Union Regimental Histories
Regiment organized from 1st Colorado Infantry November 1, 1862. Attached to District of Colorado, District of the Upper Arkansas and District of the Plains until November, 1865, operating against Indians and protecting stage routes. Stationed by detachments at Denver, Camps Collins, Curtis, Fillmore, Robbins, Weld and Canon City and at Forts Lyon and Garland.
SERVICE.--Skirmish at Grand Pass, Fort Halleck, Idaho, July 7, 1863 (Detachment). Expedition from Denver to Republican River, Kansas, April 8-23, 1864 (Co. "D"). Skirmish near Fremont Orchard, Colo., April 12 (Cos. "C" and "H"). Expedition from Camp Sanborn to Beaver Creek, Kansas, April 14-18 (Cos. "C" and "H"). Skirmish at Big Bushes, Smoky Hills, April 16 (Cos. "C" and "H"). Skirmish at Cedar Bluff, Colo., May 3 (Co. "C"), Scout from American Ranch to Cedar Bluff May 9-10. Scout from Fort Sumner August 3-November 4 (Cos. "A," "B" and "G"). Scout from Fort Union, N. Mex., August 4-September 5. Affair near Fort Lyon, Colo., August 7. Skirmish near Sand Creek August 11 (Cos. "D," "G," "K" and "L"). Scout on Fort Union Road, near Fort Garland, August 12-16 (Detachment). Skirmish, Atkins' Ranch, August 22. Skirmish, Walnut Creek, Kansas, September 25 (Cos. "L" and "M"). Skirmish, Fort Lyon, October 9. Affairs near Fort Lyon November 6-16. Pawnee Forks November 25 (1 Co.). Engagement with Indians at Sand Creek, Colo., November 29 (Cos. "C," "D," "E," "G," "H" and "K"). Company "B" at Fort Zarah, Kansas, August to October, 1864, then at Fort Garland. Skirmishes at Valley Station and Julesburg, Colo., January 7, 1865. Operations on Overland Stage Route between Denver and Julesburg January 14-25, 1865 (Co. "C"). Skirmish, Valley Station, Colo., January 14 (Co. "C"). Skirmish, Godfrey's Ranch, January 14 (Detachment). Skirmishes at Morrison's or American Ranch and Wisconsin Ranch January 15. Point of Rocks or Nine-Mile Ridge, near Fort Larned, January 20. Gittrell's Ranch January 25. Moore's Ranch January 26. Lillian Springs Ranch January 27. Near Valley Station January 28 (Co. "C"). Operations against Indians near Fort Collins, Colo., June 4-10 (Co. "D"). Expedition from Denver to Fort Halleck, Dakota, June 17-19 (Co. "D"). Operations about Rock Creek Station, Seven-Mile Creek, Dakota, June 24-30 (Cos. "A" and "D"). Mustered out at Leavenworth, Kansas, November 18, 1865.
Organized at St. Louis, Mo., by consolidation of the 2nd and 3rd Regiments Infantry to date from October, 1863. Attached to District of Southeast Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to December, 1863. District of St. Louis, Mo., Dept. Missouri, to January, 1864. District Central Missouri, Dept. of the Missouri, to December, 1864. District of the Upper Arkansas to September, 1865.
SERVICE.--Organizing Regiment at Benton Barracks, Mo., until January, 1864. Companies "F," "G," "H" and "K" on duty in Colorado at Fort Lyon and other points until November 26, 1863. March to Fort Riley, Kansas, November 26-December 25, thence to Kansas City, Mo., January 6, 1864. Regiment moved from St. Louis, Mo., to Dresden January 16, 1864, thence to Kansas City February 15-20. Assigned to duty in 4th Sub-District of Central Missouri, consisting of Cass, Johnston, Bates and Vernon Counties, Mo., and engaged in protecting borders of Kansas and operations against guerrillas, with almost constant fighting by detachments, until October, 1864. Operating from Kansas City, Independence, Westport, Hickman's Mills, Pleasant Hill and Harrisonville. Skirmish at Dayton, Mo., April 27. Skirmishes in Johnson County April 28-30. Skirmish at Sin Hills April 29 and May 21. Affair at Blue River May 21 (Detachment). Pleasant Hill May 28. Scout on the Osage June 8-19 (Cos. "I" and "L"). Scout from Pleasant Hill June 14-16 (Cos. "D," "I," "K" and "M"). Expedition from Kansas City into Missouri June 18-20 (Cos. "I," "K" and "M"). Operations in Western Missouri July 6-30. Near the Little Blue, Jackson County, July 6 (Co. "C"). Camden Point July 13. Near Fredericksburg July 14. Fayette Road, near Helmsville, July 16. Fredericksburg July 17. Scout on South Platte River, Colo., July 17-28 (Detachment). Ragtown July 20. Camden Point July 22. Union Mills July 22. Pleasant Hill July 25. Near Independence August 1 (Detachment). Scout on Independence Road to Gunter's Mills August 1-3 (Cos. "F," "G," "I," "K" and "L"). Scout from Independence to Lafayette County August 2-8 (Detachment). Scout from Independence to Lafayette and Jackson Counties August 13-18 (Cos. "C," "D," "F," "I," "K" and "M"). Operations in Lafayette, Howard and Saline Counties Aug. 13-22. Engagement, Canadian River, I. T., August 21 (Detachment). Scouts in Jackson and Cass Counties August 25-29 (Co. "D"). Skirmish near Pleasant Hill August 26 (Co. "D"). Operations against Price's Invasion August 29-December 2. Scouts on Little Blue, Jackson County, September 2-10 (Co. "A"). Walnut Creek September 25. Skirmish near Pleasant Hill September 26. Regiment concentrated at Pleasant Hill October 1, and cover Independence and front of the Army of the Border. Near Lexington October 17 (Cos. "C," "E," "G," "K" and "L"). Lexington October 19. Battle of Little Blue October 21. Pursuit of Price October 21-28. Independence and State Line October 22. Big Blue and Westport October 23. Marias Des Cygnes, Mine Creek, Little Osage River, October 25. Newtonia October 28. Moved to District of the Upper Arkansas December 22, and engaged in operations against Indians about Fort Riley, Fort Zarah, Fort Ellsworth and Fort Larned until September, 1865. Skirmish at Godfrey's Ranch, Colo., January 14, 1865 (Detachment). Operations on Overland Stage Route from Denver to Julesburg, Colo., January 14-25 (Detachment). Skirmish at Fort Zarah February 1 (Co. "C"). Scout from Fort Larned to Crooked Creek March 9 (Detachment). Near Fort Zarah April 23 (Detachment). Pawnee Rock May 20 (Detachment). Cow Creek Station, Plum Butte and Pawnee Rock June 12 (Detachments). Mustered out at Leavenworth, Kansas, September 23, 1865.
3rd Regiment Cavalry "Bloodless Third"
Regiment organized at Denver, Colo., for 100 days' service August 20 to September 21, 1864. Duty at Denver until September 27. Operations against Arapahoe and Cheyenne Indians in the District of Colorado October to December. Company "G" at Camp Baxter, Company "A" at Camp Cass, Companies "E," "B," "I," "K," "L" and "M" at Camp Elbert, Company "F" at Junction Station, Company "C" at Latham Station, Company "B" at Old Fort Lupton and Company "D" at Valley Station. Skirmish near Valley Station October 10. Engagement with Indians at Sand Creek, Colo., November 29. Mustered out at Denver December 31, 1864.
McLane's Independent Battery Light Artillery
Organized at Denver, Colo., December 15, 1862. Attached to District of Colorado to July, 1864. District of Upper Arkansas to December, 1864. District of South Kansas to April, 1865. District of North Kansas to August, 1865.
SERVICE.--Duty at Fort Lyon, Colo., operating against Indians, December, 1862, to July, 1863. At Camp Weld until December, 1863. Scout from Port Garland, Colo., October 12-16, 1863. At Denver December, 1863, to June, 1864. Expedition from Denver to Republican River, Kansas, April 8-23, 1864. Action at Big Bushes, Smoky Hill, Kansas, April 16. Ordered to District of Kansas June, 1864. At Fort Larned, District of South Kansas, until August, 1864. (A Detachment at Lawrence, Kansas.) Ordered to Lawrence August 9, and duty in District of Upper Arkansas. Stationed at Paola until October. Operations against Price's Invasion October-November. Actions at Little Blue October 21. Big Blue October 22. Westport October 23. Pursuit of Price October 24-December 2. Mine Creek, Marias Des Cygnes, Charlot, October 25. Newtonia October 28. Cane Hill, November 6. At Paola, Kansas, until May, 1865. Ordered to Fort Scott and Fort Gibson, and duty in District of North Kansas until August. Mustered out August 31, 1865.
1st Regiment Infantry "Pikes Peakers - Gilpin's Pet Lambs"
Organized at Camp Weld, near Denver, August 26 to December 14, 1861. 3 Companies sent to Fort Wise, afterwards Fort Lyon, and duty there until March, 1862, when marched from Fort Lyon to Fort Union, N. Mex., March 3-10, and rejoin Regiment. Regiment left Camp Weld February 22 and march to Fort Union, N. Mex. At Fort Union March 10-22. March toward Santa Fe, N. Mex. Actions at Apache Canon March 26. La Glorietta Pass, or Pigeon Ranch, March 28. Peralta April 15. At Fort Craig until July. Garrison at Fort Garland, Fort Union, Fort Craig, Fort Larned and Fort Lyon, Colo., until November. Designation changed to 1st Colorado Cavalry November 1, 1862, which see.
Organized at Fort Garland, Canon City, Fort Lyon and Denver, Colo., December, 1861. Ford's Independent Company, organized at Canon City, Colo., August to December, 1861, assigned as Company "A." Company left Canon City December 12 and arrived at Fort Garland December 21, and mustered in December 24, 1861. Todd's Independent Company organized at Canon City August to December, 1861. Assigned as Company "B." Left Canon City December 7 and marched to Fort Garland. Mustered in December 14, 1861. Ford's Company at Fort Garland until February 4, 1862, then marched to Santa Fe, N. Mex., February 4-March 4, 1862, thence to Fort Union, N. Mex., March 5-11. Dodd's Company marched to Santa Fe, N. Mex., thence to Fort Craig and Joined Canby. Skirmish at Fort Craig February 20 (Co. "B"). Engagement at Valverde February 21 (Co. "B"). Evacuation of Albuquerque and Santa Fe March 3-4. Skirmish at Albuquerque April 8. Action at Apache Canon March 26. La Glorietta Pass, or Pigeon Ranch, March 28. Peralta April 15. Apache Canon July 15. Duty at Fort Craig, Santa Fe and Fort Union until February, 1863. Expedition from Fort Union to Canadian River and Utah Creek October 29-November 23 (Co "C"). March to Fort Lyon, Colo. Duty there, at Denver and Fort Garland until March. Ordered to Camp Scott, Kansas. At Camp Leroy, Kansas, June. Fort Gibson, I. T., May 28. (Co. "C" at Council Grove, Kansas District of the Border, July, 1863.) Escort train from Fort Scott to Fort Smith, Ark., June-July (Cos. "A," "B.") Engagement at Cabin Creek, I. T., July 1-2, and at Elk Creek near Honey Springs, I. T., July 17. Duty in Cherokee Nation at Fort Blunt July, and at Fort Smith, Ark., operating on line of the Arkansas River until November. Action at Perryville, I. T., August 26. Texas Prairie August 29 (Co. "F"). Skirmish at Webber Falls September 9. Ordered to Springfield, Mo., October, 1863, for consolidation with 3rd Colorado Infantry to form 2nd Colorado Cavalry.
Organized at Denver and Camp Weld, Colorado, September, 1862, to January, 1863. Attached to District of Colorado to March, 1863. District of Southeast Missouri, Department of Missouri, to October, 1863.
SERVICE.--March from Camp Weld, Denver, Colo., to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, March 5-April 24, thence moved to St. Louis, Mo., via St. Jo and Hannibal, Mo., April 28-30. Ordered to Sulphur Springs, Mo., thence to Pilot Knob, Mo. Duty at Pilot Knob, Potosi and Ironton until October, 1863. Moved to St. Louis October, 1863, for consolidation with 2nd Colorado Infantry to form 2nd Colorado Cavalry.
Organized at Denver August to October, 1861. Attached to District of Colorado. March from Denver to New Mexico January, 1862. Engagement at Valverde, N. Mex., February 21, 1862. Mustered out April 1, 1862.
Source - "A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion" by Frederick H. Dyer (Part 3)