Union Regimental Histories
Organized at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., September 6, 1861. Moved to Benton Barracks September 12, thence to Jefferson City, Mo., September 21 (5 Cos.). Other Companies moved to Jefferson City October 4 and Joined Regiment at Tipton, Mo., October 19. Expedition to Lexington October 5-16 (Cos. "C" and "L"). Capture of Lexington October 16 (Cos. "C" and "L"). Warrensburg October 18. Fremont's advance on Springfield, Mo., October 20-26. 1st Battalion (Cos. "A," "C," "D" and "E") moved to Sedalia, Mo., as escort to General Hunter, November; thence to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and duty there until May, 1862. Attached to Dept. of Kansas November, 1861, to May, 1862. District of Southwest Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to October, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, Army of the Frontier, Dept. of Missouri, to February, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, Army of the Frontier, to June, 1863. 1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, District of Southeast Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to August, 1863. Reserve Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Arkansas Expedition, to December, 1863. 1st Brigade, 1st Division Cavalry, Army of Arkansas, to January, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, 7th Army Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to May, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 7th Army Corps, to September, 1864. (Regiment consolidated to 7 Cos. September 10, 1864.) 2nd Brigade, Cavalry Division, 7th Army Corps, to March, 1865. Separate Brigade, 7th Army Corps, to September, 1865.
SERVICE.--Operations about Atchison, Kansas, January 20-24, 1862 (Co. "E"). Pink Hill March 31 (Cos. "C" and "D"). Moved to Independence, Mo., May, 1862, and operating against guerrillas until September, 1862. Scout to Little Blue May 15-17 (Detachment). Independence May 16 (Detachment). Near Sedalia June 5 (Cos. "A," "C" and "E"). Operations in Johnson County June 28-29. Expedition toward Blackwater and Chapel Hill July 6-9. Expedition in Casa County July 9-11. Lotspeach Farm, near Wadesburg, July 9. Sear's House and Big Creek Bluffs, near Pleasant Hill, August 8 (Cos. "A," "C" and "D"). Joined Herron's Division September --. At Rolla, Mo., until June, 1863. Moved to Pilot Knob and Join Davidson's Cavalry Division. Expedition against Little Rock, Ark., July 1-September 10. Pocahontas August 24. Shallow Ford, Bayou Metoe, August 30. Near Shallow Ford September 2. Bayou Fourche and capture of Little Rock September 10. Expedition from Benton to Mt. Ida November 10-18, Caddo Gap November 11. Near Benton December 1. Reconnaissance from Little Rock December 5-13. At Little Rock until March, 1864. Carter's Creek January 23, 1864. Steele's Expedition to Camden March 23-May 3. Rockport March 25. Arkadelphia March 29. Spoonville April 2. Little Missouri River April 6. Prairie D'Ann April 9-12. Camden April 15. Jenkins' Ferry, Saline River, April 30. Operations against Shelby north of Arkansas River May 18-31. Osceola August 2. Benton August 18. Near Pine Bluff August 18. Scout to Benton September 6-7. Reconnaissance to Princeton October 19-23. Expedition to Saline River November 17-18. Expedition to Mt. Elba January 22-February 4, 1865. At Little Rock until September. Mustered out September 1, 1865.
2nd Battalion--(Cos. "B," "H," "I", and "L.") Moved to Otterville, Mo., November, 1861, and duty there until February, 1862. Expedition to Milford December 15-19. Shawnee Mound, Milford, Blackwater River, December 19. Roan's Tan Yard, Silver Creek, January 8, 1862. Joined 3rd Battalion at Lebanon February 9. Attached to 3rd Brigade, Army of Southwest Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to February, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, Army of Southwest Missouri, to April, 1862. Cassville, Mo., District of Southwest Missouri, to October, 1862. (Detached from 3rd Battalion at Cassville, Mo., April 7.) Unattached, 2nd Division, Army of the Frontier, to January, 1863; then same as 1st Battalion. Advance on Springfield, Mo., February 13-16. Pursuit of Price to Fayetteville, Ark., February 13-16. Skirmish with Price's Rear Guard February 14-15. Bentonville February 17. Sugar Creek February 18. Reconnaissance to Berryville March 3-7. Battles of Pea Ridge March 7-8. Leetown March 7. Elkhorn Tavern March 8. Operations against Stan Wattee March 19-23. At Cross Timbers until April 6. Moved to Cassville April 6-7. Santa Fe Road April 14. Neosho April 26. Near Newtonia August 8. Union Mills August 20. Occupation of Newtonia October 4, Battle of Prairie Grove, Ark., December 7. Expedition over Boston Mountains December 27-29. Dripping Springs and capture of Van Buren December 28. (See 1st Battalion.)
3rd Battalion--(Cos. "F," "G," "K" and "M."). Moved to Rolla, Mo., November, 1861. Expedition against Sam Freeman December --. Stein's Creek, LaClede County, January 1, 1862. Scouting on the Gasconade until January 15, 1862. Attached to 3rd Brigade, Army of Southwest Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to April, 1862. 2nd Division, Army of Southwest Missouri, to July, 1862. District of Eastern Arkansas, Dept. of Missouri, to December, 1862. 1st Brigade, 3rd Cavalry Division, District of Eastern Arkansas, to January, 1863, Helena, Ark., District of Eastern Arkansas, 13th Army Corps, Dept. of Tennessee, to January, 1863. District Of Memphis, Tenn., 16th Army Corps, to March, 1863. 4th Brigade, District of Memphis, 5th Division, 16th Army Corps, to June, 1863. Dept. of Missouri to December, 1863. New Madrid, Mo., to September, 1864.
SERVICE.--Curtis' Campaign in Southwest Missouri January 15-February 16, 1862. Occupation of Lebanon January 26, 1862. Reconnaissance beyond Bolivar February 6-9. Bolivar February 8. Advance on Springfield, Mo., February 10-13. Pursuit of Price to Fayetteville, Ark., February 13-16. Skirmish with Price's Rear Guard February 14-15. Bentonville February 17. Sugar Creek February 18. Reconnaissance to Berryville March 3-7. Battles of Pea Ridge March 6-9. Leetown March 7. Elkhorn Tavern March 8. Operations against Stan Wattee March 1923. At Cross Timbers until April 6. Advance to Forsyth, thence to Batesville April 7-May 5. (Co. "F" detached as escort to General Jeff C. Davis May 10, 1862, and moved to Army of the Tennessee.) March to Helena, Ark., May 25-July 14. Big Indian Creek, White County, May 23. Searcy, White County, May 27. Taberville August 11. Lagrange September 6. Expedition to Lawrenceville and St. Charles September 11-13. Expedition from Helena to Lagrange September 26. Near Helena October 11. Expedition from Helena to Moro November 5-8. At Helena, Ark., until January 29, 1863. Moved to Memphis, Tenn., and duty there until June. Carter's Creek Pike April 27. Expedition to Hernando May 23-24 and May 26 (Detachments). Scouts toward Hernando May 27-28 (Detachment). Operations in Northwest Mississippi June 15-25. Coldwater, near Hernando, June 19 (Detachment). Hernando June 20. Moved to St. Louis, Mo., June 30-July 3; thence to Cape Girardeau escorting train July 20-27. March to Bloomfield and return to Cape Girardeau August 1-6. Expedition to Pocahontas August 17-27. Pocahontas August 24. At Cape Girardeau and Pilot Knob until October 23, and at Bloomfield until December 14. Moved to New Madrid, Mo., and duty there until September, 1864. In swamps of Little River April 6, 1864. Scout to Gainesville, Ark., May 10-25. Expedition to Carruthersville July 5-10. Operations in Southeast Missouri and Northeast Arkansas July 18-August 6. Company "F" served detached as escort to General Jeff C. Davis, commanding 4th Division, Army of Mississippi, to September, 1862; then with Headquarters, 9th Division, 3rd Corps, Army of Ohio, to November, 1862. 1st Division, Right Wing 14th Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland, to January, 1863. 1st Division, 20th Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland, to October, 1863. At Headquarters, Dept. of Missouri, to August, 1864. Siege of Corinth, Miss., April 29-May 30, 1862. Campaign against Bragg in Kentucky October, 1862. Stone River Campaign December, 1862-January, 1863. Weem's Springs August 19, 1863.
Regiment lost during service 2 Officers and 51 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 179 Enlisted men by disease. Total 234.
1st Regiment State Militia Cavalry
Organized in Missouri at large February 3 to April 9, 1862. Companies "A" and "B" in Davies County, Company "C" in Sullivan County, "D" in Putnam County, "E" in Gentry County, "F" in Linn County, "H" in De-Kalb County, "I" in Harrison County and "K" in Lundy County. Company "L" organized in Andrew and Buchanan Counties and attached May, 1863. Company "M" organized in Worth and Gentry Counties and attached July, 1863. Regiment attached to District of Central Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to July, 1863. District of the Border, Dept. of Missouri, to January, 1864. District of Central Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to July, 1865. Headquarters at Lexington until March, 1863. (4 Cos. at Sedalia, Mo., November, 1862, to April, 1863.) At independence until April, 1863. At Harrisonville until May, 1863. At Warrensburg until June, 1863. At Lexington until October, 1863. At Warrensburg until July, 1865, operating against Cash's, Davis', Kirk's, Merrick's, Marchbank's, Ballou's, Porter's, Poindexter's, Quantrell's and Cockrell's guerrillas.
SERVICE.--Expedition to Spring Hill May 24, 1862 (Cos. "G" and "K"). Sear's House and Big Creek Bluffs, near Pleasant Hill, July 11 (Cos. "A," "C" and "D"). Clark's Mills July 30 (2 Cos.). Grand River August 1 (Battalion). Operations on Missouri River August-- (Detachment). Near Cravensville August 5. Kirksville August 5-6. Panther Creek and Walnut Creek August 8. Near Stockton August 8 (Detachment). Sear's Ford, Chariton River, August 9 (Detachment). Expedition from Camp Gamble against guerrillas August 12-18. Putnam September 1. Strother's Fork of Black River September 13. Syracuse October 14. Expedition from Independence to Greenton, Chapel Hill and Hopewell October 24-26 (Cos. "E" and "H"). Operations in Jackson and Lafayette Counties October 26-29 (Detachment). Blue Springs, near Independence, March 22. Sedalia April 9, 1863. Hog Island May 18 (Detachment). Near Wellington June 17. Near Papinsville June 23 (Detachment). Saline County July 30. Near Lexington July 30 (Cos. "C," "I" and "K"). Stumptown August 2 (Cos. "F," "G" and "H"). Scout from Lexington to Hopewell August 6-9 (Detachment). Dayton August 10 (Detachment). Near Wellington August 14 (Detachment). Operations against Quantrell's Raid into Kansas August 20-28. Big Creek, near Pleasant Hill, August 22. Scouts in Lafayette County and skirmishes September 22-25 (Cos. "B," "H," "L" and "M"). Operations against Shelby September 22-October 26. Booneville October 11-12. Jonesborough October 12. Merrill's Crossing and Dug Ford near Jonesborough, October 12. Marshall, Arrow Rock Blackwater, October 13. Syracuse October 14. Greenton Valley, near Hopewell, October 21 (Detachment of Co. "B"). Near Lexington November 4 (Detachment) Scouts in Jackson County January 15-17, 1864 (Detachment). Lexington February 22. Operations about Warrensburg February 22-24 (Detachment). Scout from Lexington March 19-22. Scouts in Jackson and Lafayette Counties and skirmishes March 20-30 (Detach merits). Deep Water Township March 27. Near Greenton March 30 (Co. "F"). Offett's Knob April 28. Skirmishes in Johnson County April 28-30 (Cos. "D" and "M"). Scout from Warrensburg May 23-25. Near Shanghai May 27 (Detachment). Scout from Warrens burg to North Blackwater River June 5-9 (Co. "I") Near Kingsville June 12 (Detachment). Lexington June 14 (Cos. "F" and "I"). Lafayette County June 14 (Detachment). Attack on Arrow Rock July 20. Operations in Lafayette and Johnson Counties and skirmishes July 20-31 (Co. "E"). Scout in Saline County August 6-9 (Detachment). Arrow Rock August 7 (Detachment). Saline County August 13 (Co. "H"). Operations in Lafayette, Saline and Howard Counties August 13-22. Near Lexington August 19 (Co. "A"). Dover August 20. Davis Creek August 22. The Tabo August 22. Operations on Texas Prairie, Jackson County, August 25-30. Near Warrensburg September 9 (Detachment). Near Lexington September 18 (Detachment). Near Longwood September 22 (Detachment). Blackwater September 23 (1st Battalion). Prince's Shoals, Osage River, Cole County, October 5-6. Moreau Bottom, Jefferson City, October 7. Near Jefferson City October 8. California October 9. Booneville October 9-12. Sedalia October 15. Little Blue October 21. Independence, Big Blue and State Line October 22. Westport October 23. Mine Creek, Little Osage River, Mafias Des Cygnes, October 25. Engagement at the Marmiton or Battle of Chariot October 25. Escort prisoners from Fort Scott to Warrensburg, Mo., October 26-November 1. Near Fort Scott October 28. At Warrensburg and Pleasant Hill, Cass County, operating against guerrillas in Central District of Missouri until July, 1865. Scout from Warrensburg to Greenton Valley November 29-December 3, 1864 (Detachment). Near Lexington January 11, 1865. Scout from Camp Grover to Texas Prairie January 12-15. Scout from Warrensburg to Snibar Hills January 18-22 (Detachment). Scout from Warrensburg to Wagon Knob, etc., February 1-5 (Detachment). Old members mustered out February and March, 1865. Recruits consolidated to a Battalion of 2 Companies. Near Lone Jack March 12 (Detachment). Scout from Lexington March 20-22 (Detachment). Near Pleasant Hill May 3 (Detachment). Mustered out July 12, 1865.
Regiment lost during service 2 Officers and 71 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 67 Enlisted men by disease. Total 142.
1st Battalion State Militia Cavalry (Krekel's)
Organized at St. Charles, Mo., March 26,
1862. Attached to District of Central Missouri, Dept. of Missouri. Duty at St. Charles and
in District of Central Missouri operating against guerrillas until November, 1862.
Skirmish at Bob's Creek March 7. Big Creek March 9. Scouts in Calloway County September 4.
Prairie Station September 4. Portland October 16. Broken up November 11, 1862.
Battalion lost during service 1 Enlisted man killed and 12 Enlisted men by disease. Total
1st Battalion Mississippi Marine Brigade Cavalry
Organized at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., January and February, 1863, for duty in Western Waters. Attached to District of Northeast Louisiana, Dept. of the Tennessee, October, 1863, to April, 1864. District of Vicksburg, Miss., to August, 1864.
SERVICE.--Action at Little Rock Landing April 26, 1863. Beaver Dam Lake, near Austin, May 24 and 28. Expedition from Young's Point, La., to Richmond, La., June 14-16. Richmond June 15. Grand Luxe, Ark., June 16. Expedition from Snyder's Bluff to Greenville June 29-30. Bayou Tenses June 30. Expedition from Goodrich Landing to Griffin's Landing, Cat Fish Point, Miss., October 24-November 10. Operations about Natchez December 1-10. Rodney December 17. Fayette December 22. Rodney December 24. Port Gibson December 26. Grand Gulf January 16-18, 1864. Expedition to Grand Gulf February 15-March 6. Lima Landing, Ark., February 22. Red River Campaign March 10-May 22. Fort DeRussy March 14. Worthington's and Sunnyside Landings, Fish Bayou, June 5. Old River Lake or Lake Chicot June 6. Indian Bayou June 8. Coleman's Plantation, Port Gibson, July 4. Port Gibson July 7. Consolidated with 1st Infantry, Mississippi Marine Brigade, August, 1864.
Battalion lost during service 2 Officers and 15 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 38 Enlisted men by disease. Total 56.
1st Battalion Enrolled Militia Company
Called into service September 25, 1864, to resist Price's invasion of Missouri. Relieved from active service October 31, 1864.
2nd Regiment Cavalry (Merrill Horse)
Organized at Benton Barracks, Mo., by Captain Lewis Merrill, U.S. A., under authority of General Fremont, September 3 to December 11, 1861. (Co. "L" organized at St. Louis, Mo., January 1, 1863, and Co. "M" at Warrenton June 30, 1863.) Before organization of Regiment was completed ordered to march to Springfield, Me., September, 1861. Fremont's Campaign against Springfield, Mo., September-October. At Sedalia, Mo., until January, 1862. Scout through Saline County December 3-12, 1861. Expedition to Milford December 15-19. Shawnee Mound or Milford, Blackwater River, December 18. Roan's Tan Yard, Silver Creek, January 8, 1862. Knobnoster January 22. Attached to Dept. of Missouri September, 1861, to January, 1862. District of Northeast Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to June, 1863. District of Southeast Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to August, 1863. 1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Arkansas Expedition, to December, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Army of Arkansas, to January, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, 7th Army Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to May, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 7th Army Corps, to September, 1864. 2nd Brigade, Cavalry Division, 7th Army Corps, to February, 1865. 2nd Brigade, Cavalry Division, District of West Tennessee, to muster out.
SERVICE.--Moved to Northern Missouri and duty at Columbia, Glasgow, Sturgeon, Paris, Huntsville, Palmyra and Warrenton, operating against guerrillas January, 1862, to June, 1863. Expedition into Schuyler and Scotland Counties, Porter's and Poindexter's guerrillas, July 12-August 8, 1862. Near Memphis, Mo., July 18. Brown Springs July 27. Moore's Mills, near Fulton, July 28. Kirksville August 6 (Detachment). Pursuit of Poindexter August 8-15, with skirmishes at Grand River, Lee's Ford, Chariton River and Walnut Creek, near Stockton, August 9. Switzler's Mill August 10. Little Compton Ferry, Yellow Creek, August 11. Roanoke September 6 (Detachment). Scotland and Boone Counties September 30 (Detachment). Joined Davidson's Cavalry Division at Pilot Knob June, 1863. Expedition to Little Rock, Ark., July 1-September 10. Grand Prairie August 17. Brownsville August 25. Bayou Metoe or Reed's Bridge August 27. Reconnaissance from Brownsville August 29. Bear Skin Lake, Ashby's Mills, September 7. Bayou Fourche and capture of Little Rock September 10. Pursuit of Price September 11-13. Near Little Rock September 11. Duty at Little Rock until March, 1864. Steele's Expedition to Camden March 23-May 3. Benton Road March 23-24. Okolona April 2-3. Prairie D'Ann April 9-12. Camden April 15-18. Moro Bottom April 25-26. Jenkins' Ferry, Saline River, April 30. Scatterville July 28. Duty in Arkansas until September. Operating against Price September and October. Booneville, Mo., October 9-12. Little Blue October 21. Big Blue, State Line, October 22. Westport October 23. Battle of Charlot October 25. Mine Creek, Osage River, Marias Des Cygnes, October 25. Grierson's Expedition from Memphis against Mobile & Ohio Railroad December 21, 1864, to January 15, 1865 (Co. "E"). Near Memphis February 9 (Detachment). Moved to Chattanooga, Tenn., and duty operating against guerrillas in Georgia and Alabama and escorting trains from Chattanooga to Atlanta January to September, 1865. Mustered out September 19, 1865.
Regiment lost during service 3 Officers and 53 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 205 Enlisted men by disease. Total 262.
2nd Regiment State Militia Cavalry
Organized in Missouri at large December, 1861, to April, 1862, and by consolidation of original 2nd and 11th Regiments, State Militia Cavalry. Attached to District of Northern Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to March, 1863. District of St. Louis, Mo., Dept. of Missouri, to June, 1863. District of Southeast Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to July, 1863. District of St. Louis, Mo., Dept. of Missouri, to April, 1865.
SERVICE.--Walkerville, Mo., April 2 and 14, 1862. Cherry Grove June 26. Near Newark July 7. Whaley's Mills August 1. Kirksville August 6 (Detachment). Near Stockton August 8 (Detachment). Near Bragg's Farm September 13. Bloomfield March 1-2, 1863. Expedition from Bloomfield to Chalk Bluff, Ark., and to Gum Slough, etc., Mo., and skirmishes March 9-15. Chalk Bluff March 9 and 15. Gum Slough March 16. Scout to Doniphan March 19-23. Near Doniphan March 21. Scouts from Bloomfield to Scatterville, Ark., March 25-April 1. Chalk Bluff April 1. Operations against Marmaduke April 21-May 2. Cape Girardeau April 26. Castor River, near Bloomfield, April 29. Bloomfield April 29-30. Chalk Bluff, St. Francis River, April 30-May 1. Round Ponds August 1 (Detachment). Scout from Cape Girardeau to Poplar Bluff August 9-18 (1st Battalion). Ash Hill August 3 (Detachment). Expedition from Cape Girardeau to Pilot Knob and Pocahontas, Ark., August 17-26. Pocahontas, Ark., August 22-23. Expedition to Big Lake, Mississippi County, Ark., September 7-30, Expedition from Pilot Knob to Oregon County and to Pocahontas, Ark., September 29-October 6 (Detachment). Scout from Cape Girardeau to Doniphan and Pocahontas October 26-November 12. Expedition from Cape Girardeau to Clarkton October 26-November 15 (Detachment). Attack on Bloomfield and pursuit to Brown's Ferry, Ark., November 29-30. Halcora Island February 2, 1864 (Detachment). Cape Girardeau February 5. Near Charleston February 15 (Detachment). Near Bloomfield April 1. Scout from Bloomfield May 6. Sykestown June 7. Near St. James June 10. Expedition from New Madrid to Carruthersville July 5-10 (Detachment). Bloomfield July 14. Operations in Southeast Missouri and Northeast Arkansas July 18-August 6. Scatterville, Ark., July 28 (Detachment). Osceola, Ark., August 2. Elkchute August 4 (Detachment). Near Homersville and Gayoso September 8 (Detachment). Sykestown September 22. Ironton September 26. Shut in Gap and Arcadia Valley September 26. Fort Davidson, Pilot Knob, September 26-27 (Co. "K"). Leesburg or Harrison September 28-29 and October 1. Scout in Pemiscot County and skirmish October 10-12 (Detachment). Little Blue October 21. Independence, Big Blue and State Line October 22. Westport October 23. Engagement at the Marmiton or battle of Chariot October 25. Mine Creek, Little Osage River, Mafias Des Cygnes, October 25. West Point October 26. Operations in Mississippi County, Ark., November 5-6 (Detachment). Sikestown November 6 (Detachment). Scout in Pemiscot County and skirmish November 13-16 (Detachment). Near New Madrid December 3 (Detachment). Cypress Swamp, near Cape Girardeau, December 14 (Detachments). Expedition from Cape Girardeau and Dallas to Cherokee Bay and St. Francis River, Ark., with skirmish, December 20, 1864-January 4, 1865. Near Carruthersville December 30, 1864. Expedition from Bloomfield to Poplar Bluff January 4-16 (Detachment). Expedition from Cape Girardeau to Eleven Points River, Ark., January 24-February 22. Mississippi County February 13 (Co. "B"). Expedition from Bloomfield into Dunklin County March 3-7 (Detachment). Near Bloomfield March 3. Dunklin County March 4. Bloomfield March 7 (Detachment). Scout from Cape Girardeau to Bolinger, Stoddard and Wayne Counties March 9-15 (Co. "F"). Mustered out April 20, 1865.
Regiment lost during service 18 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 88 Enlisted men by disease. Total 107.
2nd Battalion State Militia Cavalry
Organized at Harrisville and Kansas City, Mo., March 17 to May 5, 1862. Attached to District of Central Missouri, Dept. of Missouri. Scout to Little Manqua, near Quincy, and skirmish April, 1862. Scout to Monticello, Vernon County, and to Shiloh Camp, on Boyle's Run, April 9-16. Pink Hill April 11. Montevallo April 14. Near Independence May 15-17. Surrender of Independence August 11 (Detachment). Action at Lone Jack August 16. At Lexington and in District of Central Missouri until March, 1863. Grand Prairie October 24. Expedition into Southeast Missouri and North Arkansas November 8-13. Affairs in Jackson and Lafayette Counties November 26-29. Mustered out March 31, 1863.
Battalion lost during service 3 Officers and 48 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 109 Enlisted men by disease. Total 161.
Organized at Palmyra, Mo., and St. Louis, Mo., October 15, 1861, to March 6, 1862. Attached to District of Rolla, Dept. of Missouri, to December, 1862. Cavalry Brigade, Army of Southeast Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to June, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Army of Southeast Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to August, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Arkansas Expedition, to December, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Army of Arkansas, to January, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, 7th Army Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to March, 1865. Separate Cavalry Brigade, 7th Army Corps, to June, 1865.
SERVICE.--Duty in Southeast Missouri and District of Rolla, Mo.. until December, 1862, under Prentiss and McNeil. Action near Hallsville, Mo., December 27, 1861. Mt. Zion Church December 28. Inman's Hollow July 7, 1862 (Cos. "B," "D," "G," "H"). Mountain Store, Big Piney, July 25-26 (Cos. "E," "F"). Scout in Sinking Creek and skirmish August 4-11 (Detachment). Salem August 9. Wayman's Mills and Spring Creek August 23. Scout from Salem to Current River August 24-28 (Co. "E"). Beaver Creek, Texas County, November 24. Expedition from Rolla to Ozark Mountains November 30-December 6 (Cos. "A," "B"). Ozark December 2 (Cos. "A," "B"). Wood's Creek January 11, 1863. Hartsville, Wood's Fork, January 11. Batesville, Ark., February 4. Operations against Marmaduke April 17-May 2. Castor River, near Bloomfield, April 29. Bloomfield April 30. Coal Bluff, St. Francis River, April 30-May 1. Expedition against Little Rock, Ark., July 1-September 10. Moved from Wittsburg to Clarendon August 1-8. Near Bayou Metoe August 26. Bayou Metoe (or Reed's Bridge) August 27. Advance on Little Rock September 1-10. Bayou Fourche and capture of Little Rock September 10. Brownsville September 16. At Jacksonport, Ark., November, 1863, to March, 1864. Affair at Jacksonport November 21, 1863 (Co. "E"). Reconnaissance from Little Rock December 5-13, 1863. Jacksonport December 23. Scouts from Brownsville January 17-19, 1864. Hot Springs February 4. Steele's Expedition to Camden March 23-May 3. Elkins' Ferry, Little Missouri River, April 3-4. Mark's Mills April 5. Little Missouri River April 6. Prairie D'Ann April 9-12. Camden April 15, 16, 18 and 24. Mt. Elba Ferry April 26. Princeton April 29. Operations against Shelby, north of Arkansas River, May 18-31. At Little Rock until June, 1865. Benton Road, near Little Rock, July 19, 1864. Benton July 25 (Co. "C"). Scatterville July 28 (Detachment). Expedition from Little Rock to Little Red River August 6-16. At Tannery, near Little Rock, September 2 (Detachment). Expedition Little Rock to Fort Smith September 25-October 13 (Detachment). Reconnaissance from Little Rock toward Monticello and Mt. Elba October 4-11. Reconnaissance from Little Rock to Princeton October 19-23. Princeton October 23. Expedition from Little Rock to Saline River November 17-18 (Detachment). Expedition from Little Rock to Benton November 27-30 (Detachment). Mustered out June 14, 1865. (Co. "M" at Headquarters Dept. of Missouri, St. Louis, Mo., November, 1862, to June, 1863.)
Regiment lost during service 3 Officers and 37 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 172 Enlisted men by disease. Total 213.
3rd Regiment State Militia Cavalry (Old)
Organized at Louisiana, Pike County, Mo., May 5, 1862. Guard line of the North Missouri Railroad and operations in Northeast Missouri against Porter until February, 1863. Prairie Jackson, Mo., April 9, 1862 (Cos. "A," "B," "C"). Near Fayetteville, Ark., July 15. Moore's Mills, near Fulton, July 24, Greenville July 26. Dallas August 24. Newtonia September 13. Monroe County September 16 and October 4. Operations against Marmaduke in Missouri December 31, 1862, to January 25, 1863. Springfield January 8, 1863. Regiment disbanded February 4, 1863.
Regiment lost during service 7 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 3 Officers and 62 Enlisted men by disease. Total 72.
3rd Regiment State Militia Cavalry (New)
Reorganized from 10th Regiment State Militia Cavalry February 2, 1863. Attached to District of St. Louis, Mo., Dept. of Missouri, to June, 1863. District of Southeast Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to July, 1863. District of St. Louis, Mo., Dept. of Missouri, to July, 1865.
SERVICE.--Moved from Pilot Knob to Patterson, Mo., March 16, 1863. Operations against Marmaduke April 20-May 1, 1863. Patterson April 20. Fredericktown April 22. Castor River, near Bloomfield, April 29. Bloomfield April 29-30. Chalk Bluff, St. Francis River, April 30-May 1. Near Doniphan June 1 (Detachment). Expedition from Cape Girardeau and Pilot Knob to Pocahontas, Ark., August 17-26. Oregon County October 23. Scout from Cape Girardeau to Doniphan and Pocahontas, Ark., October 26-November 12 (Detachment). Scout from Pilot Knob to Doniphan, Ark., October 29-November 5 (Detachment). Reeve's attack on Centreville December 23. Pursuit of Reeves December 23-25. Puliam's December 25. Bolinger County January 14, 1864. Scout from Patterson to Cherokee Bay. Ark., January 20-27 (Detachment). Poplar Bluff February 27. Scout from Pilot Knob to Arkansas line, and skirmishes March 16-25 (Detachment). Oregon County March 19. Wayne County April 26. Scout from Patterson May 6-11 (Co. "A"). Randolph County May 8. Cherokee Bay, Ark., May 8 (Co. "A"). Near St. James June 10. Scout from Patterson to Buffalo July 8-12 (Detachment). Operations in Southeast Missouri and Northeast Arkansas July 18-August 6. Scatterville. Ark., July 28 (Detachment). Osceola August 2. Elkchute August 4. Near Rocheport September 3 (Detachment). Caledonia September 12 (Detachment). Scout in Randolph, Howard and Boone Counties September 15-19 (Detachment). Columbia September 16 (Detachment). Doniphan September 19. Ponder's Mill, Little Black River, September 20. Near Rocheport September 23 (Detachment). Ironton September 26. Shutin Gap and Arcadia Valley September 26. Fort Davidson, Pilot Knob, September 26-27. Arcadia Valley September 27 (Detachment). Caledonia September 28 (Co. "C"). Leesburg October 1. Ponder's Mills October 3. Moreau Bottom, Jefferson City, October 7. Independence October 22 and 26. Pilot Knob October 26. Leesburg October 28. Duty at Weston, St. Joe, Liberty, Parksville, Pleasant Hill and Lone Jack, operating against guerrillas January to July, 1865. Mustered out July 13, 1865.
Regiment lost during service 4 Officers and 57 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 102 Enlisted men by disease. Total 164.
Organized February, 1862, by consolidation of Fremont Hussars and three Companies Hollan Horse. Attached to 3rd Brigade, Army of Southwest Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to March, 1862. Cavalry, 2nd Division, Army of Southwest Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to May, 1862. Cavalry 3rd Division, Army of Southwest Missouri, to July, 1862. District of Eastern Arkansas, Dept. of Missouri, to October, 1862. Cavalry Brigade, Army of Southeast Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, until April, 1863. District of Columbus, Ky., 6th Division, 16th Army Corps, Dept. of Tennessee, to December, 1863. Waring's Detached Brigade, Dist. of Columbus, to January, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, 16th Army Corps, to June, 1864. 1st Brigade, Cavalry Division, Sturgis' Expedition, June, 1864. 1st Brigade, 2nd Cavalry Division, Dist. of West Tennessee, to December, 1864. 1st Brigade, Cavalry Division, District of West Tennessee, to June, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division Cavalry Corps, Military Division West Mississippi, and Dept. of Texas to November, 1865.
SERVICE.--Curtis' Campaign in Missouri and Arkansas January to April, 1862. Occupation of Springfield, Mo., February 14. Pierson's and Crane's Creeks February 14. Flat Creek February 15. Cross Timbers February 16. Sugar Creek, Ark., February 17. Bentonville February 19. Occupation of Fayetteville February 23. Scout through LaClede, Wright and Douglass Counties, Mo., March 1-11 (Co. "F"). Battles of Pea Ridge, Ark., March 6-8; Fox Creek March 7 (Cos. "E" and "F"); Mountain Grove March 9 (Cos. "E" and "F"). March to Keitsville, thence to Forsyth March 19-April 10. Forsyth April 11. March to White Plains and Batesville April 15-May 3. Batesville May 3. Little Red River May 17 (Detachment). Scout to Grand Glaze May 14. Searcy Landing, Little Red River, May 19. Expedition from Searcy Landing to West Point, Searcy and Des Arc May 27. Searcy May 27. Expedition to Grand Glaze May 31 (Detachment). Scouts from Batesville June 16-17, March to Helena July 5-14. Round Hill July 7. Occupation of Helena until October. Expedition from Clarendon to Lawrenceville and St. Charles September 11-13. Battle of Iuka, Miss., September 19 (Co. "C"). Expedition to LaGrange September 26 (Detachment). Moved with Davidson to Southeast Missouri and operations against Marmaduke October, 1862, to May, 1863. (Battle of Corinth, Miss,, October 3-4, 1862 (Co. "C"). Grant's Central Mississippi Campaign October 31, 1862, to January 10, 1863 (Co. "C").) Batesville, Ark., February 4, 1863. Moved to Columbus, Ky., May, 1863, and duty there until January, 1864. (Raymond, Miss., May 12, 1863 (Co. "F"); Jackson, Miss., May 14 (Co. "F"); Champion's Hill, Miss., May 16 (Co. "F").) Siege of Vicksburg, Miss., May 18-July 4, 1863 (Co. "F"). Near Lexington, Tenn., June 29, 1863 (Detachment). Union City, Tenn., July 10 (Cos. "C" and "E"). Occupation of Hickman, Ky., July 15-16. Expedition from Clifton in pursuit of Biffle's, Forest's and Newsome's Cavalry July 22-27. Expedition from Columbus to Hickman, Ky., August 1 (1 Co.). Scout from Fort Pillow, Tenn., August 3 (Detachment). Expedition from Union City to Conyersville September 1-10. Conyersville September 5. Como September 19. Expedition from Paducah, Ky., to McLemoresville, Tenn., September 20-30. Pillowville November 5. Attack on Bloomfield, Mo., November 29-30. Expedition from Union City to Trenton January 22-24, 1864. Smith's Expedition from Colliersville, Tenn., to Okolona, Miss., February 11-26, Prairie Station February 20. Okolona February 21. Ivy's Hill, near Okolona, February 22. Operations against Forest in West Tennessee March 16-April 14. Sturgis' Expedition from Memphis, Tenn., to Ripley, Miss., April 30-May 9. Near Mt. Pleasant May 22 (Detachment). Holly Springs, Miss,, May 24. Sturgis' Expedition to Guntown, Miss., June 1-13, Brice's or Tishamingo Creek, near Guntown, June 10. Ripley and Salem June 11. Expedition to Grand Gulf, Miss., July 4-24. Grand Gulf July 16. Smith's Expedition from Lagrange, Tenn., to Oxford, Miss., August 1-30. Operations against Price in Missouri September-October. Little Blue, Mo., October 21. Big Blue and State Line October 22. Westport October 23. Engagement at the Marmiton or battle of Charlot October 25. Mine Creek, Osage River, Marias Des Cygnes, October 25. Grierson's Expedition to destroy Mobile & Ohio Railroad December 21, 1864, to January 15, 1865. Verona December 25. Egypt Station December 28. At Memphis and along Memphis & Charleston Railroad until June, 1865. Moved to Alexandria, thence to Shreveport, La. Moved to Texas July 10-August 2. Garrison duty at San Antonio and scouting along the Rio Grande, Texas, until November, 1865. Mustered out November 13, 1865.
Regiment lost during service 4 Officers and 56 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 6 Officers and 177 Enlisted men by disease. Total 243.
4th Regiment State Militia Cavalry
Organized at St. Joseph, Mo., January 28 to May 14, 1862. Ordered to Kansas City, Mo., May, 1862, and duty there fitting out until August. Skirmish on Little Blue June 2. Ordered to Southwest Missouri August, 1862, and reported to General Egbert B. Brown. Attached to District of Southwest Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to December, 1862. District of Central Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to July, 1863. District of the Border, Dept. of Missouri, to January, 1864. District of Central Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to July, 1865.
SERVICE.--Pursuit of Coffee August 8-September 1, 1862. Between Stockton and Humansville and near Stockton August 12. Duty at Mt. Vernon until September 30. Joined Totten's Division, Army of the Frontier. Oxford Bend, near Fayetteville, Ark., October 27-28. Expedition from Greenfield into Jasper and Barton Counties November 24-26. Operations against Marmaduke in Missouri December 31, 1862-January 25, 1863. Defense of Springfield, Mo., January 8, 1863. Duty in Central Missouri and guarding Missouri Pacific Railroad, with Headquarters at LaMine Bridge, Jefferson City, Tipton, Sedalia and Warrensburg, Mo.. until October, 1864. Operations about Princeton May 4, 1863. Waverly June 1 (Cos, "B" and "C"). Sibley June 23 (4 Cos.). Marshall July 28. Saline Country July 30. Operations against Quantrell August 20-28. Operations against Shelby September 22-October 26. Tipton and Syracuse October 10 (Cos. "A," "B," "E" and "F"). Booneville October 11-12, Merrill's Landing and Dug Ford, near Jonesborough, October 12. Marshall, Arrow Rock, Blackwater, October 13. Operations about Warrensburg February 22-24, 1864. Scout from Sedalia to Blackwater June 3-5 (Co. "E"). Near Sedalia and Marshall Road June 26 (Co. "E"). Huntsville July 16. Scout from Independence to Lafayette County August 7-8 (Detachment). Operations in Lafayette and Saline Counties August 13-22 (Detachment). Near Rocheport August 28 (Detachment). Howard County August 28 (Co. "E"). Moved to Defense of Jefferson City October 1. Campaign against Price October --. Moreau Bottoms October 7. California October 9. Booneville October 9-12. Little Blue October 21. independence, Big Blue and State Line October 22. Westport October 23. Engagement at the Marmiton or battle of Charlot October 25. Mine Creek, Little Osage River, Marias Des Cygnes, October 25. At Sedalia, Mo., November, 1864, to April, 1865. Scout in Calloway County November 6-7, 1864 (Detachment). Moved to St. Louis April, 1865, and most of Regiment mustered out April 18, 1865. Balance mustered out July 8, 1865.
Regiment lost during service 2 Officers and 34 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 86 Enlisted men by disease. Total 124.
Organized by consolidation of Benton Hussars and 3 Companies of Hollan Horse February 14, 1862. Served unattached, 2nd Division, Army of Southwest Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to October, 1862. Army of South- east Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to November, 1862. SERVICE.--Curtis' Campaign in Missouri and Arkansas against Price February-March, 1862. Battles of Pea Ridge, Ark., March 6-8. Duty in District of South- west Missouri until October. Expedition to Blue Mountains June 19. Near Knight's Cove June 19. Expedition from Clarendon to Lawrenceville and St. Charles September 11-13. Ordered to Pilot Knob October. Consolidated with 4th Missouri Cavalry November 15, 1862.
Regiment lost during service 1 Officer and 4 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 36 Enlisted men by disease. Total 42.
5th Regiment State Militia Cavalry (Old)
Organized at St. Joseph, Mo., March and April, 1862. Attached to District of Central Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to February, 1863.
SERVICE.--Duty in Central District of Missouri until February, 1863. Operations in Carroll, Ray and Livingston Counties July 27-August 4, 1862. Grand River August 1. Near Barry Section August 14. Iron County September 11. Liberty and Sibley's Landing October 6 (Cos. "A," "B," "D" and "K"). California House October 18. Independence February 3, 1863. (See 5th Regiment State Militia Cavalry (New) for further service.)
Lost 21 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 47 Enlisted men by disease. Total 69.
5th Regiment State Militia Cavalry (New)
Organized February 2, 1863, from 13th Regiment, State Militia Cavalry. Attached to District of Rolla, Dept. of Missouri, to June, 1863. District of the Border, Dept. of Missouri, to October, 1863. District of Rolla, Dept. of Missouri, to muster out.
SERVICE.--Independence, Mo., February 8, 1863 (Cos. "C," "D," "F"). Blue springs March 22. Independence March 23. Headquarters at Waynesville. Scouts from Waynesville June 20-23 (Co. "H"). Scout from Salem and skirmish July 3 (Co. "D"). Scout from Houston to Spring River Mills and Skirmish August 6-11 (Cos. "B," "C," F" and "G"). Jack's Ford August 14 (Detachment). Warrensville August 25 (Detachment). Texas County September 11-12 (Detachment). Near Houston September 12 (Detachment). Near Salem September 13 (Cos. "C," "M"). Near Man's Creek October 14 (Detachment). King's House, near Waynesville. October 26 (Co. H). Scout from Houston to Jack's Fork November 4-6 (Cos. "B," G," "I"). Scouts from Houston November 23-29 (Detachment), and December 9-19, Scouts from Salem December 26-29 (Cos. "C," "M"). Scout from Houston into Arkansas, with skirmishes February 5-17, 1864 (Detachment). Independence April 23. Scouts from Big Piney July 5-6. Scout in Shannon County July 18-21 (Detachment). Rolla August 1. Scouts in Moniteau and Morgan Counties September 11-18 (Detachment). Scout in Texas County September 14-21 (Detachment). Thomasville September 18. Waynesville September 30 (Co. "B"). Moreau Bottom, Jefferson City, October 7. Booneville October 9. Lexington October 19. Independence October 22. Big Blue and State Line October 22. Westport October 23. Engagement on the Marmiton, or battle of Chariot, October 25. Mine Creek, Little Osage River, Marias Des Cygnes, October 25. Near Centreville November 2 (Co. "K"). Operations near Waynesville December 1-3 (Detachment). Big Piney December 2 (Detachment). Scouting and escort duty in District of Rolla until July, 1865. McCartney's Mills January, 1865 (Detachment). Scout in Shannon County January 2-7 (Cos. "C," "D," "M"). Operations about Waynesville January 16-22. Scouts from Salem and Licking to Spring River, Ark., and skirmishes February 23-March 2. Scouts from Waynesville to Hutton Valley, Rolla and Lebanon March 5-12. Near Rolla March 24 (Co. "E"). Mustered out July 8, 1865.
Regiment lost during service 19 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 93 Enlisted men by disease. Total 114.
Source - "A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion" by Frederick H. Dyer (Part 3)