Union Regimental Histories


West Virginia


1st Regiment Infantry (3 Months)

Organized and mustered in for three months as follows: Company "A" at Wheeling May 10; Company "B" at Wheeling May 11; Company "C" at Wheeling May 15; Company "D" at Steubenville, Ohio, May 15; Company "E" at Wheeling May 16; Company "F" at Wellsburg May 17; Company "G" at Wellsburg May 18; Company "H" in Marshall County May 21; Company "I" in Hancock County May 21, and Company "K" at Wheeling May 23, 1861. Left Wheeling May 27. Occupation of Grafton May 30. Action at Philippi June 3. Duty at Rowlesburg, Grafton and Philippi until July. Bowman's Place June 29. Occupation of Beverly and Sutton and guarding Baltimore & Ohio Railroad until August 19. Moved to Wheeling August 19-21. Mustered out August 27, 1861.

1st Regiment Infantry (3 Years)

Organized at Wheeling, W. Va., October 30, 1861. Companies "A," "B," "D" and "E" moved from Wheeling to Little Kanawha, Wirt County, W. Va., October 13, and duty there until November 2, when rejoined Regiment at Romney. Regiment left Wheeling for Romney, W. Va., November 9, 1861, and duty there until January 10, 1862. Attached to Railroad District, West Virginia, to January, 1862. 3rd Brigade, Landers' Division, Army Potomac, to March, 1862. 3rd Brigade, Shields' Division, Banks' 5th Army Corps, and Dept. of the Shenandoah, to May, 1862. 4th Brigade, Shields' Division, Dept. of the Rappahannock, to June, 1862. 4th Brigade, 2nd Division, 3rd Army Corps, Pope's Army of Virginia, to September, 1862. 2nd Brigade, Whipple's Division, Military District of Washington, D. C, to October, 1862. Wheeling, W. Va., to December, 1862. Cumberland, Md., September 1862. North Mountain, Defenses of Upper Potomac, 8th Army Corps, Middle Dept., to March, 1863. 4th Brigade 1st Division, 8th Army Corps, to June, 1863. Campbell's Brigade, Scammon's Division, West Virginia, to December, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, West Virginia, to April, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, West Virginia, to October, 1864. Cumberland, Md., to December, 1864.

SERVICE.--Expedition to Blue's Gap January 6-7, 1862. Hanging Rock Pass, Blue's Gap, January 7. Moved to Patterson Creek January 10, and duty there until February 6. Moved to Paw Paw Tunnel February 5-13. Advance on Winchester March 1-15. Reconnaissance to Strasburg March 18-21. Battle of Winchester March 22-23. Pursuit of Jackson March 24-April 4. Edenburg March 27. Occupation of Mt. Jackson April 1. New Market April 17. Columbia Bridge May 5. March to Falmouth, Va., May 12-21, and to Port Republic May 25-June 7. Gaines' Cross Roads, near Front Royal, May 31. White Plains June 1. Front Royal June 3. Port Republic June 9. March to Cloud's Mills, near Alexandria, June 10-27. Camp there until July 24. Battle of Cedar Mountain August 9. Pope's Campaign in Northern Virginia August 16-September 2. Rappahannock Station August 20-23. Sulphur Springs August 26. Thoroughfare Gap August 28. Groveton August 29. Bull Run August 30. In the Defenses of Washington until October 11. Moved to Wheeling, W. Va., October 11-13, and duty there to November 27. Moved to Cumberland, Md., November 27-28, thence to Romney December 8. Moved to North Mountain, and duty there until March 6, 1863. At Mechanicsville Gap until June 14. Moved to New Creek Station, thence to Cumberland, Md., June 14-20. Moved to Hancock, thence to Williamsport July 13. At Back Creek July 28. To Winchester August 3, thence to Romney and to Petersburg August 15. Operating against guerrillas and Imboden's and McNeil's forces until January 10, 1864. Moorefield September 5 and 11, 1863 (Cos. "B," "D." "E," "F" and "H"); mostly captured by McNeil. Descent on Salem December 16, 1863. Guard train from Petersburg to McDowell December 10-23. Retreat from, Petersburg to New Creek January 10-12, 1864. Operations in Hampshire and Hardy Counties against Rosser January 27-February 7. Veterans on furlough February and March. Moved to Grafton April 18, thence to Martinsburg April 19-22. Sigel's Expedition to New Market April 30-May 16. Mt. Jackson May 14. New Market May 15. At Cedar Creek May 16-June 1. Advance to Staunton June 1-6. Piedmont, Mt. Crawford June 5. Occupation of Staunton June 6. Hunter's Raid on Lynchburg June 10-July 1. Lexington June 11. Lynchburg June 17-18. Retreat to Gauley Bridge June 18-29. Moved to the Shenandoah Valley July 5-17. Snicker's Ferry July 17-18. Battle of Winchester July 23-24. Sheridan's Shenandoah Valley Campaign August to November. Cedar Creek August 12. Charlestown August 22-24. Halltown August 26. Berryville September 3-4. Battle of Opequan, Winchester, September 19. Fisher's Hill September 22. Battle of Cedar Creek October 19. Ordered to Cumberland, Md., October 29, and duty there until December. Consolidated with 4th West Virginia Infantry to form 2nd West Virginia Veteran Infantry December 10, 1864.

Regiment lost during service 3 Officers and 51 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 136 Enlisted men by disease. Total 192.

1st Regiment Veteran Infantry

Organized November 9, 1864, by consolidation of 5th and 9th West Virginia Infantry. Attached to 1st Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, West Virginia, to January, 1865. 1st Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, West Virginia, to April, 1865. 1st Brigade, 4th Provisional Division, West Virginia, to July, 1865.

SERVICE.--Duty at Beverly, W. Va., Cumberland, Md., and other points in the Dept. of West Virginia until July, 1865. Mustered out July 21, 1865.

2nd Regiment Infantry

Company "A" organized at Pittsburgh, Pa., April, 1861. Not accepted by Pennsylvania. Moved to Wheeling, W. Va., May 9, 1861, and mustered in May 21, 1861. Moved with 1st West Virginia Infantry May 25 along line of Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. Guard Glover's Gap until May 28. Action with Capt. Roberts' Command May 27. Moved to Grafton May 28. Detached as Body Guard to Gen. Geo. B. McClellan on his assuming command of the Army of West Virginia. Participated in the West Virginia Campaign July 6-17. Assigned to 2nd Regiment as Company "A." Company "B," Grafton Guards, organized May 20, 1861. Moved to Wheeling, W. Va., and mustered in May 25. Moved to Mannington June 28, thence to Grafton July 1, and to Phillippi July 4. West Virginia Campaign July 6-17. Laurel Hill July 7. Carrick's Ford July 13. Moved to Beverly and assigned to 2nd Regiment as Company "B." (A detachment of Company at Bealington until January 25, 1862, guarding supply trains between Webster and Beverly and scouting. Company "C" organized at Wheeling and mustered in June 1, 1861. Moved to Beverly, W. Va., July 1, and joined Regiment. Company "D" organized at Pittsburg, Pa., and mustered in at Wheeling, W. Va., June 14, 1861. Moved to Clarksburg, W. Va. Guard supply train to Rich Mountain (Cos. "C," "D," "E") July 5-6, thence march to Beverly. Company "E" organized at Wheeling, W. Va., and mustered in June 16, 1861. Moved to Clarksburg, W. mustered in June 16, 1861. Moved to Clarksburg, W. Va. Guard supply train to Rich Mountain July 5-6, thence march to Beverly. Company "F" organized at Pittsburg, Pa., and mustered in at Wheeling, W. Va., June 24, 1861. Company "G" organized at Pittsburg, Pa., and mustered in at Wheeling, W. Va., June 13, 1861. Companies "F" and "G" left Wheeling July 5, and Joined Regiment at Beverly. Company "H" organized at Ironton, Ohio, and mustered in at Wheeling, W. Va., June 28, 1861, Company "I" organized in Washington County, Pa. Moved to Wheeling, W. Va., July 9-10, and mustered in July 10. Moved to Grafton, Webster and Beverly July 22-27. Company "K" organized at Parkersburg, W. Va., and mustered in July 21, 1861. Regiment attached to Army of Occupation, W. Va., to September, 1861. Cheat Mountain, District West Virginia, to March, 1862. Cheat Mountain District, Dept. of the Mountains, to April, 1862. Milroy's Brigade, Dept. of the Mountains, to June, 1862. Milroy's Independent Brigade, 1st Army Corps, Pope's Army of Virginia, to September, 1862. Defenses of Washington, D.C., to October, 1862. Beverly, W. Va., District of West Virginia, Dept. of Ohio, to March, 1863. 4th Separate Brigade, 8th Army Corps, Middle Department, to June, 1863. Averill's 4th Separate Brigade, West Virginia, to December, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 4th Division, West Virginia, to January, 1864.

SERVICE.--Duty at Beverly, W. Va., until September 11, 1861. Laurel Fork Creek August 20. Ordered to Elkwater September 11. Operations on Cheat Mountain September 11-17. Cheat Mountain Pass September 12. Camp Allegheny September 13. Expedition to Huntersville December 31, 1861, to January 6, 1862. Huntersville January 3, 1862. At Cheat Mountain Summit until April 5. Dry Fork, Cheat River, January 8 (Co. "B"), and February 8. Advance on Staunton April 5-May 8. Monterey April 12. Battle of McDowell May 8. Near Franklin May 26. Battle of Cross Keys June 8. At Strasburg June 20-July 5. Advance to Luray July 5-11. Moved to Sperryville July 11, thence to Woodville July 22, and duty there until August 9. Battle of Cedar Mountain August 9. Pope's Campaign in Northern Virginia August 16-September 2. Fords of the
Rappahannock August 21-23. Freeman's Ford, Hazel River, August 22. Waterloo Bridge August 23-25. Gainesville August 28. Groveton August 29. Bull Run August 30. Duty in the Defenses of Washington until September 29. Moved to Beverly, W. Va., September 29-October 9. Duty there until April 24, 1863. Cockletown January 22, 1863. Expedition into Pocahontas County February 10-12 (Detachment). Scout to Franklin April 11-18. Beverly April 24. Regiment mounted at Grafton. West Union May 6. Averill's Raid through Hardy, Pendleton, Highland, Bath, Greenbrier and Pocahontas Counties August 5-31. Jackson River August 25. Rocky Gap near White Sulphur Springs August 26-27. Seneca Trace Crossing, Cheat River, September 25 (Detachment). Averill's Raid on Lewisburg and the Virginia & Tennessee Railroad November 1-17. Mill Point November 5. Droop Mountain November 6. Averill's Raid from New Creek to Salem on Virginia & Tennessee Railroad December 8-25. Gatewood's December 12. Salem December 16. Scott's or Barber's Creek December 19 (Detachment). Covington December 30. At Martinsburg until January 26, 1864. Designation changed to 5th West Virginia Cavalry January 26, 1864.

2nd Regiment Veteran Infantry

Organized December 10, 1864, by consolidation of 1st and 4th West Virginia Infantry. Attached to Reserve Division, Dept. of West Virginia, to April, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, West Virginia, to July, 1865. On duty at Cumberland, Md., and at Bulltown, Braxton County, W. Va. Mustered out July 16, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 1 Enlisted man killed and 16 Enlisted men by disease. Total 17.

3rd Regiment Infantry

Organized at Wheeling, Clarksburg and Newburg, W. Va., June-July, 1861. Served unattached, Army of West Virginia, to September, 1861. Cheat Mountain, District West Virginia, to March, 1862. Cheat Mountain District, Dept. of the Mountains, to April, 1862. Milroy's Independent Brigade, Dept. of the Mountains, to June, 1862. Milroy's Independent Brigade, 1st Army Corps, Pope's Army of Virginia, to September, 1862. Defenses of Washington, D.C., to October, 1862. Unattached, District of West Virginia, Dept. of the Ohio, to March, 1863. Averill's 4th Separate Brigade, 8th Army Corps, Middle Department, to June, 1863. Averill's 4th Separate Brigade, Dept. of West Virginia, to December, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 4th Division, Army of West Virginia, to January, 1864.

SERVICE.--Protecting border counties against guerrillas from Phillippi to Suttonville, W. Va., until September, 1861. Rowell's Run September 6. Moved to Beverly September 10, thence to Elkwater, and duty there until April, 1862. Romney, Hanging Rock, September 23, 1861. Romney September 23-25. Mill Creek Mills October 26. Skirmishes in Clay, Braxton and Webster Counties December 29-31. Elk Mountain March 19, 1862. Advance on Staunton April 5-May 8. Cow Pasture May 7. Battle of McDowell May 8. Bull Pasture Mountain May 8. Reconnaissance to Franklin May 9-11. Franklin May 11-13. Strasburg and Staunton Road June 1-2. Battle of Cross Keys June 8. At Strasburg June 20-July 5. Advance to Luray July 5-11. Moved to Sperryville July 11, thence to Woodville July 22, and duty there until August 9. Battle of Cedar Mountain August 9. Crooked Creek August 12. Pope's Campaign In Northern Virginia August 16-September 2. Fords of the Rappahannock August 21-23. Freeman's Ford and Hazel Run August 22. Waterloo Bridge August 23-25. Gainesville August 28. Groveton August 29. Bull Run August 30. Duty in the Defenses of Washington until September 30. Moved to Clarksburg, W. Va., September 30-October 1. Duty at Clarksburg, Mt. Pleasant, and outpost duty at Buckhannon, Centreville, Bulltown, Sutton and Glenville until April, 1863. Regiment mounted, Janelew, May 5. Huttonsville July 4. Near Hedgeville and Martinsburg July 18-19. Averill's Raid through Hardy, Pendleton, Highland, Bath, Greenbrier and Pocahontas Counties August 5-31. Huntersville August 22 (Detachment). Jackson River August 25. Rocky Gap near White Sulphur Springs August 26-27. Averill's Raid against Lewisburg and the Virginia & Tennessee Railroad November 1-11. Cockletown November 4. Mill Point November 5. Droop Mountain November 6. Averill's Paid to Salem on Virginia & Tennessee Railroad December 8-25. Gatewood's December 12. Salem December 16. Scott's or Barber's Creek December 19. Moorefield December 28. Designation changed to 6th West Virginia Cavalry January 26, 1864.

4th Regiment Infantry

Letter written by Sergeant John T. Greer, Company G

Organized at Macon City, Point Pleasant and Grafton, W. Va., June 17 to August 22, 1861. Served unattached, District of the Kanawha, W. Va., to March, 1862. 4th Brigade, Kanawha Division, West Virginia, to September, 1862. Point Pleasant, W. Va., District of the Kanawha, W. Va., Dept. of the Ohio, to January, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 15th Army Corps, Army of the Tennessee, to October, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 15th Army Corps, to May, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, West Virginia, to December, 1864.

SERVICE.--Skirmish at Grafton, W. Va., August 13, 1861 (Co. "A"). Moved up the Kanawha Valley August 22. Operations in the Kanawha Valley and New River Region October 19-November 16. Mill Creek Mills October 26. At Ceredo until January, 1862. March to Louisa Court House and operating with Garfield in operations against Humphrey Marshall in Eastern Kentucky January, 1862. March up the Kanawha Valley to join Gen. Cox April 3. At Flat Top Mountain until August. Operations about Wyoming Court House August 2-8. Wyoming Court House August 5 (Cos. "H" and "I"). Beech Creek August 6. Campaign in the Kanawha Valley September 2-16. Repulse of Loring's attack on Fayetteville September 10. Cotton Hill and Charlestown September 11. Gauley Ferry September 11. Gauley Bridge September 12. Charlestown September 12-13. At Point Pleasant until October 19. Bulltown, Braxton County, October 3. Salt Lick Bridge October 14. Expedition up the Kanawha Valley to Charlestown October 21-November 10. At Fayetteville until December 30. Ordered to Napoleon, Ark., thence to Young's Point, La., January 21, 1863, and duty there until March. Expedition to Rolling Fork via Muddy, Steele's and Black Bayous and Deer Creek March 14-27. At Milliken's Bend until April. Expedition to Black Bayou April 5-10. Demonstration against Haines and Drumgould's Bluffs April 29-May 2. Moved to join army in rear of Vicksburg, Miss., via Richmond and Grand Gulf May 2-14. Siege of Vicksburg, Miss., May 18-July 4. Assaults on Vicksburg May 19 and 22. Surrender of Vicksburg July 4. Advance on Jackson, Miss., July 5-10. Siege of Jackson July 10-17. At Big Black River until September 26. Moved to Memphis, Tenn., thence march to Chattanooga, Tenn., September 26-November 20. Operations on Memphis & Charleston Railroad in Alabama October 20-29. Brier Creek, Tuscumbia, October 27. Chattanooga-Ringgold Campaign November 23-27. Tunnel Hill November 23-24. Mission Ridge November 25. Pursuit to Graysville November 26-27. March to relief of Knoxville, Tenn., November 28-December 8. Regiment reenlisted February 3, 1864, and Veterans on furlough March 15 to May 3. Joined Hunter at Cedar Creek, W. Va., May. Hunter's Expedition to Lynchburg, Va., May 26-July 1. Piedmont, Mt. Crawford, June 5. Occupation of Staunton June 6. Lynchburg June 17-18. Retreat to Martinsburg June 18-July 1. Moved to the Shenandoah Valley, Snicker's Gap, July 17-18. Kernstown or Winchester July 24. Shenandoah Valley Campaign August-September. Berryville September 3. At Stephenson's Depot until December. Moved to Cumberland, Md. Consolidated with 1st West Virginia Infantry December 21, 1864, to form 2nd West Virginia Veteran Infantry.

Regiment lost during service 3 Officers and 80 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 156 Enlisted men by disease. Total 241.

5th Regiment Infantry

Organized at Ceredo, W. Va., September 2, 1861, and mustered in October 18, 1861. Served Unattached, District of the Kanawha, West Virginia, to March, 1862. District of Cumberland, Md., Mountain Department, to April, 1862. Milroy's Independent Brigade, Mountain Department, to June, 1862. Milroy's Independent Brigade, 1st Army Corps, Army of Virginia, to September, 1862. Defenses of Washington, D.C., to October, 1862. District of the Kanawha, West Virginia, Dept. Ohio, to January, 1863. Unattached, District of the Kanawha, West Virginia, to March, 1863. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 8th Army Corps, Middle Department, to June, 1863. 1st Brigade, Scammon's Division, Dept. of West Virginia, to December, 1863. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, West Virginia, to April, 1864. 1st Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, West Virginia, to November, 1864.

SERVICE.--Duty at Ceredo and in the Kanawha Valley, W. Va., to December 10, 1861. Moved to Parkersburg, W. Va., December 10, thence to New Creek, W. Va., February, 1862. Linn Creek, Logan County, February 8. Duty at New Creek until May. Joined Milroy's Brigade May 2. Battle of McDowell May 8. Near Franklin May 10-12 and May 26. Battle of Cross Keys June 8. At Strasburg June 20-July 5. Advance to Luray July 5-11. Moved to Sperryville July 11, thence to Woodville July 22, and duty there until August 9. Battle of Cedar Mountain August 9. Cedar Run August 10 Pope's Campaign in Northern Virginia August 16-September 2. Fords of the Rappahannock August 20-23. Freeman's Ford, Hazel River, August 22. Johnson's Ford August 22. Waterloo Bridge August 24-25. Gainesville August 28. Groveton August 29. Bull Run August 30. Duty in the Defenses of Washington, D.C., until September 29. Moved to Beverly, W. Va., September 29-October 9. Parkersburg October 10. Duty at Ceredo until March, 1863. Scouting Little Kanawha and east side of Big Sandy Rivers. Ordered to Wayne Court House March. Hurricane Creek March 28. At Charlestown, Barboursville, Hurricane Bridge and other points in the Kanawha Valley until April, 1864. Scammon's demonstration from the Kanawha Valley December 8-25, 1863. Crook's. Raid on the Virginia & Tennessee Railroad May 2-19, 1864. Rocky Gap May 6. Battle of Cloyd's Mountain May 9. New River Bridge May 10. Blacksburg May 10. Union May 12. Meadow Bluff May 24. Hunter's Expedition to Lynchburg May 26-July 1. Lexington June 11-12. Buchanan June 14. Otter Creek June 16. Diamond Hill June 17. Lynchburg June 17-18. Buford's Gap June 19. Salem June 21. Moved to the Shenandoah Valley July 13-15. Kablestown July 19. Battle of Kernstown, Winchester, July 23-24 Martinsburg July 25. Sheridan's Shenandoah Valley Campaign August 6-November 1. Strasburg August 15. Summit Point August 24. Halltown August 2. Berryville September 3. Battle of Opequan, Winchester, September 19. Fisher's Hill September 22. Battle of Cedar Creek October 19. Consolidated with 9th West Virginia Infantry November 9, 1864, to form 1st West Virginia Veteran Infantry.

Regiment lost during service 4 Officers and 57 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officer and 88 Enlisted men by disease. Total 151.

6th Regiment Infantry

Organized at Grafton, Mannington, Cairo, Parkersburg and Wheeling, W. Va., August 13 to December 26, 1861. Attached to Railroad District, West Virginia, to March, 1862. Railroad District, Mountain Department, to July, 1862. Railroad District, 8th Army Corps, Middle Department, to September, 1862. Railroad District, West Virginia, to January, 1863. Clarksburg, W. Va., 8th Army Corps, to March, 1863. 6th Brigade, 1st Division, 8th Army Corps, to June, 1863. Wilkinson's Brigade, Scammon's Division, Dept. of West Virginia, to December, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, West Virginia, to April, 1864. Kelly's Command, Reserve Division, West Virginia, to April, 1865. 1st Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, West Virginia, to June, 1865.

SERVICE.--Regiment organized for railroad guard duty and served on line of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad by detachments, at various points west of Sleepy Hollow entire term. Raid from Fairmont to Valley River and Bootheville April 12, 1862 (Co. "A"). Skirmish at Valley River April 12 (Co. "A"). Skirmish at Big Bend June 7. Skirmish at Weston August 31 (2 Cos.). Skirmish at Weston September 3 (Detachment). Skirmish at Standing Stone September 28. Capture of St. George November 9 (Co. "B"). Skirmish at Johnstown April 18, 1863 (Detachment). Skirmish at Rowlesburg April 23. Rowlesburg and Portland April 26. Oakland, Md., April 26 (1 Co.). Skirmish at Bridgeport April 29 (Detachment). Fairmont April 29 (Detachment). Bridgeport April 30. Sutton August 26 (Cos. "G" and "I"). Ball's Mills and on Elk River August 27 (Detachment). Bulltown, Braxton County, October 13, 1863 (Detachment). Bulltown May 3, 1864 (Detachment). South Branch Bridge July 4 (Detachment). Patterson's Creek Bridge July 4 (Detachment). Back Creek Bridge July 27 (Detachment). Cumberland, Md., August 1 (1 Co.). New Creek August 4 (2 Cos.). Bulltown August 20 (Detachment). Sutton August 24 (Detachment). Nutter Hill August 27 (Detachment). New Creek November 28 (Detachment). Mustered out June 10, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 8 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 167 Enlisted men by disease. Total 177.

7th Regiment Infantry

Organized at Portland, Cameron, Grafton, Wheeling, Morgantown and Greenland, W. Va., July 16 to December 3, 1861. Attached to Railroad District, West Virginia, to January, 1862. 1st Brigade, Landers' Division, Army Potomac, to March, 1862. 1st Brigade, Shields' 2nd Division, Banks' 5th Army Corps and Dept. of the Shenandoah, to May, 1862. 1st Brigade, Shields' Division, Dept. of the Rappahannock, to June, 1862. Kimball's Independent Brigade, 2nd Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to September, 1862. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 2nd Army Corps, Army Potomac, to March, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 2nd Army Corps, to June, 1865.

SERVICE.--Moved to Romney, W. Va., and duty there until January 10, 1862. Skirmish at Romney, Mill Creek Mills, October 26, 1861. Expedition to Blue's Gap January 6-7, 1862. Hanging Rock, Blue's Gap, January 7. At Paw Paw Tunnel until March 4. Advance on Winchester March 4-15. Battle of Winchester March 23. Cedar Creek March 25. Woodstock April 1. Edenburg April 2. Columbia Furnace April 16. Occupation of Mt. Jackson April 17. March to Fredericksburg, Va., May 12-22. Ravenswood May 15. March to Front Royal May 25-30. Front Royal May 30. Expedition to Luray June 3-7. Forced march to Port Republic June 8-9. Battle of Port Republic June 9 (Reserve). Moved to Alexandria June 29, thence to Harrison's Landing June 30-July 2. Haxall's, Herring Creek, Chickahominy Swamp, July 3-5. Moved to Alexandria, thence to Centreville August 16-29. Plains of Manassas August 29-30. Germantown September 1. Maryland Campaign September 6-22. Battles of South Mountain, Md., September 14; Antietam September 16-17. Moved to Harper's Ferry, W. Va., September 22, and duty there until October 30. Reconnaissance to Leesburg October 1-2. Advance up Loudoun Valley and march to Falmouth, Va., October 30-November 18. Battle of Fredericksburg, Va., December 12-15. Duty at Falmouth until April. "Mud March" January 20-24. Chancellorsville Campaign April 27-May 6. Battle of Chancellorsville May 1-5. Gettysburg (Pa.) Campaign June 11-July 24. Battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-3. Pursuit of Lee to Manassas Gap, Va., July 5-24. Duty on line of the Rappahannock until September. Advance from line of the Rappahannock to the Rapidan September 13-17. Bristoe Campaign October 9-22. Auburn and Bristoe October 14. Advance to line of the Rappahannock November 7-8. Kelly's Ford November 7. Mine Run Campaign November 26-December 2. Robertson's Tavern November 27. Mine Run November 28-30. Demonstration on the Rapidan February 6-7, 1864. Morton's Ford February 6-7. Campaign from the Rapidan to the James May 3-June 15. Battles of the Wilderness May 5-7; Laurel Hill May 8; Spotsylvania May 8-12; Po River May 10; Spotsylvania Court House May 12-21. Assault on the Salient or "Bloody Angle" May 12. North Anna River May 23-26. On line of the Pamunkey May 26-28. Totopotomoy May 28-31. Cold Harbor June 1-12. Before Petersburg June 16-18. Siege of Petersburg June 16, 1864, to April 2, 1865. Jerusalem Plank Road June 22-23, 1864, Demonstration north of the James July 27-29. Deep Bottom July 27-28. Demonstration north of the James August 13-20. Strawberry Plains, Deep Bottom, August 14-18. Ream's Station August 25. Poplar Springs Church September 29-October 1. Yellow House October 1-3. Hatcher's Run October 27-28. Raid on Weldon Railroad December 7-12. Dabney's Mills, Hatcher's Run, February 5-7, 1865. Watkins' House March 25. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Boydton and White Oak Roads March 30-31. Crow's House March 31. Fall of Petersburg April 2. Sailor's Creek April 6. Farmville and High Bridge April 7. Clover Hill, Appomattox Court House, April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. March to Washington, D. C, May 1-12. Grand Review May 23. Moved to Louisville, Ky., June. Mustered out July 1, 1865.

Regiment lost during service 9 Officers and 133 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 4 Officers and 154 Enlisted men by disease. Total 300.

8th Regiment Infantry

Organized at Buffalo, W. Va., November, 1861. Attached to District of the Kanawha, W. Va. Unassigned to May, 1862. Cluserett's Advance Brigade, Dept. of the Mountains, to June, 1862. Bohlen's Brigade, 3rd Division, 1st Corps, Pope's Army of Virginia, to September, 1862. Milroy's Independent Brigade, Defenses of Washington, D.C., to October, 1862. Point Pleasant, W. Va., District of the Kanawha, W. Va., Dept. of the Ohio, to March, 1863. Averill's 4th Separate Brigade, 8th Army Corps, Middle Department, to June, 1863. Averill's 4th Separate Brigade, Dept. of West Virginia, to December, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 4th Division, Army of West Virginia, to January, 1864.

SERVICE.--Post duty at Buffalo, W. Va., until April, 1862. Ordered to New Creek, W. Va. At Franklin until May 25. Pursuit of Jackson up the Shenandoah Valley May 26-June 19. Mt. Carmel Road near Strasburg June 1. Strasburg and Staunton Road June 1-2. Harrisonburg June 6. Battle of Cross Keys June 8. Port Republic June 9. Moved to Strasburg June 19-22, thence to Middletown June 24, and duty there until July. Middletown July 7. At Winchester until August 2. Pope's Campaign in Northern Virginia August 2-September 22. Fords of the Rappahannock August 20-23. Freeman's Ford August 22. Sulphur Springs August 23-24. Waterloo Bridge August 25. Gainesville August 28. Groveton August 29. Bull Run August 30. In the Defenses of Washington, D.C., until September 29. Moved to Mt. Pleasant, W. Va., September 29-October 9. Outpost duty at various points in District of West Virginia, until June, 1863. Skirmish, Gilmer County, W. Va., April 24, 1863. Regiment mounted at Bridgeport June, 1863. Moved to Grafton June 17. Beverly July 2-3. Huttonsville July 4. Moved to Cumberland, Md., July 7. Hedgesville and Martinsburg July 18-19. Averill's Raid through Hardy, Pendleton, Highland, Bath, Greenbrier and Pocahontas Counties, W. Va., August 5-31. Huntersville August 22. Warm Springs August 24. Jackson River August 25. Rocky Gap near White Sulphur Springs August 26-27. At Martinsburg until November, Averill's Raid against Lewisburg and the Virginia & Tennessee Railroad November 1-17. Mill Point November 5. Droop Mountain November 6. Covington November 9. Averill's Raid to Salem on Virginia & Tennessee Railroad December 8-25. Gatewood's December 12. Covington, Jackson River and Scott's or Barber's Creek December 19. At Martinsburg until January, 1864. Designation changed to 7th West Virginia Cavalry January 26, 1864.

9th Regiment Infantry

Organized at Guyandotte November 28, 1861, to April 30, 1862. Attached to District of the Kanawha, West Virginia, to May, 1862. 4th Brigade, Kanawha Division, West Virginia, to September, 1862. District of the Kanawha, West Virginia, Dept. of the Ohio, to January, 1863. Milroy's Command, Winchester, Va., 8th Army Corps, Middle Department, to February, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 8th Army Corps, to June, 1863. 1st Brigade, Scammon's Division, West Virginia, to August, 1863. 2nd Brigade, Scammon's Division, West Virginia, to December, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, West Virginia, to April, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, West Virginia, to November, 1864.

SERVICE.--Duty at Guyandotte, W. Va., until April, 1862. Affair at Guyandotte November 10, 1861. Assigned to garrison duty in the Kanawha Valley by detachments at Fayette, Gauley Bridge, Summerville, Point Pleasant, Coalsmouth and Calhoun until July, 1862. Scout in Roane and Clay Counties May 8-21. Affair at Summerville July 25 (Cos. "A," "F"). Moved to Flat Top Mountain July 28. To Summerville and Gauley August 14. Campaign in the Kanawha Valley September 1-16. Repulse of Loring's attack on Fayetteville September 10. Cotton Hill, Charleston and Gauley Ferry September 11. Charleston September 13. At Point Pleasant to January, 1863. Expedition up the Kanawha Valley October 21-November 10, 1862. At Winchester and Beverly January to June, 1863. Scout to Wardensville, Strasburg, etc., April 25-30. Winchester May 4. West Creek May 23. Winchester June 18. Duty in the Kanawha Valley until May, 1864. Crook's Expedition against Virginia & Tennessee Railroad May 2-19. Action at Cloyd's Mountain May 9. New River Bridge May 10. Cove Mountain or Grassy Lick near Wytheville May 10. Salt Pond Mountain and Gap Mountain May 12-13. Hunter's Expedition against Lynchburg May 26-July 1. Lexington June 11. Diamond Hill June 17. Lynchburg June 17-18. Retreat to Charleston June 19-July 1. Buford's Gap June 20. About Salem June 21. Moved to Shenandoah Valley July 12-15. Stephenson's Depot July 20. Battle of Kernstown, Winchester, July 23-24. Martinsburg July 25. Sheridan's Shenandoah Valley Campaign August 6-November 1. Halltown August 24 and 26. Berryville September 3. Battle of Opequan, Winchester, September 19. Fisher's Hill September 22. Battle of Cedar Creek October 19. At Camp Russell until November. Consolidated with 5th West Virginia Infantry November 9, 1864, to form 1st West Virginia Veteran Infantry .

Regiment lost during service 3 Officers and 96 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 107 Enlisted men by disease. Total 207.



Source - "A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion" by Frederick H. Dyer (Part 3)

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