Union Regimental Histories




Osage County Battalion Home Guard Infantry

Organized May 27, 1861, by authority of Gen. Lye Guard Pacific Railroad and guard and picket Jefferson City during session of State Convention. Mustered out July 21, 1861.

Osage County Regiment and Hickory County Battalion Home Guard Infantry

Organized by authority of Gen. Fremont June and July, 1861. Duty in Camden, Miller, Hickory, Benton and Cole Counties, and at Jefferson City until December. Disbanded December, 1861.

Ozark County Regiment Home Guard Infantry

Organized June, 1861, by authority of Gen. Lyon. Duty in Ozark and adjacent counties, and scouting on State Road from Springfield, Mo., to Jacksonport, Ark., until October. Mustered out October, 1861.

Pacific Battalion (Ink's) Home Guard Infantry

Organized June, 1861, by authority of Gen. Lyon. Guard bridges Pacific Railroad in St. Louis and Franklin Counties. Mustered out September 17, 1861.

Pettis County Regiment Home Guard Infantry

Organized June, 1861, by authority of Gen. Lyon. Duty in Pettis and adjacent counties. Mustered out August, 1861.

Phelps County Company Home Guard Infantry (Maries Co. Independent Company)

Organized at Rolla June, 1861, by authority of Col. Wyman, and duty there until September. Mustered out September, 1861.

Phelps County Company Home Guard Infantry (Bennight's)

Organized at Rolla July, 1861, by authority of Co Wyman. Scouting in Phelps and Adjacent counties. Skirmish at Bennight's Mills September 1. Mustered out September 20, 1861.

Pike County Regiment Home Guard Infantry

Organized July, 1861, by authority of Gen. Lyon. Duty in Pike, Lincoln and Montgomery Counties. A Bowling Green, Ashley and Louisiana. Mustered out September, 1861.

Pilot Knob Company Home Guard Infantry

Organized June, 1861, by authority of Gen. Lyon. Guard bridges of the Iron Mountain Railroad until October. Mustered out October, 1861.

Polk County Regiment Home Guard Infantry

Organized in Polk County June, 1861, and duty in Polk County until December. Mustered out December, 1861.

Potosi County Regiment Home Guard Infantry

Organized July, 1861, by authority of Gen. Lyon. Guard bridges of the Iron Mountain Railroad. Action at Potosi August 10. Mustered out September, 1861.

Putnam County Home Guard Infantry (2 Companies)

Organized August, 1861. Duty in Putnam, Sullivan, Adair and Schuyler Counties. Mustered out October, 1861.

St. Charles County Battalion Home Guard Infantry (Krekel's)

Organized July, 1861, by authority of Gen. Lyon. Duty in St. Charles County. Mustered out August, 1861.

Scott County Battalion Home Guard Infantry

Organized May, 1861. Duty in Scott and adjacent counties. Mustered out August, 1861.

Sibley Point Home Guard Company (Adair County)

Organized by authority of Gen. Lyon, June, 1861. Duty in Adair Schuyler and adjacent counties. Disbanded September, 1861.

Stonas Independent Company Ozark County Home Guard Infantry

Organized by authority of Gen. Sweeny July, 1861. Scouting on road from Springfield, Mo., to Jacksonport, Ark. Mustered out at Rolla, Mo., October, 1861.

Stone Prairie (Barry County) Company Home Guard Infantry

Organized June, 1861, in Barry County by authority of Col. Phelps. Approved by Gen. Sigel August, 1861. Duty in Barry County until August. Mustered out August, 1861.

Stone County Regiment Home Guard Infantry

Organized May, 1861. Accepted by Gen. Lyon June 5, 1861. Duty in Stone and Barry Counties. Mustered out July 19, 1861.

Shawneetown (Putnam County) Home Guard Company Infantry

Organized July, 1861. Scouting in Schuyler County, and duty at Kirksville. Mustered out September, 1861.

Sullivan County Home Guard Infantry (2 Companies)

Organized June, 1861, by authority of Gen. Lyon. Duty in Sullivan, Adair and Macon Counties. Mustered out September, 1861.

Shelby County Company Home Guard Infantry

Organized July 23, 1861, by authority of Gen. Hurlbut. Duty at Hannibal, Mo., and on Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad. Mustered out September, 1861.

Webster County Regiment Home Guard Infantry

Organized July, 1861. Duty at Springfield, Mo. Mustered out August 18, 1861.


Andrew County Militia

Audrian County Militia

Bates County Militia

Bogard Citizens Guard

Bollinger County Militia

Boone County Militia

Bridges' North Missouri Railroad Militia

Duty in North Missouri.

Buchanon County Enrolled Militia

Called into service in Buchanan County May-June, 1864.

Buchanon County Union Guard

Organized August, 1864, for duty in Buchanan County.

Calhoun Citizens Corps

Duty at Calhoun, Mo.

Calloway County Militia

Calloway County Enrolled Militia

Called into service in Calloway County June 18, 1864.

Camden County Militia

Cape Girardeau County Militia

Carroll County Militia

Duty in Carroll County. Scout and skirmishes in Carroll and Ray Counties, May 26-27, 1865.

Chariton County Militia

Duty in Chariton County.

Clay County Militia

At Liberty April, 1864.

Clay County Enrolled Militia

Clinton County Enrolled Militia

Called into service May 30, 1864. At Plattsburg, Mo.

Cooper and Moniteau County Militia

Cooper County Militia

Dallas County Militia

De Kalb County Militia

Called into service April 19, 1864.

Howard County Militia

Jackson County Militia

Jasper County Militia

Johnson County Militia

Lafayette County Militia

Lawrence County Militia

Linn County Militia

Called into service June,1864. Descent on LaClede June 18-19.

Livingston County Militia

Maries County Militia

Mississippi County Enrolled Militia

Mississippi County Militia

Morgan County Militia

Newman's Provisional Enrolled Militia

Duty on the Pacific Railroad.

Osage and Maries Counties Militia

Osage County Militia

Pacific Railroad Militia

Perry County Militia

Pettis County Militia

Pike County Enrolled Militia

Called into service June 17, 1864.

Ray County Militia

Rolla Battalion Citizens Guard

Duty in District of Rolla.

St. Clair County Militia

Saline County Militia

Scott County Enrolled Militia

Called into service June, 1864. Duty at Commerce and St. Louis.

Southwest Branch Pacific Railroad Militia

Stone County Militia

Tanney County Militia

Warren County Militia

Washington County Militia

Wright County Militia


Source - "A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion" by Frederick H. Dyer (Part 3)

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