Submission Instructions

    There is a wealth of information regarding the American Civil War available on the Internet and other published sources. But, there is still more resting in attics and cardboard boxes in houses around the country. This is where you can help current and future generations learn about and understand the War of the Rebellion and its affect on this country.

    As for the type of material I would like to archive, this would include any previously unpublished material such as diaries, letters, rosters, etc… Generally, anything related to the causes of the War and the War itself. I am especially interested in the soldiers view of battle and camp life.

    The material submitted by you, once archived, will include a reference to you as the source and a link to your e-mail (these can be omitted if you desire). Please include a way of contacting you with your submission.

    The information you submit will not be knowingly published without your permission. Any requests for publication rights will be forwarded to you directly. However, I cannot be responsible for people copying the information from this site.

    Thank you for your interest in submitting materials to this site. Please send me an e-mail below with a description of the materials and I will send you the address.


[email protected]