac, to July, 1862. 2nd Brigade, Stoneman's Cavalry Division, Army Potomac, to September, 1862. 2nd Brigade, Pleasanton's Cavalry Division, Army Potomac, to February, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, Cavalry Corps, Army Potomac, to June, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, Cavalry Corps, Army Potomac, to July, 1865.
SERVICE.--Duty at Arlington Heights, Va., Defenses of Washington, D.C., until March, 1862. Advance on Manassas, Va., March 10-15. Moved to the Virginia Peninsula April. Siege of Yorktown April 11-May 4. Baltimore Cross Roads, near New Kent Court House, May 13. Operations about Bottom's Bridge May 20-23. Reconnaissance toward Richmond and to Turkey Island Creek Bridge May 23. Savage Station May 24. Reconnaissance to Seven Pines May 24-27. Chickahominy May 24. Garnett's Farm and White Oak May 27. Battle of Fair Oaks (Seven Pines) May 31-June 1. Reconnaissance to White Oak Swamp June 22-23. Seven days before Richmond June 25-July 1. Bottom's Bridge June 28-29. Savage Station June 29. Malvern Hill July 1. At Harrison's Landing until August 16. (Co. "A" at Headquarters of Gen. Porter; Co; "B" at Headquarters of Gen. McClellan; Co. "D" at Headquarters of Gen. P. St. G. Cooke.) Turkey Island Bridge July 20. Reconnaissance to Malvern Hill July 23. Retreat from the Peninsula and movement to Alexandria. Maryland Campaign September. Falls Church September 3-4. Sugar Loaf Mountain September 10-11. Frederick September 12. Middletown September 13. Antietam September 16-17. Boteller's Ford, Sharpsburg, Md., September 19. Shepherdstown Ford September 19. Amissville September 30. Reconnaissance from Sharpsburg to Shepherdstown and Martinsburg, W. Va., October 1 (3 Cos.). Philomont November 1-2. Castleman's Ferry, Upperville, Union and Bloomfield November 2-3. Aldie and Ashby's Gap November 3. Markham Station November 4. Barbee's Cross Roads November 5. Waterloo Bridge November 7. Hazel River November 8. Newby's Cross Roads, near Amissville, November 10. Philomont November 19. Leed's Ferry and King George Court House December 2. Battle of Fredericksburg December 12-15. Chancellorsville Campaign April 27-May 6. 1863. Richard's Ford and Barnett's Ford April 29. Ely's Ford Road April 30. Chancellorsville May 1-2. Salem Heights and Banks' Ford May 4. Aldie June 17. Middleburg June 19. Upperville June 21. Thoroughfare Gap June 25. Westminster, Md., June 30. Battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-3. Monterey Gap July 4. Smithsburg July 5. Williamsport and Hagerstown, Md., July 6. Boonsboro July 8. Jones' Cross Roads, near Williamsport, July 10 and 13. Hagerstown July 10-13. St. James College July 11-12. Williamsport Road July 14. Shepherdstown July 16. Rixey's Ford September 2. Advance from the Rappahannock to the Rapidan September 13-17. Culpeper Court House September 13. Rapidan Station September 15-16. Robertson's River September 22. Bristoe Campaign October 9-22. Near Warrenton October 11. Warrenton or White Sulphur Springs October 12. Auburn and Bristoe October 14. St. Stephen's Church October 14. Advance to line of the Rappahannock November 7-8. Mine Run Campaign November 26-December 2. New Hope Church November 27. Blind Ferry December 5. Raid to Luray Valley December 21-23. Regiment reenlisted December 31, 1863. Raid through Chester Gap January 1-4, 1864. Rapidan Campaign May-June. 1864. Todd's Tavern May 5-8. Spottsylvania Court House May 8-21 (Co. "A"). Sheridan's Raid to James River May 9-24. Matapony Church May 9. North Anna River May 9-10. Ground Squirrel Church and Yellow Tavern May 11. Brook Church or Fortifications of Richmond May 12. Haxall's Landing May 18. Line of the Pamunkey May 26-28. Totopotomoy May 28-31. Haw's Shop May 28. Cold Harbor May 31-June 1. Sumner's Upper Bridge June 2. Sheridan's Trevillian Raid June 7-24. Trevillian Station June 11-12. White House or St. Peter's Church June 21. Black Creek or Tunstall Station June 21. St. Mary's Church June 24. Siege of Petersburg and Richmond June, 1864, to April, 1865. Warwick Swamp July 12. Charles City Cross Roads July 15-16. Demonstration north of the James at Deep Bottom July 27-29. Malvern Hill July 28. Warwick Swamp July 30. Demonstration north of the James at Deep Bottom August 13-20. Gravel Hill August 14. Strawberry Plains and Deep Run August 14-18. Charles City Cross Roads August 16. Dinwiddie Road, near Ream's Station, August 23. Ream's Station August 25. Belcher's Mills September. 17. Poplar Springs Church September 29-October 2. Arthur's Swamp September 30-October 1. Boydton Plank Road, Hatchers Run, October 27-28. Reconnaissance to Stony Creek November 7. Stony Creek Station December 1. Bellefield Raid December 7-12. Dabney's Mills, Hatcher's Run, February 5-7, 1865. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Dinwiddie C. H, March 30-31. Five Forks April 1. Paine's Cross Roads and Amelia Springs April 5. Deatonville Road and Sailor's Creek April 6. Farmville April 7. Appomattox C. H. April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. Expedition to Danville April 23-29. Duty at Lynchburg and in the Dept. of Virginia until July. Mustered out by consolidation with 16th Pennsylvania Cavalry July 24, 1865.
Regiment lost during service 5 Officers and 55 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 126 Enlisted men by disease. Total 188.
9th Regiment Cavalry (92nd Volunteers) "Lochiel Cavalry"
Organized at Harrisburg October and November, 1861. Left State for Louisville, Ky., November 20, 1861, thence moved to Jeffersonville, Ind., and duty there until January 10, 1862. 1st Battalion at Grayson Springs, Ky.; 2nd Battalion at Calhoun, Ky., and 3rd Battalion at Bacon Creek, Ky., until March 5, 1862. Ordered to Tennessee, and 1st Battalion at Springfield, 2nd Battalion at Clarksville and 3rd Battalion at Gallatin until August, 1862. Served unattached, Army Ohio, to September, I862. 3rd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Army Ohio, to November, 1862. District of Louisville, Ky., Dept. Ohio to December, 1862. District Central Kentucky, Dept. Ohio, to March, 1863. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Cavalry Corps, Dept. Cumberland, to May, 1864. District of Kentucky, Dept. Ohio, to September, 1864. District of Middle Tennessee, Dept. Cumberland, to October, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, Cavalry Corps, Army Cumberland, to November, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, Cavalry Corps, Military Division Mississippi, to July, 1865.
SERVICE.---Lebanon, Ky., May 4-5, 1862 (3rd Battalion). Spring Creek May 14 (3rd Battalion). Tompkinsville June 6 (3rd Battalion). Operations against Morgan July 4-28. Tompkinsville July 9 (3rd Battalion). Glasgow July 10. Paris July 19. Regiment assembled at Lebanon, Ky., August. Crab Orchard, Ky., August 22. Frankfort September 2. Near Perryville October 6-7. Doctor's Fork October 7. Perryville October 8. Carter's Raid from Winchester, Ky., to East Tennessee and Southwest Kentucky December 20, 1862, to January 5, 1863. Passage of Moccasin Gap December 29. Watauga Bridge, Carter's Station and Union December 30. Carter's Depot December 31. Watauga River January 1, 1863. Jonesville, Va., January 2. Union January 15. Reconnaissance from Franklin February 21. Thompson's Station, Spring Hill, March 4-5 (Detachment). Expedition from Franklin to Columbia March 8-12. Thompson's Station March 9. Rutherford Creek March 10-11. Spring Hill March 19. Near Thompson's Station March 23. Little Harpeth River March 25. Near Franklin March 31. Davis Mills April 5 (Detachment). Thompson's Station May 2. Franklin June 4-5. Triune June 9 and 11. Middle Tennessee or Tullahoma Campaign June 23-July 7. Eaglesville and Rover June 23. Middleton June 24. Guy's Gap and Fosterville June 27. Capture of Shelbyville June 27. Bethpage Bridge, Elk River, July 2. Expedition to Huntsville July 13-22. Jonesboro July 12. Chickamauga (Ga.) Campaign August 16-September 22. Rawlingsville September 5. Stevenson, Ala., September 7. Reconnaissance from Alpine, Ga., toward Rome September 10-11. Alpine September 12. Dirt Town, Lafayette Road, September 12. Chattooga River September 12. Reconnaissance from Lee and Gordon's Mills toward Lafayette and skirmish September 13. Battle of Chickamauga, Ga., September 19-20. Buck Town Tavern, near New Market, October 12. Sparta November 24-26 and December 9. On road to Coosaville, Cumberland Mountain, December 9. Operations about Dandridge and Mossy Creek December 24-28. Dandridge, Tenn., December 24. Talbot Station December 28. Mossy Creek, Talbot Station, December 29. Bend of Chucky Road, near Dandridge, January 16, 1864. Operations about Dandridge January 16-17. Dandridge January 17. Fair Garden January 27. McNutt's Bridge January 27. Veterans on furlough April-May. Operations against Morgan May 31-June 20. Defense of Frankfort June 10. Duty in District of Kentucky until September. Lawrenceburg September 6. Readyville, Tenn., September 6. Woodbury September 10. Operations against Hood in North Georgia and North Alabama September 29-November 3. Camp Creek September 30. Sweetwater and Noyes Creek, near Powder Springs, October 1-3. Lafayette, Ga., October 12. March to the sea November 15-December 10. Lovejoy Station November 16. East Macon November 20. Gordon November 21. Clinton November 21-23. Griswoldsville November 22. Sylvan Grove November 27. Waynesboro November 27-28. Near Louisville November 29. Millen or Shady Grove November 30. Waynesboro December 4. Briar Creek December 7. Siege of Savannah December 10-21. Campaign of the Carolinas January to April, 1865. Johnson's Station February 10-11. Phillips Cross Roads March 4. Rockingham March 7. Averysboro, N. C., March 16. Bentonville March 19-21. Morrisville and occupation of Raleigh April 13. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. Duty at Lexington, N. C., until July. Mustered out July 18, 1865.
Regiment lost during service 6 Officers and 66 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 155 Enlisted men by disease. Total 229.
Source - "A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion" by Frederick H. Dyer (Part 3)